Star Jalsha Parivar Award 2021 :

Organisation : Star India Private Limited, Star Jalsha
Contest Name : Star Jalsha Paribhar Award 2021 | Star Jalsha Parivar Award 2021 | Star Jalsha Parivaar Award 2021
Applicable For : All Indian citizens
Voting Period : 15.02.2021 to 26.02.2021
Website :

Star Jalsha Paribhar Award

“STAR JALSHA PARIVAR AWARD-2021” produced by Star India Private Limited aired on the channel STAR Jalsha

Related / Similar Contest : Nat Geo Superfactories Contest 2021

The Program is an awards show wherein, based on the overall popularity of the on screen characters ,the favorite and /or popular protagonists and artists across all programs /shows of the Channel (“ Nominees”) are selected and shortlisted by STAR India and nominated under 4 (four) popular categories viz a) Priyo Bou (7 Nominees),, b) Priyo Bor (5 Nominees), c) Priyo Juti (7 Nominees), and d) Priyo Paribaar (6 Nominees) for voting under the Missed Call voting mechanism


The Viewers interested in voting must be above the age of 18 (eighteen) years and a citizen and resident of the Territory. The Viewers should not have any criminal conviction or an arrangement or a contract that prevents the Viewers from voting.

Voting Period

The Voting Mechanism (as detailed below in clause 4) is applicable only for the Contest and shall be open in the Territory on February 15, 2021 at 06:00 AM Indian Standard Time (IST) and will conclude on to February 26, 2021 at 12:00 midnight IST

Voting Mechanism

(i) To vote for their favorite Nominee(s) under various Categories of the Contest, the Viewers shall give a missed call to the designated numbers for each Category during the Period as given below

Voting Categories Missed Call nos. Voting Period
Priyo Bou 8886658211 15 Feb 6 am – 17 Feb 12 am
Priyo Bor 8886658212 18 Feb 6 am – 20 Feb 12 am
Priyo Juti 8886658213 21 Feb 6 am – 23 Feb 12 am
Priyo Paribaar 8886658214 24 Feb 6 am – 26 Feb 12 am

(ii) The Viewers will get a call back in response to the Missed Call made to the pre-defined nos. during the Period (as given below) for each award category followed by a welcome prompt and voting option prompt against the Nominees under that particular Category.

To vote for the Nominee of their choice, the Viewers has to key in the pre-defined DTMF numbers allotted to each nominee as per the list given below. Once the viewer pressing the DTMF key as above, the voting will be completed, and the call will be ended followed by an SMS acknowledging the same.

Voting Categories No. of nominees Nominee Name Voting DTMF
Priyo Bou 7 Charu 1
Mohor 2
Bhagyashree 3
Sreemoyee 4
Gungun 5
Purna 6
Tara 7
Priyo Bor 5 Santu 1
Soujonno 2
Sankho 3
Arjo 4
Sunny 5
Priyo Juti 7 Abir – Niru 1
Santu – Purna 2
Arjo – Charu 3
Soujanno – Gungun 4
Sankhho – Mohor 5
Gonga – Tayra 6
Sunny – Titli 7
Priyo Paribaar 6 Sreemoyee 1
Khorkuto 2
Sajher Bati 3
Bhaggolokkhi 4
Desher Mati 5
Gangaram 6

(iii) The Viewers can use the same registered mobile number for voting of different Categories but can vote only once for a particular Category. If any Viewer trying to vote again for a particular Category from the same mobile number, an SMS will be pushed stating that ‘you have already voted for this category from this number’

(iv) For purposes of this voting, “receipt” of Vote(s) occurs when the mobile/network operator records the Vote upon the Viewer(s) keying in the pre-defined codes for each nominee and the Viewer (s) receives a confirmation message.

(v) For the purposes of participating in this Voting Mechanism, casting their Vote as above for their favorite Nominee, under each Category(s) of the Contest during the Period in the format and the appropriate voting code by the Viewer (s) shall be considered as a complete and valid Vote.

Winner Selection

** At the end of the Period , the total number of votes received in 4 (four) i.e ) a) Priyo Bou, b) Priyo Bor, c) Priyo Juti and d) Priyo Paribaar categories under the above Missed Call voting mechanism will be calculated based on the total votes received through the Academy Voting for the respective Category and the Votes received from the Viewers through the respective Missed Call Voting Mechanism for the respective Categories and accordingly the Nominee(s) with the highest Votes under each Category under the Missed Call voting mechanism shall be declared as the winner of that particular Category

** The Winners shall be announced at the on ground event , i.e Star Jalsha Parivar Awards 2021 during its telecast on the channel.The calculation of votes may be done by an automated system or any other manner, as decided by Star India at its sole discretion .

General Rules

** Proof of age, if requested, of the Viewer(s) must be submitted to STAR INDIA as may be required by STAR INDIA to confirm the eligibility of the Viewer(s).

** Viewer(s) agree, understand and acknowledge that there is no prize/gratification for voting in the Voting Mechanism and casting of Votes for the favorite Nominees under different Categories as detailed herein.

** Voters shall not attempt to transmit content regarding services, products, surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, spam, unsolicited advertising or promotional materials, and/or chain letters.

** Star India will not permit or entertain any requests or claims to check / audit / challenge the logic of the current voting rules.

** STAR INDIA reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule the Program and/or extend or alter the Period without assigning any reasons and/or without giving any prior intimation to the Viewer(s). Such decision shall be final and binding on the Viewer(s) and to the extent permissible in law the same shall not be disputed and/or challenged in a court of law by the Viewer(s).

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:19 PM

Categories: Star TV

View Comments (34)

  • Ekhane Akash Neel is missing,even if this serial has ended some months ago but it was always common to see previous serials also participating in this award shows.Then why different things are happening this year! And I am pretty sure that if Hiya and Ujaan participated in this award show they would get the best juti award!

  • Priyo Bou= GUNGUN
    Priyo Bor=SUNNY
    Priyo Juti=Gungun n Soujonno
    Priyo Paribaar=Khorkuto.

  • priyo bou gungum

    priyo bor suojono

    priyo juti gungun-suojono

    priyo paribar khorkout

    priyo khalnayak potka

    priyo khalnayka mishti

    priyo dewar dadabhai

    priyo ja mishti

    priyo nand chini

    priyo sasur o sauri bojn mejo bou

  • Priyo bou = gungun
    Priyo bor = soujonno
    Priyo Juti = gungun and soujonno
    Priyo Paribaar = khorkuto and sreemoyee

  • Priyo Bou = Bhaggasree
    Priyo Bor = Ganga Ram
    Priyo Juti = Bodayan Sarkar and Bhaggasree Sarkar
    Priyo Paribar = Bhaggalokkhi or Gangaram

  • Priyo bou--Taira
    Priyo bor--Gangaram
    Priyo paribar--Deser Mati
    Priyo juti--Bhaggyalokhhi & bodhi

  • Priyo bou-gungun and purna
    Priyo bor-sunny and aankho
    Priyo juti-soujonno and gungun arr bodhayon and bhaggolokhi arr santu and purna arr gangaram and tyra
    Priyo poribar-khorkuto

  • Priyo bou=Purna priyo bor=santu priyo juti=sunny-titly Priyo Parivar=Sajher Bati Priyo Khalnaiok=Babin-Nipun Priyo Khalnaika=Rehana

  • It's surprising that neither Kadambini nor Dwarakanath has been nominated inspite of their excellent performance .Prathama Kadambini anyday can contest with the best serials in content as well as in acting. In spite there are nomination for "kharkuto" " gangaram""bhagyalakshmi" like foolish vulgar serials/actor/actresses. It's reflects our society's class still maintaining after those people sacrificed for uplifting our society. Shame.

  • Priyo bou= bhagyashree
    Priyo bor= shantu
    Priyo juti= gangaram-tyra
    Priyo parivaar= khelaghar
    Priyo khalnayak=bobin-nipun
    Priyo khalnaika= rehana

    • Priyo bou - gungun
      Priyo bor - ganga
      Priyo juti - gungum and soujonnno
      Priyo paribar - khorkuto

    • Priyo Bou - Bhagyasree
      Priyo Bor- Soujonno
      Priyo Juti - Abir Niru
      Priyo Parivaar - Bhaggyalokkhi

  • It's surprising and unfortunate that neither Kadambini nor Dwarakanath has been nominated in any catagory of this award contest inspite of their excellent performance .Prathama Kadambini anyday can contest with the best serials in content as well as in acting.

    • shankho mohor is correct but not the rest...
      priyo bou mohor
      priyo bor shoujonno
      priyo juti shankho mohor
      priyo parivaaar sreemoyee

    • Priyo Bou= Gungun or Bhaggasree
      Priyo Bor=Soujonno
      Priyo Juti=Sunny and titli
      Priyo paribaar= Khorkuto or Gangaram © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map