Zhuti Xiaomi Me By Design Theme Contest 2015

Organization : Xiaomi Technology India Private Limited
Competition Name : Me By Design Xiaomi Theme Contest 2015
Applicable For : Residents of India
Website : http://zhuti.xiaomi.com/
T&C : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/4446-terms.pdf

Related : Mauke Pe Chauka Festive Contest 2015 : www.contest.net.in/2249.html

Me By Design Theme Contest :

This theme contest titled “ME BY DESIGN” (hereinafter referred to as “Contest”), is presented to you on this website (the “Website”) by Xiaomi Technology India Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Xiaomi”) for the period from 00:00 IST on December, 01, 2015.

Competition Last Date : May, 28, 2016

Xiaomi hereby invites its users (hereinafter referred to as “Users” or “You/ Your or Designer”) be part of this magnificent creative endeavor and participate in this Contest by submitting their original work of designs of themes in accordance with provision of this Guidelines (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Submissions”) to Xiaomi, through the Website. However, employees and family members of Xiaomi and its affiliate / associate / subsidiary companies and their suppliers, advertising agencies shall not be considered eligible to participate in this Contest.

In addition to the Xiaomi Privacy Policy and other policies, all Submissions will be subject to these Content guidelines (hereinafter referred to as “Guidelines”) herein created specifically for this Contest. However, in the event of any conflict between the Guidelines and any other policy document of the Website, these Guidelines will prevail. These Guidelines may be subject to change, at the sole discretion of Xiaomi. It is Your responsibility to review the Guidelines from time to time.

1. Designer Account :
Participants needs to have a designer account in the Website to participate in the contest.

Here are the steps to get a designer account if you do not have one already:
i. Create a Mi Account here account.mi.com
ii. Set up designer account
a. Go to Designer website – MIUI Theme designer designer.mi.com/Sign in with your Mi Account
b. Choose “Individual designer”.
c. Fill in the form and upload a clear photo of yourself.
d. If you’ve completed all the previous steps correctly, your application will be approved within 3 working days and You will be considered a Designer.

2. Theme Design and Submissions :
2.1 This contest is valid only for the territory of the Republic of India and only for participants aged 18 years and above and resident of India.
2.2 There is no limit on the number of Submissions that a Designer may upload. Accordingly, You may upload multiple Submissions for the Contest on MIUI theme store (“Theme Store”) in the Website.
2.3 Use Online Theme Editor https://web.archive.org/web/20160114145848/http://theme.mi.com:80/editor/ to create and upload the theme
2.3.1 Open Online Theme Editor page
2.3.2 According to the Online Theme Editor guide, you need to select default lock screen style.
2.3.3 Design and upload theme’s wallpaper, icons and other theme elements.
2.3.4 If you have completed the steps mentioned above, you can click “Submit”.
2.3.5 After we approve it, your theme will be available for download in the Theme Store.

3. Rights in the Submissions :
3.1 On uploading of the Submissions, Xiaomi will have the right to use, redesign, produce, exhibit, publish, advertise the Submissions without any limitation as Xiaomi may in its own discretion deem appropriate. Xiaomi shall be at liberty to use the Submissions received for the Contest for any purpose including for itsmedia coverage, advertisement or publicity in any form which is existing today or in future, without any further consideration to the participants including, promotion of any products manufactured, distributed and/or supplied by it.

Xiaomi reserves the rights to further modify, amend, adapt or otherwise make changes to the Submissions. Upon Xiaomi’s request, you may also be required to unconditionally and without any additional compensation, execute such undertaking, forms and documents as may be required for assigning all rights (including moral rights) in the Submissions to Xiaomi. The Designer shall be solely liable for any legal dispute concerning commercial use arises from the Submission.

3.2 The Submissions, including any written messages submitted by any participant under this Contest, or otherwise, shall be treated as his / her own independent personal views. Xiaomi shall not be liable to any one in any manner whatsoever, for the Submissions and views of the Designers or Users of the Website.

Prize :

Definition of Orders:
Number of times a theme is uniquely downloaded i,e number of unique Mi accounts used for downloading this theme. We count the orders for each theme submitted during the Contest Period, the orders of these themes will be updated every 48 hours on the Contest website.

1 Three winners will be selected every 15 days based on the number of orders. The prizes will be [•] (15 days cycle prize). First cycle ends on 15 Dec 2015 (00:00 IST, 1 Dec – 23:59 IST, 15 Dec), second cycle starts on 16 Dec 2015 (00:00 IST, 16 Dec) and continue likewise. Orders of each theme will be counted in each cycle and the themes having top 3 orders in a 15-day cycle will be declared as winners, provided if the theme has not won a prize before in a 15-day cycle. However, a Designer will still be eligible to win prizes for other themes, which he submitted that has not won any prize in earlier 15-day cycles.

2 Three winners will be selected every 30 days based on the number of orders. The prizes will be [•] (30 days cycle prize). First 30-day cycle ends on 30 Dec 2015 (00:00 IST, 1 Dec – 23:59 IST, 30 Dec), second cycle starts on 31 Dec 2015 (00:00 IST, 31 Dec) and continue likewise. Orders of each theme will be counted in each cycle and the themes having top 3 orders in a 30-day cycle will be declared as winners, provided if the theme has not won a prize before in a 30-day cycle. However, a Designer will still be eligible to win prizes for other themes, which he submitted that has not won any prize in earlier 30-day cycles.

3 One winner will be selected every 90 days based on the number of orders. The prizes will be [•] (90 days cycle prize). First cycle ends on 28 Feb 2016 (00:00 IST, 1 Dec – 23:59 IST, 28 Feb 2016), second cycle starts on 29 Feb 2016 (00:00 IST, 29 Feb) and continue likewise. Orders of each theme will be counted in each cycle and the theme having the most orders in a 90-day cycle will be declared as winner, provided if the theme has not won a prize before in a 90-day cycle. However, a Designer will still be eligible to win prizes for other themes, which he submitted that has not won any prize in earlier 90-day cycles.

4 We select 3 winners at the end of 180 days based on the number of orders. The prizes will be [•] (180 days cycle prize).The Contest ends on 23:59 IST, 28 May 2016. The total orders for each theme will be counted from the date the theme is uploaded on the market until 23:59 IST, 28 May 2016. Based on the number of orders in this span (Theme upload date to 23:59 IST, 28 May 2016) the top 3 winners will be announced.

Contact :
If you have any questions regarding the Contest, contact Xiaomi themeindia@xiaomi.com

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 3:48 PM

Categories: Design/Logo

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