Cryptic Singh IXL 2020 Indian Crossword League :

Organisation : Cryptic Singh
Contest Name : IXL 2020 Indian Crossword League
Applicable To : All
Grand Finale : 27th Dec, 2020 (Bangalore)
Website :

Cryptic Singh IXL Game

We are happy to announce that Weekly Round 1 of IXL 2020 will start on Sunday, August 23, 2020 at 11:00 AM IST (Indian Standard Time).

Related / Similar Contest : Indiannica IQL 2020

The participants are required to log in to the IXL 2020 game page


The Indian Crossword league 2020 is open to all, from across the world.

How To Play?

** Like any crossword puzzle, type the letters in the appropriate grid.
** The players may also pause their game, if they so wish to, by clicking on the “SAVE” button and can re-start it according to their own convenience.
** Once the Players have finished with their solutions, they can submit their solutions by clicking on the “SUBMIT” button.
** Remember, once the Players click on the “SUBMIT” button, their solutions would be registered as their final submission and the same cannot be retrieved or changed.

How To Register?

To participate in IXL 2020, you must first register yourself for the championship at . Once the registration is finished, your IXL 2020 username and password will be sent to you via email/sms. Use the log in credentials sent to you for all the online weekly rounds.

Game Details

** IXL 2020 will comprise 10 online weekly rounds followed by the offline Grand Finale in Bengaluru in December 2020.
** The weekly rounds will be held every Sunday for 10 consecutive weeks starting from August 23, 2020. (The dates of one or more weekly rounds may change in inescapable circumstances)
** The weekly rounds will include solving one Crossword puzzle through cryptic clues which will be posted every Sunday at 11:00 AM IST on under “IXL 2020 – Weekly Round”.
** You will be required to submit the complete solution by 11:59 pm the following Friday.
** The Player with the fastest and all correct solutions will be awarded 100 points. The scores will move in a descending order based on the time taken and correctness of the solutions.
** A Leaderboard of the top 100 scoring participants will be created every week. 2 leaderboards shall be posted every week on; the first would be the weekly Leaderboard – based on the scores of individual rounds; and the second would be the Overall leaderboard – based on the cumulative scores of all the weekly rounds as they proceed.
** A cumulative addition of the total scores of all the Players for the weekly online rounds will be calculated for the Final Leaderboard after the 10 weekly rounds.
** Only the top 30 Indians from the Final Leaderboard will qualify for this he Grand Finale, ordinarily. Organisers may also permit wild card entries for the Grand Finale.
** Winner of any weekly round becomes eligible to participate in the Grand Finale.
** Participants who hold one of the top 5 positions in at least 5 weekly rounds will also be eligible to participate in the Grand Finale.
** The Grand Finale is scheduled to be held in December 2020 at Bengaluru subject to the effects of the prevailing Corona Virus Pandemic.

IXL Terms

** In order to register, users would need to fill a valid mobile number for transparency and authenticity. Personal details must be entered correctly. PSEUDONYMS are strictly prohibited.
** IXL is not open to employees/members of EXTRA-C* or any organisation concerned with the creation and management of the IXL website.
** Only one person is allowed to register with one mobile/cell phone number.
** No responsibility can be accepted for entries that are not received by us for any reason whatsoever.
** The time of submission of the solutions by the users will be recorded by our website database and the winners will be chosen based on that time only.
** The closing date is as specified in each competition, and IXL organisers reserve the right to amend the competition end date at any time.
** If you win a round, we will notify you. The arbiter’s decision will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
** You can find out who is leading the league, by checking out the “Leader board”.
** By entering the competition the winner agrees to participate in such promotional activity and material as IXL may require.

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