MyGov Rashtriya Raksha University Logo Design Competition 2020

Organisation : Ministry of Home Affairs
Contest Name : Design a Logo for Rashtriya Raksha University 2020
Applicable For : Indian Citizens
Last Date : 30.11.2020
Website :

Rashtriya Raksha University Logo Design Competition

Design a Logo for RASHTRIYA RAKSHA UNIVERSITY Contest 2020.

Related / Similar Contest : PM FME Scheme Logo Design Contest 2020

Rashtriya Raksha University is looking for a unique identification logo that can aptly manifest its vision and mission to strengthen the national security and policing ecosystem of India.

The University aims to find the most suitable logo through the Rashtriya Raksha University Logo Design Competition on


The contest is open for Indian citizen only.

How to Participate?

All entries must be submitted through creative corner section of Entries submitted through any other medium / mode would not be considered for evaluation.

Step-1 : Go to the link given above.
Step-2 : Click on “Login to Participate”
Step-3 : Enter your Email ID (or) Mobile Number and
Step-4 : Enter your Password to Login.

Step-5 : After Login, you can submit your entries.

Note :
New User, Register First to Participate in the Competition.

Technical Criteria

1. Logo should be submitted in JPEG, PNG or PDF format only.
2. Logo should be designed in colour. The designed logo shall be provided in both CYMK and RGB formats. The size of the logo may vary from 5cm*5cm to 60cm*60cm in either portrait or landscape.

3. The Logo should be usable on the website / social media such as Twitter /Facebook and on printed materials such as black and white press releases, stationery and signage, labels etc.

4. The Logo should be designed on a digital platform. The winners of the competition shall be required to submit the design in open file format (EPS/CDR/PSD). Participants should ensure that original designs are submitted.

5. All fonts should be converted to outlines.
6. File should be high resolution – at least 300 pixels per inch at 100% size.
7. File should look clean (not pixilated or bit-mapped) when viewed on screen at 100%.

8. Entries should not be submitted in compressed or self- extracting formats.
9. The logo design should not be imprinted or watermarked.

Selection Process

1. All entries received by the stipulated date and found in order, shall be evaluated by a Selection Committee, constituted for the purpose.The Committee will shortlist the entries and will decide the winners if an entry is found suitable.

2. Entries would be judged on the basis of elements of creativity, originality, composition, technical excellence, simplicity, artistic merit, and visual impact and how well they manifest the vision and mission of the Rashtriya Raksha University.

3. The decision of the Selection Committee would be final and binding on all the contestants and no clarifications would be issued to any participants or on any decision of the Selection Committee.

4. Winners shall be required to provide the original open source file of the designed logo.
5. Payment to the winners will be made through electronic mode for which the necessary bank details will be taken after declaration of winners of the contest.


The set of winning logos will be awarded
** First Prize: Rs.10,000/-
** Second Prize: Rs.5000/-
** Third Prize: Rs.3000/-

Last Date

Last date of submission of entries is 30th November 2020 till 11.45 PM.

Terms & Conditions

** Payment to the winners will be made through electronic mode for which the necessary bank details will be taken after declaration of winners of the contest.

** Each participant can submit ONLY one entry. The submission of entry is free.
** Plagiarism of any nature is not allowed. Anyone found infringing on others’ copyright would be disqualified from the contest.

** The participant should make sure that his/her MyGov profile is accurate and updated for further communication. This includes details such as name, latest photo, country declaration, complete postal address, email ID and phone number etc. Entries with incomplete profiles would not be considered.

** The winners will be declared through email or by way of announcing his / her name on the MyGov blog page. Once a winner is declared, he/she will need to revert through email within 3 working days or else another winner will be chosen.

** The Logo should be usable on the website / mobile app / social media such as Twitter / Facebook / Instagram and on Magazines, Commercial Hoardings / Standees, Brochures, Leaflets and Pamphlets, Souvenirs and other Publicity and Marketing materials.


For any queries, please connect with: connect [AT]

This post was last modified on November 18, 2020 11:49 AM

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