India Photography Awards December 2015 Nature & Travel Contest

Competition Name : India Photography Awards December 2015 Nature & Travel Contest
Applicable For : Indian Professional, Non-Professional, & Student Photographers
Competition Last Date : 31/12/2015

Website :
Nature Contest :
Travel Contest :

India Photography Awards December 2015 Nature & Travel Contest :

At India Photography Awards, we conduct monthly and annual competitions for Indian professional, non-professional, and student photographers on a global scale. Inspired by an explosion of interest in photography in India and the talent that is slowly becoming visible, we have launched this global platform dedicated to showcase contemporary and imaginative images with intent of promoting photography in the country.

This page tells you about the competition, how to enter, how to prepare your images for the competition, and the types of entries you can submit. The competition and the results are run on this website. To enter, please make an account on the website and you will then be able to upload your images.

The unique selling point of this competition is that competitions are always live (24 hours/365 days), magnifying thus your chances of winning exponentially. We run a competition every month and the winner from each month, within each category (a total of 2 from the two categories at present) will qualify for the annual competition. Images submitted up to the end of every month will be considered for that months contest.

Categories :

The contest has two categories; there will be three winners announced in the monthly contest and five winners announced in the annual contest across each category.
** Nature – the sub-categories include wildlife, landscape and macro. In nature photography, we are seeking images taken outdoors and devoted to displaying natural elements. From intimate animal portraits to sublime landscapes, innovative techniques to capturing ‘soul satisfying’ moments… go on give wings to your imagination and show us nature as you see it.
** Travel – the sub-categories include people (not portraits), culture, customs, buildings and monuments. In this category we are seeking images involving the documentation of people, culture, customs and history of a location. We want to see a place as you see it.
** In addition to the above two categories, we will also run theme based competitions. Look out for them in future.

Prizes and Awards :

Monthly Competitions:
** In the monthly contests, the winners will be decided by the Jury members. The image with the highest Jury rating across both categories (Nature and Travel) will be declared as a winner (1st Position) of the monthly competition and will get a cash award of Rs.10,000/- in addition to the inPA certificates of merit. The 2nd and 3rd position holders will get inPA certificates of merit and/or Sponsored Gifts. The cash prize for a 1st position is sponsored by Future Forward (see the partners page for details). In case of a tie, the decision of the management will be binding.
** In addition, the top three winners thru people’s choice will be awarded inPA certificates.

Annual Competitions:
** In the annual competition, the decision of the winners will be made by the jury members. The winners of the annual competition within each category, in addition to inPA certificates and merchandise, will also get a big ticket prize (to be announced soon).

Theme-Based Competitions:
** Theme-based competitions are run from time to time and winners will get inPA certificates.

Results :

** Results for the monthly contest will be announced within 10 days after the closing date while the Annual Contest winners will be notified via email.
** Results of all the competitions will be posted on the result page of this website and winners will be notified via email.

Submission guidelines and how to enter :

** The competitions are run on this website. To submit your images, please register on the website and you will then be able to upload images.
** Photographs of animals in captivity, pets and domesticated animals are not eligible for entry. The management reserves the right to refuse/remove any picture it deems ineligible for any reason. Also images which are deemed to be of poor quality will be removed with a communication to the participant.
** The competition is open to Indian Nationals only. The image could have been taken anywhere in the world. Owners of the winning image will be asked to provide valid proof of Indian citizenship, prior to being announced as the winner. Failure to do so will result in the image being disqualified.
** There is an entry fee applicable, which varies basis number of images submitted. The higher image counts the cheaper is the per image submission fees.
** The competition is open to professional and amateur photographers. There is a separate submission payment plan for students.
** If one desires to enter the annual competition directly he/she may do so by choosing the appropriate submission plans.
** Upon completion of registration, the owner of the images will get an opportunity to upload and review up to 30 images on the website, prior to submitting images to the open competitions.
** The participant is required to select the relevant package from the listed competition.
** Upon selection, please select the images from the uploaded list.
** Please ensure the images to be submitted are listed in your user panel before you proceed to pay for the relevant submission pack
** Please select the appropriate submission pack and add the images before proceeding for payment as directed.
** Once the payment is confirmed, participant’s images will automatically get submitted for the respective competition. The payment confirmation will be displayed upon successful transfer.
** You can choose any pack depending on the numbers of images to be submitted. If in an event you have submitted the number of images chosen in the pack, you can opt for an additional pack as per your requirement. Participants are allowed to take multiple submission packs before the end of every month for image submission in the monthly contest.?

Submission Fees :

Monthly Contest:
** Single Image – Rs. 400/-
** 3 Images – Rs. 1,000/-
** 5 Images – Rs. 1,500/-

Annual Contest :(this is an option for a direct entry to the annual competition, in case you choose so)
** Single Image – Rs. 1400/-
** 5 Images – Rs. 3,500/-
** 10 Images – Rs. 4,200/-

For Student :
Discount offers please contact

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