SDMIMD Y.Bhagavan Memorial English Debate Competition 2015 National Level : Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute For Management Development

Organization : Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development
Competition Name : Y. Bhagavan Memorial National Level English Debate Competition 2015
Applicable For: Students

Website :
Registration Form : docs [dot] google [dot] com

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Y. Bhagavan Memorial English Debate Competition 2015 :

Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) in association with Rotary Mysore Mid Town is organizing “Y. Bhagavan Memorial National Level English Debate Competition” on Saturday, February 27th, 2016 and Sunday, February 28th, 2016 at SDMIMD, Mysore. Over the years the event has become a platform for the best minds from leading educational Institutes actively debate over a contemporary topic.

This event is an opportunity to set free the debater in a student. It is a platform to challenge the awareness, acumen and logic of the students representing the top Institutions in Karnataka and various other states from 5 streams of education – Management, Medical, Engineering, Law & Humanities.

Competition will be held on Saturday, February 27th, 2016 & Sunday, February 28th, 2016 at SDMIMD, Mysore

About Prof. Y. Bhagavan :

Y. Bhagavan was a renowned teacher of English. He had a passion for literature, drama, poetry and debating. People who knew him well would say his best friends were Shakespeare and Keats. He was a pioneering teacher who would bring Shakespeare’s characters to life in the hallowed lecture halls of Maharaja’s College of prestigious University of Mysore. He started his career at a very young age and many of his students were older than him. Y. Bhagavan was the winner of the All India inter-university debate held in Trivandrum in 1947. He retired as the Principal of Maharani’s Arts College, Mysore.

Rules and Regulations:

** More than Rs. 75,000/- in cash prizes and trophies to be won
** First Prize – Rs. 30,000/- + Trophy + Certificate
** Second Prize – Rs. 20,000/- + Trophy + Certificate\
** Third Prize – Rs. 10,000/- + Trophy + Certificate
** Consolation prizes of Rs. 2000/- each + Certificate, for the next best 5 speakers
** Best Debate Team – Rs. 5,000/- + Trophy + Certificate
** Participation certificates will be issued to all participants

Event Guidelines :

General Rules:
** At any stage, the decision of the organizers will be final
** The event is scheduled to start at 9:00 AM on Saturday, February 27th, 2016. The participants are expected to report an hour prior to the commencement of the event
** The prize, trophy and certificate will be awarded at a valedictory session to be held on Saturday, February 27th, 2016
** The information provided in the registration form must be genuine

** One team should comprise a maximum of 2 members, who will be speaking ‘for’ and ‘against’ the topic respectively. However, the judgement will be based on individual performance. Any number of teams can participate from each Institution.
** Participants cannot be changed at a later stage

There will be two stages in the contest

** The debate competition will be conducted for 2 days
** The students would be given 3 topics on which they have to prepare. Out of the 3 topics, one topic will be selected by the organisers on the first day and one participant from each team must speak on the topic for 5 minutes
** Top 20 teams will be selected for the finals which will be conducted on the second day
** The final debate topic will be announced to the shortlisted participants at 7:00 PM on the first day

** The shortlisted teams will have to prepare for the final debate topic and be present for the event on 28th of February
** The teams would be called randomly and they would be given 4+2 min to present their argument
** A warning bell would be given at the end of the 4th minute indicating that the student has 2 minutes to conclude his argument. A long bell will be given at the end of the 6th minute where in the participant must complete his argument. Failing which he would attract negative marks

At any stage, the decision of the judges will be final.

Registration :

** There is a REGISTRATION FEE of Rs. 250/- per person.
** Rs. 100/- per day, per participant will also be charged for those who wish to avail the accommodation facility
** The students have to Register online @ the following link –
** College ID is compulsory

** Breakfast and Lunch for the participants is arranged by the organizers at the event venue
** Accommodation facility will be provided for outstation participants only. Safety is assured for all participants

Contact Information :

Dr. Sunil M.V., Librarian
Tel. No. +91-821-2429722 Extn.3006
Mobile: 9986439832

Mr. Chiranjeevi B. and Ms. Prerna R. Nath, Organising Committee, SDMIMD
Mobile: 8880377776, 9535220400

This post was last modified on May 11, 2022 12:47 PM

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