Star Jalsha Jalshar Shera Bandhobi Contest 2021 :

Organisation : Star India Private Limited, Star Jalsha
Contest Name : Jalshar Shera Bandhobi Contest 2021
Applicable For : Females above the age of 18 years
Applicable State : West Bengal
Last Date : April 30, 2021
Website :

Star Jalsha Jalshar Shera Bandhobi Contest

Star Jalsha Jalshar Shera Bandhobi Contest 2021 activity being launched for encouraging woman audience participation in their programs / shows being telecast on their channel viz, Star Jalsha, tentatively titled as “JALSHAR SHERA BANDHOBI” which will be organized by Star India Private Limited.

Related / Similar Contest : Star Jalsha Falna Dekhun Gift Jeetun Contest 2021


** The entry process for each Zone is strictly open to Participant(s) residing in that particular Zone during the Period of the Contest / Activity and of the age of 18 (eighteen) years and above only.

** The Participant (s) should not have criminal conviction or an arrangement or a contract that prevents the Participant(s) from participating in the Activity.

Zoning Schedule

ZONE Cities / Districts / PIN CODES Designated Telephone Numbers for making missed calls for registration

Activity Period

Phase-I of the Activity / Contest will commence on January 26, 2021 at 09:00 AM Indian Standard Time (IST) and will continue till April 30, 2021 at 11:59 PM

How to Participate?

To participate in the Contest /Activity of their respective Zone / PARA, all Eligible Participants shall be mandatorily required to do the following during the Phase-I Activity Period

a. Give a missed call from their registered mobile number to the designated number(s) assigned for their respective Zone (as given in the table above) or to such other number as may be communicated by the Company from time to time.

b. In reply to the missed call, the participant(s) will voice bound call with a Question with four (4) answer options (A/B/C/D). To answer the Question, the participant(s) need to key-in the correct answer option (A/B/C/D) from their registered mobiles.

If the answer option provided by the Participant is correct, then the next question will be pushed to their registered mobile numbers in the same call and so on until the participants gives wrong-answer to a particular question or not provide any answer option within the time-out period for any question.

The Eligible Participants participating in their respective Zonal Activity by giving a missed call to the designated number assigned for their respective Zone and submitting correct Answer Options to the Multi-Choice Questions by responding to the voice bound call as above shall constitute a valid Entry for this Contest /Activity.

c. From each Zone, one (1) Participant will be selected as the Winner of that Zone, who has provided the maximum number of correct answer options during the Phase-I Activity Period.

d. Participants can make only one attempt from a registered mobile number during the Phase-I Activity Period, and the highest score achieved by her during the period will be considered for selection of winners.

e. It is further clarified that Participants belongs to a particular Zone can participate in the Contest / Activity of their respective Zones only and not in any other Zones of their choice.

f. All questions will be based on the Programs aired on Star Jalsha Channels and will have four (4) answer options.

Winners Selection

** At the end of Phase-I Activity Period, thirty (30) Zone-wise Winners will be selected (@ one (1) winner from each Zone)

** If there are more than one participant who has provided maximum number of correct answer options from one zone, the winner will be selected by randomization process.

** These Winners shall be contacted by the Company on the mobile/ phone number through which Entry had been submitted, informing them that they have been selected as the Winner of their respective Zonal Activity / Contest.

The Winner shall be required to submit to the Company, scanned copies of their age proof and address proof which shall be a valid passport copy, pan card copy, driver’s license, Aadhar Card etc.

The Winner’s shall be required to submit the Winner’s Documents to STAR within seven (07) days from the date of the telephonic communication received from the Company by the Winners.

** The Company shall make a maximum of 2 (two) attempts (maximum one attempt per day for 2 (two) consecutive days) to reach the Winners on the mobile/ phone number as shall be registered with STAR.

** In the event the mobile number is engaged or lines on the route are busy, or it is ringing but there is no answer, the Company shall make maximum 1 (one) attempt to call the Winner. In case any the Winner is unavailable on all the attempts, the selection of that Winner shall be invalidated


All the 30 winners selected form 30 zones during phase 1 activity will be gift hampers as prize.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:19 PM

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