Essay Writing Competition 2015 : Nagpur N.K.P Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre

Organization : N.K.P Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre
Conference : MEDICON 2015 – The 9th International Undergraduate Medical Students’ Research Conference
Competition Name : Essay Writing Competition 2015
Applicable For : Registered Delegates
Institute Location : Nagpur
Competition Last Date : 15th July 2015

Website :

Essay Writing Competition 2015:
What would have happened had Alexander Flemming not discovered the drug Pennicilin, Har Gobind Khurana not defined the genetic code or Ronald Ross not found the vector for malaria?

We would still be stuck battling diseases like smallpox and polio had it not been for the endless trials and errors the medicine community faced behind microscopes and petri dishes or years of scribbling down thesis papers .

If we just sit and try to treat our patients without any knowledge on the disease or its management, we would just be fooling ourselves and hence we need to applaud those backbreaking hour a researcher puts in just to make our lives easier and also this throws light on the fact that medicine itself is attached to the hip with research.

With this in mind, we invite our fellow researchers to present us with their views as well by taking part in this thought-evoking essay competition.

Topic: “Innovation & Research – The DNA of Modern Medicine”

Eligibility: Only registered delegates can submit their essays

** Submit an original work in English
** Essay must be no fewer than 600 and no more than 1,200 words in length
** Only one entry per student is allowed.
** All submissions must include a word count
** Entries must be in 12-point Times New Roman font
** Your essay will be disqualified if it does not meet the requirements or is e-mailed after the submission date.

How to submit?:
** Mail us your submissions (as attachment files) to
** Mention your full name, college name, contact number in the mail.

Last date for submissions: 15th July 2015

Top 3 Essays to be felicitated in the Valedictory and given EXCITING CASH PRIZES!!

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