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Star Vivo IPL 2021 Digital Fan Wall Contest : startv.com

Organisation : Star India Private Limited
Contest Name : Vivo IPL 2021 – #DigitalFanWall Contest
Hashtag : #DigitalFanWall Contest
Applicable For : Indian citizen
Last Date : May 28, 2021
Website : https://www.startv.com/legal-terms-policies/terms/contest-terms-conditions/digital-fanwall-contest/

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Star Vivo IPL Digital Fan Wall Contest

‘Vivo IPL 2021 – #DigitalFanWall Contest’ being conducted by Star India Private Limited

Related / Similar Contest : Star Sports Fans Connected Contest

Contest Period

The Contest will be conducted from April 9, 2021 upto 11:00 pm on May 28, 2021, or such other date/time as may be decided by STAR at its sole discretion and announced by STAR on the Platforms


Any person who wishes to participate in the Contest shall fulfill all of the following requirements in order to qualify for participation

(a) All the Participants must be citizens of India present and residing in India during the Contest Period, must be of sound mind and must be at least 18 years of age as on the date of participating in the Contest.

(b) Each Participant is required to visit the Platform and answer the Contest Question during the Contest Period.
(c) The Participants should submit their entry containing their answers to the Contest Question on the Platform during the Contest Period only

How to Participate?

(a) STAR shall post the Contest Question(s), formulated by STAR and at such time as per their discretion on the Platform, While posting a Contest Question, STAR shall intimate the Participant to respond to the Contest Question by a particular timeline, determined at the discretion of STAR.

(b) All the Participants who answer the Contest Question correctly and within such time as required by STAR, shall be put into a pool of shortlisted /potential winners

Selection Process

Lucky winners (to the tune of 40 winners, such number being in the discretion of STAR) shall be selected via randomizer from amongst the Pool (“Winners”) by an independent third party engaged by STAR for this purpose.

The Winners shall be selected on the basis of the relevance and correctness of their Entries or other criteria as such independent third party and/or STAR shall deem fit.

In case of a tie, STAR’s decision in this regard and for all other matters relating to the Contest shall be final and binding upon the Participant(s).

Document Verification

The Winners shall be required to submit to STAR relevant documentary evidence such as proof of age, proof of nationality and proof of address/residence, as requested by STAR from the Winners and within such timelines as indicated by STAR, to enable STAR to confirm the eligibility of each of the Winners. Subject to the aforesaid, the Winners of the Contest shall be selected by STAR.

Terms & Conditions

1. The Participant(s) must be residing within the territorial limits of India during the Contest Period. The Participant(s) should not have any criminal conviction or an arrangement or a contract that prevents the Participant(s) from participating in the Contest.

2. Participant(s) shall provide such information as may be required by STAR from time to time. Any incomplete submission will be considered invalid for the purpose of the Contest.

3. Employees of and/ or consultants of STAR and/or persons hired on contract by STAR, and the members of their immediate family, and the sponsors of the Tournament’s broadcast by STAR and such sponsor’s employees are ineligible to participate in the Contest.

4. STAR reserves the right to select and declare the Winners of the Contest and such decision shall be final and binding on the Participant(s) and the Winner(s).

5. In order to win, Participant must answer questions of trivia correctly that are posted by STAR on the Platforms, requiring skill and prior knowledge of the Participant

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  1. Grace

    Ask maaro song I love this show put the songs new Tamil

  2. S kashinath Naik

    Vivo annual TV

  3. Smile Rock

    One and one king… 👑 CSK 🦁🏆

  4. Poovarasu


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