Vijay TV My Bigg Boss Eye Contest 2020 :

Organisation : Asianet Star Communications Pvt Ltd
Contest Name : Vijay TV My Bigg Boss Eye Contest 2020
Last Date : September 30,2020
Website :

Vijay TV MyBiggBossEye Contest

MyBiggBossEye” is hosted by Asianet Star Communications Pvt Ltd. on the Vijay TV Twitter profile, Vijay TV Instagram profile & Vijay TV Facebook page.

Participant Eligibility

(a) The Contest is open only to persons who are the citizens and residents of India and shall be of 18 years of age and above. The Participant must have a valid and existing Facebook profile and /or Instagram profile / account and /or Twitter account during the Contest Period.

(b) Permanent and/or contract employees and directors of ASCPL its parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies, advertising and promotion agencies (collectively “STAR Entities”) and each of their immediate family members are not eligible to enter the Contest.

Contest Procedure

a. The Contest shall start on September 2,2020 at 6 PM IST and end on September 30,2020 at 11.59 PM IST (“Contest Period/Period ”).

b. To participate in the Contest, all persons interested in participating and /or Participants shall be mandatorily required to do the following during the Period:
** log into either or all three of the Platforms using his/her Twitter/Instagram / Facebook account/credentials and click on the relevant page/tab of the Contest on the respective Platforms or in any other manner or form as may be prescribed /requested on the Platform.
** Follow the Vijay TV Twitter Handle and/or VIJAY TV Instagram Handle and /or VIJAY TV Facebook Page on the respective Platforms.
** Allow full access to the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram handles of the Channel to the respective Participant’s profile.
** The Participants shall then upload their Videos(as defined below) through their respective

Video Upload Functionality :
i. The Participant(s) shall record a video in format and as per the timelines as prescribed by the respective Platform featuring an artistic work in any form including but not limited to a drawing , painting , carving , sculpture, wood work etc which has been conceptualised , developed ,created and finished by him /her independently based on his /her creative interpretation of the “Big Boss Eye” forming part of the logo of the Program (“Video”).

For avoidance of doubt it is clarified that for the purpose of participating in this Contest , the aforementioned artistic work has to be original , unique and based on the Participants creative interpretation of the Big Boss Eye and cannot be a “AS IS” replication of the existing Bigg Boss Eye. Any Video featuring an AS IS replication of the Bigg Boss Eye, will be disqualified automatically from participating further in the Contest.

ii. It may be clarified that Videos uploaded in any other format other than that prescribed or having an unclear audio or video will be deemed invalid and will be disqualified.

iii. The Videos shall be uploaded on the respective Platforms in the following manner and shall at all times be in accordance with the Terms of Use/User Conditions of the respective Platforms:

** Twitter – The Participant shall upload the Video on Twitter through his / her handle / account using the hashtag #MyBiggBossEye by tagging @vijaytelevision;
** Instagram – The Participant shall upload the Video on Instagram through his / her handle / account using the hashtag # MyBiggBossEye by tagging @vijaytelevision;
** Facebook – The Participant shall upload the Video on Facebook through his / her handle / account using the hashtag # MyBiggBossEye by tagging @vijaytelevision;

iv. The Video shall be uploaded by the Participant afresh on the respective Platforms and not through any third party links or applications


At the end of the Period on the basis of the Participant(s) having made a valid Entry, all the Video(s) uploaded on the Platforms and fulfilling the criteria set out herein shall be collectively viewed and rated by a panel comprising of the representatives of ASCPL as determined by ASCPL in its sole discretion.

This panel shall rate the Video(s) on the basis of the originality , uniqueness, creativity and /or any such other criteria as may be solely determined by ASCPL/Channel at its sole discretion and accordingly shortlist Participants.

Out of these shortlisted Participants, ASCPL shall, based on the criterion mentioned hereinabove at its sole discretion, shortlist the top five (5) Videos uploaded (“Top 5”). The Participants by whom Top 5 Videos are uploaded shall be collectively referred as the “Winners”.

The Winners shall be announced by ASCPL on or before 30th September, who will be entitled to have their Videos along with their artwork forming part of the Videos and their Platform profile picture published and /or Exploited by ASCPL across all its channels / platforms / social media in any manner as deemed fit by it at its discretion

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:18 PM

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