RNTalks VERVE 2021 Online Story Writing Competition : rntalksllp.com

Organisation : RN Talks
Contest Name : Verve Online Story Writing Competition 2021
Applicable For : Open to anyone
Contest Last Date : 26.01.2021
Website : https://rntalksllp.com/

VERVE Online Story Writing Competition

VERVE 2020 Online Story Writing Competition. Story Writing is an art of communication.

Related / Similar Competition : KST Academy Essay Writing Competition 2020

There will be 2 categories based on language for submission and individual Jury for both
** ENGCAT- English Category
** HINCAT- Hindi category


The competition is open to anyone aged 7 years and older. Entries can be from anywhere in the world.

How to Participate?

** Mail your CONTEST VIDEOS to… talksrn7 [AT] gmail.com as Google Drive Links, “WeTransfer” or on the given WhatsApp numbers also.

** The photos will be collected in google form. You can alternatively send the PHOTOS FOR YOUR PROMOTIONAL POSTERS to… talksrn7 [AT] gmail.com or on the WhatsApp number 9648223174 with your name. The SUBJECT OF YOUR MAIL should be “VERVE 2020”

Note :
** ALL VIDEOS HAVE TO BE SHOT IN A MP4 FORMAT. IF USING AN IPHONE PLEASE CONVERT TO MP4 FORMAT USING ANY VIDEO SOFTWARE LIKE VIVO. (Videos shot on an Android phone are automatically saved in an MP4 format.)

** Videos should be shot in a landscape/ horizontal position in a 16:9 ratio to get better quality.

** The participant should make sure that the background visible during the participation is decent and there are no disturbances while the performance is going on.


** Students are free to take the guidance and help of their mentors for grammar and spell-check.
** All entries will be submitted online by the form.

** There is no limit to the number of entries an individual may submit. Multiple entry forms may be submitted for different stories.
** Entries can be sent in HINDI and ENGLISH language only.

** There will be a separate Jury For HINDI and ENGLISH short stories.
** The standard entry fee is ?700 per story.
** Three stories entered on the same form will be ?2100.

** Stories must be no more than 3000 words. The minimum word limit is 1500-2000 words.
** Stories must not have been published, self-published, published on a website, broadcast, or featured amongst the winners in another competition.

** Each page must be numbered and complete.
** The title of the story must appear at the top of each page.
** Stories will not be returned, so please retain a copy.

** Stories cannot be altered once entered.
** All entries will be considered by a panel of judges.
** The members of the organizing committee and the panel of judges are not eligible to enter the competition.

** All the work submitted will be checked on premium plagiarism software like GRAMMARLY and GOOGLE.
** Any plagiarised work will be disqualified along with any other work submitted by the entrant.

** No refund of fees for submitting plagiarised work or nor not submitting your work by the deadline.

What Do Participants Get?

** All participants will get an e-certificate of participation.
** The best short stories that could not make it to the final and missed it by a few points will be included in the Annual Annual E-Magazine.

What Do Winners Get?

The winner of the first, second, and third prize in the Online Story Writing Competition will receive a…
** Trophy,
** Exclusive Interview with RNTalks,
** Hard copy of a Certificate Of Achievement
** Free entrance to the upcoming anthology
** Inclusion in Hall of Fame, and
** Annual Annual E-Magazine

There will be an additional KHUSHU TROPHY awarded to the best story written by the same author in HINDI and ENGLISH.

The shortlisted stories of the Online Story Writing Competition will be published on the RNTalks website, as a part of an anthology for free, and in a downloadable Annual E-Magazine after the results have been announced.

Important Dates

** The start date for the Short Story Competition will be 30th December 2020.
** All entries of the Online Story Writing Competition must be received by midnight on 26st January 2021 (last date of submission).

** Results of Online Story Writing Competition will be announced at the Awards Presentation Evening on 31st January 2021.


** You will be asked to submit your story as a native video only if you are shortlisted as a winner i.e First, Second or Third positions in the Online Story Writing Competition.

** Your promotional poster of the Online Story Writing Competition will be displayed on the Official RNTalks Page on Facebook. The link of the same will be shared with you.

** Urge your relatives and friends to LIKE & FOLLOW the page so that they can view your video if shortlisted, without any difficulty when it will be released.

** You are free to download the promotional poster and use it anywhere on social media to promote yourself. We’ll be happy to see you as a hero on social media.

** Tips to win will be shared with you by the JURY in ONLINE INTERACTION once you register.

This post was last modified on February 20, 2021 12:39 PM

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