Imperial New Blue Look Campaign 2020 Participate & Win an iPhone :

Organisation : Imperial Blue
Contest Name : New Blue Look Campaign 2020
Applicable For : Resident in India
Last Date : 15.01.2021

Imperial New Blue Look Campaign

Imperial Blue New Blue Look Campaign 2020 Participate and Stand to win an iPhone.


This Campaign is open only for Indian citizens who are above 25 years of age. Organizers’ employees and their family members, and/or its sponsors/partners are not eligible to participate in the Campaign.

Campaign Period

The Campaign shall be open from 18th November 2020 to 15th January 2021 including the start date and end date. Thereafter, Organizers will not be obligated in any manner whatsoever.

Entries beyond the respective last dates enumerate in term will not be considered valid for participation in the Campaign.

How To Participate?

Step 1 : Participants are required to upload a video/ still image of them sharing their version of the ‘New Blue Look’ on their Facebook AND / OR Instagram profile page.

Depending on the social media platform the Participants use, they must tag @IBMenWillBeMen on Facebook or @menwillbemen on Instagram and add hashtag #TheNewBlueLook to the post caption. The entry must be a post and not a story for it to be tracked

Step 2 : Participants must mandatorily follow the social media pages of ‘Imperial Blue Men Will Be Men’ i.e. @IBMenWillBeMen on Facebook or @menwillbemen on Instagram; for their entry to be considered valid.

Each Participant may participate multiple times during the Campaign Period however, he/she will only be eligible to win once.


i. During the Campaign, a total no. of 30 lucky winners out of the pool of Participants will be chosen by the Organizers as Winners, who will win Apple iPhone SE with 64 GB ROM,

ii. The entries will be shortlisted by using a randomiser software (in the presence of an independent auditor), out of which the Organizers at their discretion will choose the Winners on the basis of the Quality of content and the criterion prescribed.

iii. Winners will be informed by way of a direct message on their respective social media handle platforms from where they participated. The winners would be announced, and prizes dispatched within 90 days of contest closure period.

General Conditions

** The Campaign will be promoted at the sole discretion of the Organizers.
** The winner(s) will be intimated by way of direct message on their respective social media platforms and will be asked to share their contact details (Phone numbers) within 48 hours of receiving the intimation.

Two attempts would be made to contact the winner on his contact number failing which the Organizers, at their discretion, will choose the next winner
** The Prize can neither be exchanged nor redeemed for cash/ any non-monetary consideration nor it is transferable.

** The Winner(s) will be entitled to receive their Prize after submission and verification of all documents (Photo ID, Age Proof, Address proof and PAN Card) to the entire satisfaction of the Organizers vide email to contact [AT] within 48 hours of receiving the confirmatory call.

This post was last modified on December 31, 2022 1:06 PM

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