Star Jalsha Dance Dance Junior Season 2 Audition 2020 :

Organisation : Star India Private Limited, Star Jalsha
Program Name : Dance Dance Junior 2020 Season-2
Applicable For : Age of 8 (eight) years and 12 (twelve) years
Applicable State/ UTs : All India
Website :

Star Jalsha Dance Dance Junior

Star Jalsha non-fiction reality program tentatively titled “Dance Dance Junior-Season-2” and shall be binding on each participant residing in and is a citizen of India.

Related / Similar Contest : Star Jalsha Dance Dance Junior Season-2 Voting

Eligibility Criteria

Any natural person(s) who is between the age of 8 (eight) years and 12 (twelve) years i.e 8 (eight) or above and 12 (twelve) or below as of 1 st December 2020 and are citizens and residents of India

Procedure to Register

To register and to participate in the Auditions, the Participant(s) and/or Parent on behalf of the interested Contestant(s) shall

i. fill and execute a registration form or any other document(s) at the Audition Centre and duly submit all personal information including but not limited to documentation as required by the Company and/or Production House as may be required to be submitted by them on the registration form in a manner and form, as requested and /or prescribed therein;

ii. note down the unique registration code assigned to him/her at the Audition Centre for any references;

iii. If selected for next Level of the Auditions, the Participant(s) and/or Parent on behalf of the Contestant(s), shall be required to fill and execute the declaration cum indemnity and/or any other document at the Audition Centre(s) as may be required to be submitted by them on the registration form in a manner and form, as requested and /or prescribed therein.

Selection & Shortlisting Process

The selection and shortlisting process for the Auditions shall be conducted as detailed below for each Level of the Auditions.

Level 1

I. Auditions will be conducted during the Audition Period at different Audition Centres located in West Bengal

II. Participant(s) shortlisted at Level 1 shall be required to be present in the Audition Centre(s) in Kolkata or any other location /city as deemed fit by the Company

** The cost of arranging the requisite travel documents (including but not limited to valid passport, requisite visa, etc.) and the cost of travelling & lodging of such Participant(s) shall be solely borne by Participant

** The Parents of the Participant(s) will be required to execute any and all legal documents as required by the Company

** These auditions will be conducted during the Audition Period. The Participant(s) will have to present at the Audition Centres on the date and time specified along with the documents and photographs required

** The doors to the Audition Centres will shut at 9.00 AM or at such time as the Company may decide in its sole discretion

Level 2

i. Participant(s) shortlisted at Level 1 shall be required to attend personalized training sessions in Kolkata for a period of 3-4 (three to four) weeks which consists of dance workshops etc. Post these sessions, top 28 (Twenty Eight) Participant(s) will be shortlisted and selected by the Panel

ii. All Participant(s) selected in this Level as Show Player(s) shall be personally intimated about their selection vide an email and/or telephone or any other mode of communication

iii. The selected Show Player(s) shall have to ensure that they will make themselves available for all shoot dates and travel to any place for the shoot of the Program,

iv. Such selected Show Player(s) shall be required to mandatorily attend the grooming and act presentation training sessions /workshops conducted by the Company

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:20 PM

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