CSC CANPO 2021 National Physics Olympiad :

Organisation : CSC Academy
Olympiad Name : CANPO 2021 CSC Academy National Physics Olympiad
Applicable For : Class 11th & 12th Students
Last Date : 31.03.2021
Website :


With each subscription of the Physics Test, we provide you with 5 Mock Tests. These Mock Tests are from the core topics of the subject, of the chosen grade.

Related / Similar Olympiad : CSC CANCHO 2021

Please note, the topics are from the CBSE syllabus of the same grade. The degree of difficulty of the questions asked in the Mock Tests is of higher level.


Students of class 11th & 12th are eligible to apply for CANPO 2021.

How to Register?

Just follow the below steps to register for CANPO 2021.

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website of CSC Academy through provided above.
Step 2 : Next, click on the “Register” button in the home page.

Step 3 : You can register by the following ways,
** Direct Registration
** Login as VLE

Step 4 : Select any one methods and fill the registration form with the required details.
Step 5 : Finally, click on “Save” button to complete your registration.

Exam Pattern

With respect to the Mock Tests, please note the following

** There are 50 Questions in each Mock Test
** Maximum 60 minutes are provided to finish the Mock test.
** There is no negative marking in the Mock Test
** There are 1 sections in every Mock Test of the Olympiad, covering ;
Section – 1 : Physics

Exam Platform

** Remote Proctoring online Platform will be used for fare assessment.
** The exam will be conducted in a highly secured environment on cloud.
** This will be a timed and open test.

** You can practise test with sample questions.
** The exam will be a remote proctored examination.
** The application will capture and verify digital identification as verification.
** Candidate needs to login using his/her login credentials. (ID and password).

** It tracks candidate’s face and also tracks if there is any doubt of proxy or more than one candidate taking test i.e. impersonation will be auto flagged and test will be paused until candidate resume on its genuine position.

** The application tracks activity on the user’s monitor screen, provides warning or terminates the test if any unwarranted application is opened during the test. i.e. browsing tolerance will be zero during the test

** Exams are displayed full-screen browser and cannot be minimized. And if its done test will be treated as finished.
** Exams cannot be exited until submitted by users.

** Switching between tests or access to other applications is prohibited.
** Print, Print Screen and capturing functions are disabled.
** Copying and pasting anything to and from an assessment is prohibited.

** Right-click menu options and function keys are disabled.
** Audio and video chat streaming to proctor the exam remotely.

** High speed internet, webcam and power back up is must during the test.
** USB, VGA and HDMI projection will be not possible.

Important Dates

** All subject Registration start from 19th Jan’21
** Registration will be close 31st March’21
** CSC Olympiad 2.0 exam will start from 20th April’21 (Tentative date)
** Registration charges are Rs. 150/- per Olympiad

Ranking Criteria

Ranks for all classes in CSC Academy Olympiad will be accordance to the following criteria.

** Marks obtained in the exam.
** In case of a tie, the student completing the test in lesser time will be ranked higher.
** In case of a tie again, they will be awarded the same rank.
** In case of any confusion, decision of the Academic Council will be final & binding

Award & Recognition

** Participation Certificates (Digital) to all the students and student who secure 70% and above will get certificate of excellence.
** Detailed performance Analysis report.
** CSC Academy course offer.
** Chance to win awards.


Class 11 :

Subject Name Explanation Topics Numbers of Questions
11th Class-physics In this Subject’s Olympiad test questions are asked from the topics as per the NCERT syllabus. The nature of questions are easy, medium and difficult and High Order Thinking(HOT) questions are also asked which need High order thinking to solve them. Units and Measurements, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, System of Particles and Rotational Motion, Gravitation, Mechanical Properties of Solids, Mechanical Properties of Fluids, Thermal Properties of Matter, etc. 50
Total 50

Class 12 :

Subject Name Explanation Topics Numbers of Questions
12th Class-Physics In this Subject’s Olympiad test questions are asked from the topics as per the NCERT syllabus. The nature of questions are easy, medium and difficult and High Order Thinking(HOT) questions are also asked which need High order thinking to solve them. Electric Charges and Fields, Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance, Current Electricity, Moving Charges and Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current, Electromagnetic waves, Ray optics and Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, etc. 50
Total 50

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 3:38 PM

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