Disney Imagine That Challenge 2020

Organisation : Disney Broadcasting India Limited
Contest Name : Imagine That Challenge 2020 (#ImagineThatChallenge)
Applicable For : Residents of India
Last Date : September 6, 2020
Website : https://www.disney.in/contest-terms-and-conditions

Disney Imagine That Challenge

‘#ImagineThatChallenge’ is conducted by Disney Broadcasting India Limited for promotion of its show “Disney Imagine That”.

Related / Similar Contest : Disney Imagine That AR Filter Contest 2021


Entry to the Activity is open to adult 18 years and above Indian citizens that are residents of India and have a valid account on ‘Instagram’ ‘OR ‘Twitter’

How To Participate?

The Participants must follow any of the official Social Media pages of the Company, viz. instagram.com for Instagram OR https://twitter.com/DisneyIndia for Twitter

Participation Mechanism:
a. Participants may enter the Activity by reviewing the Activity Post communicated by the Company through 1 (one) distinct static post on DBIL’s Social Media Pages during the Activity Period.

b. The Activity Post will request the Participants to:
i. Screenshot/download the image/creative provided by the Company in the static post.
ii. Doodle/draw around such image/creative and originally create their own artwork using any default/drawing/coloring tools available on their mobile phone/computers/ hand-held devices;
iii. Save their creation on their communication/hand held devices; and
iv. Upload the same during the Activity Period on any of their own Social Media pages using the hashtag #ImagineThatChallenge (“Hashtag”) and tagging the Company using @disneyindia (“Tag”) to their submission.

Guidelines For Uploading

The Participant(s) should only upload entries/content (“Content”) which satisfies the following criterion:
a. Relevant to the Activity as specified above and within the Activity Period.

b. Upload the Content on their own Social Media pages (Twitter and/or Instagram) or from their own handle by using the hashtag #ImagineThatChallenge (“Hashtag”) and tagging @disneyindia (“Tag”) and the said accounts should not belong to any third party;

c. Should be original, authored/owned by the Participant(s) alone in his/her individual capacity and does not infringe and/or violate any intellectual property of third party and/or privacy/personality rights;

d. Has not prior to the submission of the Content, pitched or shared or presented to any third party including but not limited to any persons, broadcasters, production houses, media companies;

e. Should be in good taste and not be unlawful, misleading, discriminatory, fraudulent, profane, obscene, vulgar, libelous, blasphemous, derogatory, defamatory, insulting, annoying, hurting religious sentiments, national sentiments, immoral, abusive, offensive, insensitive to any person/ occupation/religious sections/gender/age group/sections of the society, in violation of any applicable laws and/or in any manner infringes the intellectual property rights including copyright rights of third party(ies) and /or their privacy rights;

Activity Period

Participation in the Activity shall be open and valid only on August 28, 2020 from 11 AM till September 6, 2020 at 11:59 PM.


For any queries on the terms of this Activity, please reach out to us at datg-disneychannel@disney.com

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 5:41 PM

Categories: Television/TV
Tags: disney.in

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