Zee Talkies ZTCA Dubsmash Contest 2015 : zeetalkies.com

Organization : Zee Talkies
Competition Name : ZTCA Dubsmash Contest 2015
Applicable States : All India
Competition Last Date : 12th July, 2015

Website : https://www.zee5.com/

ZTCA Dubsmash Contest 2015:
1) The Contest is organized by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited. The Contest is valid only in India from 1st June, 2015 to 12th July, 2015.

Related / Similar Contest : Zee Talkies Daba Bot Milel Note Contest 2015

2) Contestants eligible to participate in the Contest in accordance to the eligibility criteria specified in point no. 3 of these Terms and Conditions and participating in the Contest are hereinafter referred to as the “Participants”.

3) To be eligible to take part in the Contest, the Participants need to confirm to the following eligibility criteria:
a) an Individual;
b) an Indian citizen;
c) residing in India;
d) aged 18 years and above;
e) legally eligible to enter into a contract;
f) must have a valid Facebook/Twitter ID

4) Information as available on the official Contest page is the only authentic and valid information about the Contest. Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited shall not be responsible for any incorrect/misleading information relating to the Contest, presented / displayed on any other source other than the Contest page of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited & will not be liable for any loss suffered by any Participant based on the representation, terms, conditions, information presented / displayed on any other source other than the Contest page.

5) To participate in the Contest using Facebook, Twitter & Instagram, the participant/s has to follow following steps:
a) Log in to the contest page with a valid Facebook, Twitter Id & Instagram Id
b) Has to be a fan/ follower of the page
c) The participants shall send their Dubsmash videos of popular Marathi Dialogues via WhatsApp activity, where the Dubsmash entries shall be submitted.
d) The videos of the participants will be promoted across all social media properties i.e. Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

6) Every week 7- 8 participants shall be gratified with recharge vouchers ranging from Rs. 50 to Rs. 1000/-, for their participation.

7) Further, the winning entry of the Dubsmash video will be telecasted on Zee Talkies, and the winners shall be gratified with passes for Zee Talkies Comedy Awards.

8) The participant is only eligible to win the contest if he/she completes all the above criterias.

9) The selection of winner will be based on the most quality response submitted by the Participant during the contest. The names of the winners will be announced at the end of the Contest.

10) The best Dubsmash video announced by the jury shall be entitled to be telecasted on Zee Talkies and the winners shall get passes for Zee Talkies Comedy Awards.

11) Every participant who wins will get a confirmation email and the gratification shall either be emailed or be couriered physically as per the data in the database.

12) The selection will be based on the rules mentioned hereinabove. No winner announcements will be made for Contest participation done on weekends.

13) Jury’s decision on the selection of winner(s) will be final and binding on all the Participant/s. No correspondence, clarification, explanation in this regard will be entertained by. Any person or Participant carrying out any correspondence or clarification or tweeting or posting any negative comments about the decision of the Jury shall be liable to Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited and shall be immediately disqualified for all future contests of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited.

14) Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited has endeavored to make all reasonably practicable arrangements to minimize communication system difficulties but can make no guarantee therefore and shall not be liable for any failures in the same.

15) Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited shall not be responsible and/or liable in any manner whatsoever in case the participant is unable to participate due to failure on part of the telecom operator, Internet provider, facility provider, etc.

16) Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited shall not be responsible for any copyright violations done by the Participants for the images taken from the internet and only the Participants are solely responsible for the act.

17) The users shall not be using multiple IDs to participate in the same contest. Any single participant found using or participating through multiple IDs in the contest shall be disqualified immediately and shall not be entitled to win any prize and shall be barred from participating in any future contests on the Contest Page.

18) This Contest is open for the participation of individuals only. Corporates, Agencies, and any non human legal entities are not entitled to participate in this Contest.

19) There is no entry fee or participation fee payable by the Participant/s for participating in this Contest. Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited will not accept any form of payment from any of the Participant/s interested in participating in the Contest. Further participation in the Contest will not in itself make the Participant eligible for the Prize.

20) Each winner of the Contest will be entitled to win the mentioned gratification based on the selection of the Jury only.

21) Under the circumstances of unavailability of prize, an alternate prize shall be given to the winner.

22) Any Participant taking part in the Contest and declared the winner of the Contest by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited and is unable to fulfill any one or more eligibility requirements, as specified in abovementioned clauses of these Terms and Conditions, on the date of closure of Contest, shall be disqualified from receiving any Contest Prize under this Contest. Inability of the Participant to fulfill the eligibility requirement, shall be construed as violating the terms and conditions of the Contest by such Participant. Any status update, comment, tweets made/submitted by such disqualified Participant during the Contest Period shall be invalid. Any communication, clarification, query, dispute in this regard by the winner or any of the legal heirs/guardians of the winner in any manner will not be entertained by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited.

23) Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited shall not be responsible for non-delivery or shortfall or deficiency in prize/s and all the legal remedies in relation to the prize/s solely lie against manufacturer.

24) The Prize/s shall be subject to the laws of India, including all the tax laws. All applicable regulatory and statutory duties, cess, surcharges, taxes (including TDS), insurances, transfer fees, registration fees etc. that may be applicable to avail/use the Prize/s will be borne by the Participants.

25) The panel of jury has sole discretion in the interpretation and enforcement of Contest rules, including but not limited to selection of winner, disqualification of winner and suspension of response(s) or Participants.

26) The response to this Contest must be original and confirm to decency guidelines. Any response deemed to contain content that depicts violence, immoral, unethical, illegal, anti-social, racial, political, anti-religious, sexual or any other inflammatory, defamatory or objectionable material will be disqualified and removed from the concerned URL. Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited reserves the right to initiate legal action against such Participants. Interpretation of what is, and is not, appropriate material is at the sole discretion of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited.

27) The Participants should not deface or disparage any brand of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited in any manner in the process of creating and posting their response.

28) The Participant cannot create similar response(s) as submitted for this Contest at any other blog/forum or any other site, or any other Contest of similar nature.

29) Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited will have no liability, in case someone is not able to participate on account of his inability to access the contest links as provided on.

30) Participant/s winning the Prize/s should contact manufacturer’s Customer care directly in case of any complaints relating to the defect in the Prize and Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited will not be held liable for any such defect, default, damage, malfunctioning of the prize/s.

31) Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited will not be liable for any loss, claim, damage, expenses whether expressed, implied, real, consequential incurred by the Participant due to participation in the Contest. Any loss during dispatch of the gift from Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited to the winner’s doorsteps will be covered under the insurance cover taken by courier partner. Once the gift is accepted by the winner, Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited will not be responsible for paying any other tax, fee, etc.

32) The participants understand that the mentioned gratification offered as Prize to the Contest winners is new and unused. However, Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited is not responsible for any deficiency in the Prizes and does not make representation about the quality, make, performance, features, endurance, finishing, benefits or fitness of the Prizes.

33) The winners will be intimated within 14 days of the conclusion of Contest, by way of email on the email address of the winner on the applicable platform/s. In the event of no response/acknowledgement from the concerned winner to the email communication within 30 days, then his prize will be forfeited.

34) The winners should submit the necessary documentation / proof of identity and other relevant documentation, which Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited requests for, within 14 days of receiving intimation of being selected as winner of the Contest by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited.

35) The prizes will be distributed / delivered to the winners by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited within 30 days of submission of all necessary documents to Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited by the winners, at the respective addresses of the winners. If the winner absents from taking the delivery of the prize and fails to collect the same within 30 days from submission of requisite documents, then his prize stands forfeited.

36) The prizes are non-endorsable, not transferable and non-substitutable. The prizes are offered on ‘NO EXCHANGE NO REFUND’ basis. Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited will not entertain any requests for exchange in lieu of the prize/s.

37) Apart from the entitlement to the above prize/s, the winners and/or their legal heirs will have no other rights or claims against.

38) Each winner should provide the following documents to Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited for enabling them to gratify the winner:
a) Name
b) Complete postal address with pin code
c) Photograph
d) Age proof
e) Residence proof
f) Proof of identity
g) Copy of PAN Card

39) Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited reserves the right to modify, add or delete any of the terms and conditions or participation mechanics of the Contest at any point of time at its sole discretion without serving any prior intimation to the Participants. Intimation of any change, modification, addition, deletion in the terms and condition of the Contest will be served to the participation by posting the revised terms and condition of the Contest on Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited portal/social platforms.

40) The winner should submit the screen shot of the id/s from which he had participated in the Contest. Also the winner should submit affidavit cum indemnity bond stating that the response and the id from which the response was sent belongs to him and will indemnify Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited and keep its employees, officer, associates indemnified against any claim, loss, dispute, damage arising out of the usage of id and submission of response from which the winning response was sent. The winner has to submit the aforesaid affidavit cum indemnity bond in the format specified by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited on the requisite amount of stamp paper. All the aforesaid documents have to be submitted by the winner/s for the purpose of collection of prize within 30 days of the declaration of the winners

41) Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited is not responsible for Participant not being able understand the Contest mechanics or for his misinterpretation of the same. No correspondence, clarification, explanation in this regard will be entertained by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited’s portal or social platforms.

42) Any disputes with respect to the Contest shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of courts in Mumbai, India.

43) Winner shall assign the right to use the entries, in any media for brand, products, business or any other objective by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited, as deemed appropriate by them. Winner shall also assign the right to display the entires on any medium (Online, TV etc.) or vehicle.

44) The Participant shall indemnify Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited against any claims from any party and consequent losses, damages, compensation, whatsoever, that may arise from any use, including but not limited to, publication of response (s) submitted by the Participant as a part of, or in association with the Contest.

45) Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited shall not be liable for any failure to comply with its obligations caused by weather conditions, fire, flood, strike, hurricane, industrial dispute, war, hostilities, terrorist attack, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, inevitable accidents, acts of God or any other circumstances amounting to Force Majeure.

46) Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited shall not be responsible for any loss or damage if it has to discontinue or cancel this Contest in compliance with any law, ruling, order, regulation, requirement or instruction of any Central/State Government or for any other unavoidable reason beyond its control. The Participant/s shall be informed of such discontinuance/cancellation as soon as possible.

47) The aggregate liability of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited in case of any damage, loss, cost, claim, liability or expense (including legal costs and expenses) caused to or incurred by any act, omission or representation in respect of the Prize of this Contest to any winner, shall not exceed the value of Prize. Further, Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited will not be liable to share the invoice of the gratification unit with the winner at anytime whatsoever.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 5:51 PM

Categories: Dubsmash/Video

View Comments (8)

  • I am not able to upload my short film on zee talkies light house contest. There are no any option to upload short film and no link. Site show that ,upload your short film on youtube.

    • From the Website :

      We, people of Maharashtra, all have stories happening around us, waiting to be captured and shared. We all have a story to tell.
      Take a look around you. Shoot your typical day, a love story, an exciting trip with friends, or anything that catches your eye and needs a platform to be presented. Infact, you can be the hero of your own story or give someone else that golden chance! What's more? We give you the liberty to make a film in a language of your choice.

  • I would like to participate in this contest me and my colleagues are interested in same. Could you please explain the process how to send you short film?

    • From the Website :

      1. Pick up your phones/cameras
      2. Look around you and select a location. It could be your house, your neighborhood, your office, college, friend's house, streets, or any place you find a story.
      3. Start telling us your story by shooting it.
      4. Your story could be about your friends, family, neighbors, career, love or anything that you feel deserves to be told.
      5. You can shoot a minimum of 30 seconds to a maximum of 30 minutes and make it a film
      6. Save your video
      7. Add required edit effects.
      8. Log onto http://www.zeetalkies.com/Talkieslighthouse
      9. Upload your short films/Your Story on the link given

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