Godrej Jersey Ghee Stories Contest 2020 : godrejjersey.com

Organisation : Godrej
Contest Name : Godrej Jersey Ghee Stories Contest 2020
Applicable For : All People
Hashtag : #JerseyGheeStories
Contest Last Date : 14.11.2020
Website : https://www.godrejjersey.com/media/jersey-ghee-stories

Godrej Jersey Ghee Stories Contest

Godrej Jersey launches the #JerseyGheeStories, which encourages people to cook with Jersey Ghee as their primary ingredient at home and help their loved ones in their kitchen.

This dish should be something they relate to in a nostalgic way. Hence, #JerseyGheeStories is for mothers who rush back to the flavours of their childhood every once in a while, and spend their time making exquisite dishes with Jersey Ghee.

About Contest

Cook, Describe & Conquer your win! Cook your favourite dish with Jersey Ghee along with your family and share it with us. In the description, they can illustrate how the dish is nostalgic and special to them.

Contest Period

The contest will commence on 4th November, 2020 and end on 14th November 2020. All entries till 11:59 pm of 14th November, 2020 will be considered eligible.

How to Participate?

The #JerseyGheeStories will be held on all social platforms.

All you need to do is follow these steps to enter the contest
Step 1 : Prepare or cook your favourite recipe with Jersey Ghee (Mandatory).

Step 2 : Capture the action in the form of a video or a photograph of your dish made with Jersey Ghee (Make sure the image or video is of good quality).

Step 3 : Upload it to any social media platform as a public post tagging @GodrejJersey and use the hashtag #JerseyGheeStories. (Entry as comments will not be considered valid)

Step 4 : Inbox us the recipe along with the link to the video or the photograph that you have uploaded.
Step 5 : Follow our social media on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Step 6 : Share this post and tag 5 of your friends to encourage them to take up the challenge and stand a chance to win.


** On successful completion of the tasks, you will be an eligible participant in the #JerseyGheeStories.

** Winners – 3 video and 5 photograph winners will be selected based on creativity. Post with a good engagement like getting a number of comments, likes, and views will increase your chances.

** Video winners will be rewarded with an Amazon gift voucher worth Rs 5000/- and Photo winners get an Amazon gift voucher worth Rs 1000/- each.

Please Note :
The winners will also get highlighted in our Jersey Community Recipe Blog. Once declared as the winner, they have to share their complete recipe details which we will publish with their name and photo (We expect you to share clear images of your hard work).

Terms & Conditions

** Top 8 Best concepts are chosen based on their creativity. Post with a good engagement like getting a number of comments, likes, and views will increase your chances. If contestants have the same points, then a lucky draw will be held to select the winner.

** Following Godrej Jersey social accounts are mandatory.
** Use of Godrej Jersey Ghee is Mandatory.
** All the winners will be contacted soon after the winner announcement.

** Selection of the winners will be the sole discretion of Godrej Jersey and the decision shall be final.
** The winner will be chosen based on the entry of either video or a photo category.

** Dates are subjected to change based on the progress of the contest.
** Any entry for the Program before at 00:00 hours and after at 24:00 hours shall not be entertained and summarily be rejected.

** Participants should be registered user of Facebook/ Instagram and follow the official Godrej Jersey social media handles where he/ she intends to submit their Picture or Video.

** Participants should mandatorily use the hashtag “#JerseyGheeStories” with his/her post.
** Participants who are minors (below 18 years of age) need to be accompanied by their guardian.

** Participant(s) who were recognized as a winner(s) in past contest campaigns shall not be eligible for any of the subsequent prizes during the Term of the entire Program.

** Only 1 entry per participant will be considered.
** Entries submitted through any other mode/platform other than the ones mentioned earlier, shall not be entertained and be summarily rejected.

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