WWF India Wild Wisdom Global Challenge 2021 : quiz.wwfindia.org

Organisation : WWF India & CBSE
Contest Name : WWF India Wild Wisdom Global Challenge 2021
Applicable For : Students of Classes 6–9
Last Date : 31.08.2021
Website : https://www.wwfindia.org/

WWF India Wild Wisdom Global Challenge

The Wild Wisdom Global Challenge is an attempt to provide a unique opportunity for students to delve deeper into amazing wildlife, gain knowledge and take pride in its natural diversity.

This initiative aims to instill a sense of concern for the natural world and inspire our students to demonstrate their concern for conservation. It is being conducted in an online mode this year.

Who Can Register?

Wild Wisdom Challenge 2021 is taking registrations by schools only. The challenge is open to students from Grade 6th-9th only.


The theme for this year’s challenge is Life on Our Planet- A Hope for Future Generations! The questions will be based on the imperatives of the David Attenborough film: Go Net Zero, Revive the Oceans, Eliminate Waste and Re-Wild the World.

Important Dates

The key details of the Wild Wisdom 2021 are as follows
** School registrations begin from April, 2021.
** Last date of registration is 31st August, 2021.

How to Participate?

** Schools can register for the quiz by signing up on https://quiz.wwfindia.org/register.
** The fee is INR 20 per student which may be submitted through online mode.

** Registrations will be open from 5th April 2021 to 31st August 2021. Participation in this Challenge is voluntary. No record/document is required to be sent to the CBSE.

School Registration Process

1. Interested schools will register themselves by clicking on this link: https://quiz.wwfindia.org/register
2. Upon successful registration, school will receive a confirmation e-mail.

3. WWF India will provide preparatory material on the registered school e-mail id till the Wild Wisdom Global Challenge commences.
4. Coordinating teacher from all registered schools will be given access to the Global Challenge Website with a personalized dashboard in September.

5. Once on board, teacher can further give access to all participating students from their school.
6. Students will get their personalized dashboards where they will create their unique username and password.

7. Once signed up on the global challenge website, all students will have the access to the challenge, comprising of set of live quizzes and learning material, on their dashboards.

8. Leaderboard and scores of participants will be displayed on every teacher’s as well as student’s dashboard.


1. Can schools register less than 100 students?
No, Minimum participation for this global challenge from each school is 100 students. There is no maximum limit of participating students from each school.

2. Can students register independently for the global challenge?
No, registrations will be done by schools only. Interested students can contact school authority to register.

3. How many levels are there in Wild Wisdom Challenge 2021?
Wild Wisdom Challenge 2021 comprises of following levels –Gear up, School Challenge, Final Face-off.

4. What is the payment mode for registration?
Schools can pay the registration fees online through credit cards, debit cards, NetBanking or UPI.

5. Will winners get any appreciation?
Winners at all levels i.e. State level, National Level and International level will be recognized and appreciated with exciting prizes and certificates.

6. Will the participants get any recognition?
Yes, all participating students will get a digital certificate.


For further queries, you may contact: WWF-India: 011-41504790 or 9958982352 (Between 9:30 am–5:30 pm) for Delhi. For other locations, please refer to the link: https://quiz.wwfindia.org/ or email at E-mail: wildwisdom [AT] wwfindia.net

This post was last modified on August 1, 2023 4:40 PM

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