Camlin Foundation Annual Art & Design Contest 2020 :

Organisation : Camlin Art Foundation
Contest Name : Annual Art & Design Contest 2020
Applicable For : 18 years and above
Last Date : 31st January, 2021
Website :

CAF Art & Design Contest

Launched in 1998, Camlin Art Foundation is one of the World’s Largest Art Contests!


Participants must be 18 years and above to enter this contest & choose ANY ONE category – STUDENT or PROFESSIONAL.


There are four Sub Categories – Portraits / Full Figure, Landscape / Cityscape, Still Life & Creative Painting / Composition. In the Student category, there is one more subcategory of Communication Design (Poster Design).

How To Register?

** The registration will be Online
** Entry is FREE and you may send ONLY entry in any / all sub categories.
** Entries in the fine art categories should not be smaller than 8″ X 10″ (20 cm X 25 cm) however there is no maximum limit for them. In the case of Communication Design category the desired size is A-3 (29.7 cm X 42 cm)
** Each entry should be on a separate online entry form. The submission must have a high resolution digital image of the entry ( jpeg format, minimum 300dpi and not exceeding 3 MB ). The digital image file name will be the title of the painting.
** The painting should not be retouched and NO OTHER DETAILS should appear on it.
** Students must submit a scanned copy of the valid Identity Card by their college or a letter from the artist/institute from whom they are learning.
** All entries sent for the contest must be bona fide works of the artists and executed after January 2020.

Register Here :

Contest Rules

** Entries will be first judged at the Zonal level (5 Zones) and winners would be entitled to the National selection.
** Our team members would verify the paintings before the Zonal winners are finalized. All the participants approached for verification must facilitate the verification.
** The Zonal winning entries in Communication Design subcategory would be collected in original for final judging.
** The organisers would hold the right to reject any Zonal award-winning entry if it is found to be violating any rules or condition of the activity during the verification, and replace it with the shortlisted entry.
** National Winners will be declared after evaluation of the portfolios of the Zonal winners.
** The entries selected in the final judging will be exhibited ONLINE and offered for sale unless otherwise mentioned by the artist in the entry form.
** Any person who is directly or indirectly appointed by Kokuyo Camlin Limited or its associate companies, or their family member are not allowed to participate in CAF Annual Art tic Design Contest 2020.


Terms & Conditions

** The entrant/participant hereby agrees that Camel Art Foundation shall have the right to use/reproduce/sell any of the participated works in any of their publications/products/activities.
** The respective artist will be mentioned and no remuneration in either cash or kind will be given.
** The entrants/participants understand that their work shall be in the public domain and the entrants/participants shall at no point of time hold Camel Art Foundation responsible for any third party infringement of their copyright.
** Camel Art Foundation reserves the right to disqualify/reject any work if the jury considers it unworthy due to reasons including but not limited to the number, quality, finesse, etc.
** The winner would be declared through fair competition and selection, for participation is done only if the candidates abide by the rules and terms & conditions mentioned on our website and respective brochure.
** Camel Art Foundation shall put up the paintings for an online exhibition on its Website.
** If the paintings get selected for a physical/online exhibition in any of the Art Gallery with which Camel Art Foundation is associated, then the artist will abide by the rules and regulations of the said facility.
** The role of Camel Art Foundation is to the extent of bridging the artist with the art gallery and Camel Art Foundation will have no role to play in the physical/online exhibition of the Paintings and the transaction between the artist and the said art gallery.
** The artist should be aware that the said art galleries have their own set of rules and regulations, terms and conditions.
** Camel Art Foundation is a philanthropic endeavour of Kokuyo Camlin Limited which has been set up to promote the language of Art and also to encourage young as well as professional artists.
** Camel Art Foundation shall not be responsible for any claims and /or damages from any artists/entrants/participants.
** In case of dispute and legal action is initiated, the case should be filed in Mumbai jurisdiction.
** The organizers reserves the right to make any modification / alteration in the activity format / prizes in case of any compusive external / internal situation.

Last Date

The last date of entry is 31st January, 2021.

Camel Art Foundation shall not be responsible for any third party infringement of Intellectual Property of any of the entrants/participants. Camel Art Foundation shall take no responsibility and assume no liability in case any candidate is not selected and / or not awarded the prize, and mere participation will not entitle anyone to win prizes.

The selection of entries and awards will solely be at the discretion of the jury appointed by Camel Art Foundation. The de-cision of the jury will be final and no communication will be entertained in this regard.

This post was last modified on August 19, 2024 5:06 PM

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