Bhagavad Gita Leadership Contest GLC 2021 :

Organisation : Bhagavad Gita
Contest Name : Gita Leadership Contest 2021
Applicable For : Indian Nationals
Exam Date : 31.01.2021
Website :

Gita Leadership Contest

GITA LEADERSHIP CONTEST is a contest based on Bhagavad Gita. Gita Leadership Contest gives creative interface to access unparalleled wisdom of Bhagavad Gita and apply it in one’s life.

Related / Similar Contest : GitaQuest Bhagavad Gita Contest 2021

About Contest

Gita Leadership Contest is an inspiring and motivating way to help people absorb themselves in the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, enrich and refocus their life in the right manner. The contest is a helping hand to learn self-discipline and build a strong value system for the participants.

To serve this purpose, the Inspire Society of MANIT, Bhopal organize a Bhagavad Gita Contest entitled, Gita Leadership Contest (GLC).

This contest is a fun, inspiring and motivating way to help participants absorb themselves in the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, enrich and refocus their life in the right manner. Gita Champions League is a helping hand to learn self-discipline and build a strong value system for the participants.

Why GLC?

Bhagavad Gita is a theistic science spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Shri Krishna to His dear most friend Arjuna when Arjuna got perplexed in war-field of Kurukshetra.

It’s importance can be measured by observing the fact that greatest war was about to begin. Conchs were blown and no formality or ritual was left to be observed. And that was the crucial time when Krishna gave “Most Confidential Knowledge” to the “Most Qualified Person” chosen by Him.

Just having Bhagavad Gita in your shelf is not sufficient. You’ve to study it and this Exam/wisdom sessions will create appetite to relish this timeless wisdom given by Supreme Spiritual Master Krishna Himself.

How to Register?

Register for Gita Leadership Contest by filling the form and get a copy of Bhagavad Gita. Attend our sessions and do not forget to check exam details!!!

Registration Charges :
100rs for First 1000 Participants. A free copy of Bhagavad Gita will be sent to your respective address.

Exam Details

Exam Type :
Level 1 : Online MCQ Test (100 MCQ & 5 Subjectives)
Level 2 : Online Zoom Interviews

Exam Date :
Level 1 : 31st January 2021, ONLINE

Exam Syllabus :
** Bhagavad Gita As It Is – Chapter 7 to 12 (Slokas, Translations, Purport) and special Class Notes, PPTs
** Language : Hindi & English
** And Special Classes by experts will be arranged to help you know about Bhagavad Gita

Exam Groups :
** Group 1 – Below or Age 21
** Group 2 – Above Age 21


** Prizes for all 10 Toppers of Each Group
** Special Prizes to Top 3 of Each groups

Purpose Of GLC

Our mind is like sponge that can absorb anything dropped into it. The television, movies and the internet together expose us to violence, pornography and insanity that the we can easily get influenced and succumb.

The solution is to give a positive and morale-boosting exposure to ourselves, help ourselves and others remain focused; empower to think with a balanced mind. As there is a hidden Arjuna in everyone of us, we should be able to search that Arjuna and allow him to grow.

This can be best done with the teachings of Bhagavad Gita. Many management colleges have already implemented courses based on Bhagavad Gita in their curriculum, to shape the future managers.

This post was last modified on December 2, 2021 5:25 PM

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