MOSPI On the Spot Essay Writing Competition 2021 : Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation

Organisation : Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation (MOSPI)
Contest Name : On the Spot Essay Writing Competition 2021
Applicable For : Post-Graduate Students of Statistics
Contest Last Date : 31st January, 2021
Website :

MOSPI Essay Writing Competition

‘On the Spot Essay Writing Competition-2021’ for Post-Graduate Students of Statistics As part of the celebration of Statistics Day on 29th June, 2021, the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation (MoSPI) will organize an essay writing competition on subjects relevant to the Statistics.

Who Can Participate?

The interested Post-Graduate students currently studying in recognized universities/colleges/institutes are invited to participate in ‘On the Spot Essay Writing Competition- 2021’.

How to Participate?

The candidates should submit their application form through email at training-mospi [AT] as per instructions at Annex. The last date for the receipt of applications will be 22nd January, 2021.The Competition will be held on 21st February, 2021 (Sunday) from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM.

Competition Rules

** The candidates should give two preferences for their center of examination from the drop down list while filling the application form. The Ministry reserves right to allot a center other than opted by the candidate.

Each eligible candidate will be asked through a separate communication by email to come to the examination center for writing essay. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the competition.

** Two topics of essay would be given on the spot. The essay should be written on one of the given topics in about 5000 words in three hours.

** The essays will be evaluated on the basis of contents, originality of ideas, sequence of presentation and writing skills. The list of winners will be published on Ministry’s website. The winners will also be notified in writing.


The winners will be given certificates along with cash prize as given below
** First Prize – Rs. 15,000/-
** Second Prize (2 numbers) – Rs. 12,000/- (each)
** Third Prize (3 numbers) – Rs. 10,000/- (each)
** Consolation prizes (5 numbers) – Rs. 5,000/- (each)

Prize Distribution

The winners of the competition will be invited to a function to be organized by MoSPI to receive the prizes on 29th June, 2021. The winners coming to the place of function will be entitled to receive actual fares of their to and fro journey through shortest route by rail in AC-III tier. Stay arrangements will also be done by the Ministry.

Notification :


(i) Download application format in MS Excel File by clicking here.
(ii) Fill the application form in Excel File itself. Message displayed while moving cursor on a cell may be read carefully before filling information in that cell.

(iii) Take printout of the duly filled-in application form. On the printed form at Sl. No. 11, affix your passport size recent coloured photograph in the box and sign the undertaking.

(iv) The following documents should be sent through email at training-mospi [AT] with the subject “On the Spot Essay Writing Competition 2021”
** Scanned copy of the duly filled-in and signed application form
** MS Excel File of the application form

** Self attested copy of Identity Card issued during PG Course or PG Marksheet or any other document showing that the applicant is Post Graduate Student of Statistics.

(v) In absence of MS Excel File of the application with application form, the application would be rejected.
(vi) All the competition related queries may be sent at email training-mospi [AT] with the subject “On the Spot Essay Writing Competition 2021”.

(vii) Emails received with a subject other than “On the Spot Essay Writing Competition 2021” may not be considered.

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