Malarwadi Little Scholar Online Knowledge Quiz 2021 Kerala

Organisation : Malarvadi Kerala & Teen India
Competition Name : Malarwadi Little Scholar Online Knowledge Quiz 2021
Applicable For : Any Malayalee child in the world
Applicable State : Kerala
Website :

Malarwadi Little Scholar Online Knowledge Quiz

Malarwadi organizes Little Scholar Online Knowledge Festival 2021

About Quiz

The much awaited ‘Little Scholar’ Knowledge Festival is coming to you this year as usual. This time the knowledge festival is being organized under the name ‘The first family global online quiz for Keralites’.

The UP and HS level competitions will be held on January 23, 2021 and the LP level competition will be held on January 30. Don’t forget that there are many prizes and incentive prizes waiting for the winners.

Who Can Participate?

This Knowledge Festival is designed in such a way that any Malayalee child in the world can participate with their family.

Exam Details

LP Section :
** Duration 30 mins
** Start 30-Jan-2021 | 9:00 AM (IST)
** End 30-Jan-2021 | 5:00 PM (IS

UP Section :
** Duration 30 mins
** Start 29-Jan-2021 | 9:00 AM (IST)
** End 29-Jan-2021 | 5:00 PM (IS

HS Section :
** Duration 30 mins
** Start 23-Jan-2021 | 9:00 AM (IST)
** End 23-Jan-2021 | 5:00 PM (IS

Quiz Pattern

1. The trial question will be 20. One mark for each.
2. You can log in for the exam by selecting the mobile number and district provided at the time of registration.
3. If the districts in Kerala are not given, select District and only click on the Other option.
4. The exam should be completed within 30 minutes.
5. There will be four options for each question.

Terms & Conditions

** The competition will be held in three stages. The winners of the guest round will advance to the selection round and the winners of the selection round will advance to the grand finale.

** The family can also participate along with the contestant. You can choose between Malayalam and English languages.
** You can take the exam on the website between 9 am and 5 pm.

** Must complete and submit the exam within 30 minutes. Preference will be given to those who submit in the shortest possible time in case of tie.
** Registration will be considered as invalid if the category is changed.

** Winners must present a certificate from the school principal proving the class, as requested by the organizers.
** Multiple registrations on the same phone number from the same category will not be accepted.

** The organizers are not responsible for any technical hindrances to the contestants.
** There will be questions from the fields of general knowledge, periodicals, art, literature, science, language, history, sports, IT and mental ability.

** The score is known from 6pm on the day of the match. Those selected for the next round will be notified later.
** Follow our social media for model questions and other information.

** Priority will be given to the student who has registered for the final competition. Lifeline can be used as a parent, a teacher, a friend. Other details will be announced later on the site.

About Us :
Malarwadi Balasangham is a group formed to inculcate values, creativity and social awareness in children along with knowledge. The Malarvadi Balasangham can be formed by friends studying in classes one to seven. The Malarvadi Balasangham was formed in 2003 as an organization in Kerala.

Teen India :
Teen India is the first organization in Kerala to be formed exclusively for students in classes eight to ten. Teen India is a continuation of the Malarwadi Children’s Club. Teen India was born in 2013 with the motto that teens are today’s citizens.


Malarvadi Balasangam & Teen India Kerala ,
PB No: 833, Hira Centre,
Mavoor Road, Calicut – 673004

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