kaplegal.com Article Writing Competition 2015 : Kachwaha & Partners

Organization : Kachwaha & Partners
Competition Name : Article Writing Competition 2015
Applicable For : IIIrd, IVth and Vth Year Law Students
Applicable States : All India
Competition Last Date : 31st July, 2015

Website : http://www.kaplegal.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=55&Itemid=62

Article Writing Competition 2015:
Eligibility criteria :
The Competition is open for the IIIrd, IVth and Vth year students in the five year law course and the IInd and final year students in the three year law course.

[It is not open to LL.M students].

Subject / topic :
There is no prescribed theme / topic. The participants are free to choose a topic so long it is in the field of arbitration.

Dates :
** Last date for queries / clarifications on the Rules: 1st July, 2015
** Commencement of submission: 15th July, 2015
** Last date for submission: 31st July, 2015
** Declaration of results: 15th October, 2015

Prizes :
** 1st prize – 1 lakh
** 2nd prize – Rs. 75,000/-
** 3rd prize – Rs. 50,000/-
** “Finalists” – three prizes of Rs. 10,000/- and a book prize each.
** “Honourable mentions” – three book prizes.

Certificates will be awarded to all prize winning entries. No general Certificate of participation will be issued.

The prize money will be net of withholding tax (currently 30%) and any other indirect taxes as may be applicable.

Registration :
There is no registration fees and registration is automatic at the time of receipt of the article as per the Rules.

Submission procedure :
All submissions should be made in an electronic form at mail@arbexcel.com.

The participants are required to submit two separate attachments. Attachment 1 should contain the following documents:
** Proof of author having met the eligibility criteria in Para I above (e.g. college identity card; certificate from the Head of Institute).
** Self-declaration by the participant that the work submitted is original in all respects. See further VIII(3) below in this regard.
** Self-certificate that the work has not yet been published or otherwise put in the public domain.

The article should be submitted as Attachment 2 in a word format along with the following documents in the sequence mentioned below:
** page 1 – title page
** page 2 – short extract / summary of the article
** article

The title page should have the following details:
** article title
** author’s name and contact particulars
** college name and address
** email id for future correspondence

The summary / short extract should not exceed 250 words (which would not be counted in the word limit for main article).

The co-ordinators will within five working days acknowledge receipt of the article. If you do not receive an acknowledgment, please contact the co-ordinators.

Word limit and formatting :
** Article length should be between 3500 – 4500 words (excluding footnotes).
** The article should be submitted in word format only.
** The article and extract should be written in 12 pt calibre font with 1 inch margin on all sides, 1.5 paragraph spacing and a footer numbering pages as “page x of y”.
** Footnotes should be on the same page. Authors should not use supra, infra, ibid and should give full reference of the citation/ authority/ reference etc. wherever applicable.
** Avoid extensive footnotes or extensive quotations. Reference or paraphrasing of thoughts and ideas from standard works are acceptable without quotations, provided they are duly acknowledged in footnotes or otherwise as may be suitable.

General :
** Each article must reflect author’s own research, writing and original thinking.
** Articles will be evaluated on the basis of original thinking, grasp of the subject, writing skills and choice of topic. The articles will be judged by the partners of the firm.
** Any copyright infringement / plagiarism shall result in automatic disqualification. The firm reserves the right to recall any prize if it is discovered later that the article suffered from any copyright infringement / plagiarism. Please do make full disclosure if the article is largely a result of a project in which the author was involved with the others.
** All rights including copyright will vest with the author. The firm will not publish any entry for public viewing but may publish a summary of the prize winning entries on their website.
** Each participant can submit one article only.
** Joint submission and co-authorship is not acceptable.
** The firm will preserve the entries for six months and may delete the same thereafter.
** The decision of the firm shall be final and binding on all participants.
** Participants are deemed to have read and fully understood all terms and conditions at the time of submission of entry.
** The firm may give feedback to prize winning entries on a confidential basis.
** The queries, if any, must be sent latest by 1st July, 2015. Queries sent thereafter will not be entertained by the Co-ordinators.
** Queries can be addressed to the Program Co-ordinator, Ms. Ankit Khushu at mail@arbexcel.com.

Announcement of Results :
The firm will issue a Press Release in relation to the prize winning entries and will also post the results on its website. The firm will inform the respective institutions of the winners.

Feedback :
The firm would welcome any feedback (positive or negative) or any thoughts on this competition (before or after the event) including structuring, timings, rules, regulations etc. at mail@arbexcel.com. This will help us in our future endeavours

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 12:15 PM

Tags: kaplegal.com
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