AMTI NMTC 2020-21 National Mathematics Talent Contest :

Organisation : The Association of Mathematics Teachers of India (AMTI)
Contest Name : NMTC 2020-21 National Mathematics Talent Contest
Applicable For : School & College Students
Registration Last Date : 10.03.2021
Website :

National Mathematics Talent Contest

AMTI is Conducting a National Mathematics Talent Contests (NMTC) to school and college students.

Related / Similar Contest : AMTI National Mathematics Talent Contest 2022

Who Can Participate?

Students from Schools, Junior Colleges of all boards, Degree Colleges and Technological Institutions in India and also Schools affiliated to the CBSE abroad.

1 Primary Gauss Contest V and VI Standards
2 Sub Junior Kaprekar Contest VII and VIII Standards
3 Junior Bhaskara Contest IX and X Standards
4 Inter Ramanujan Contest XI and XII Standards
5 Senior Aryabhata Contest Degree Classes in Arts, Science & Technical Colleges

English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil or Telugu (at present). The medium for Senior Level is English only.

How to Register?

** Due to the uncertainty created by the pandemic, regarding the reopening of schools, we at AMTI have decided to move the online way for the Stage-1 examination.

** The schools will now inform their students, who are interested in taking the tests to apply on line in AMTI website: The registration is thus individualized.

** The system will generate the school ID and it will be sent to the corresponding school for their reference. The candidate will also need to provide a clear photo snap along with their name, school id and active mobile and e-mail contacts.

** Payment to be made by the student is also online. Once the payment goes through, the system will send a 13 digit registration number to their active personal mobile and email id, which they would have provided us with.

** The user ID and password will be generated by the office and communicated to the student. The stage-1 test will be conducted by AMTI directly.

** The results will be declared within a week and the list of top 10% students in each school will be intimated to the school as well as the students. These 10% students will get their certificates and will be eligible to write Stage-2 (FINAL) test.

** The certificates of these students may be downloaded from AMTI website. These certificates will form the Hall tickets for the Final (Stage-2) test.
** Stage-2 (Final) test will be a paper and pen examination as last year. The eligible students will take the Stage-2 test in their own institutions or schools.

Time Schedule

Last Date for entries 10-03-2021 * (Wednesday) * Late entries shall not be entertained.
Mock test 15-03-2021 (Monday) Test Duration:

90 minutes

Window time:

(3 pm to 7 pm)


Preliminary Test

20-03-2021 (Saturday) Test Duration:

90 minutes

Window time:

(3 pm to 7 pm)

Declaration of results of Stage-1 test On or before



Final Test

03-04-2021 (Saturday) Test duration:

(1 to 4 pm)

(This date is tentative)
Dispatch of Answer Books from the Centres to AMTI Same day

(only by Speed post)

(Speed post may be closed. Make the test timing earlier)
Announcement of Results By the end of 15th May 2021

How to Take Test?

Stage 1 Test :
** The Mock test and Stage-1 test will be of 90 minutes duration. There will be a window of 4 hours within which the student can log in. As soon as the student logs in, the time starts. At the end of 90 minutes it will automatically close, submitting the answers provided by the student up to that point.

** The student once logged in, must continue for 90-minutes, and then submit. Every student will not get the same set of questions. The questions will be chosen by the computer from a large set of questions (of almost same difficulty level) at random.

Stage 2 Test :
** Stage-2 (Final) test will be a paper and pen examination as last year. The eligible students will take the Stage-2 test in their own institutions or schools. The Stage-1 certificate will be the Hall-ticket for the Final (stage-2) test.

** It will be conducted only in the school the candidate is studying. The solutions of problems shall be written by the candidates only in the answer sheets (strictly A4 size) supplied by their school.

Awards & Certificates

Cash Awards to the top 3 winners in each level in the finals, (1st position Rs.5000/-, 2nd Rs.3000/- and 3rd Rs. 2000/-), Merit Certificates for them and others selected at the final level with a token cash award for the latter, will be given based on their revealing a fair level of mathematical maturity. Enrichment contact courses are likely to be organized for the promising toppers.

Points To Remember

** Read the details of 2020-21 NMTC Online Stage-1 thoroughly.
** Fill in the e-Application Form with relevant details properly. Make the necessary payment by online to complete your registration. This completes enrollment in NMTC 2020-21.

** You will get acknowledgement message in your mobile and email provided by you.
** You will subsequently receive user name and password for participating in the test.

** Keep checking our website for updates on technical instructions and further information on NMTC 2020-21.

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 2:50 PM

Categories: Talent Search Exam

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