TOI Crossword Contest 2021 :

Organisation : Times of India (TOI)
Contest Name : TOI Crossword Contest 2021
Applicable For : Indian Citizens
Contest Last Date : 7th March, 2022
Website :

TOI Crossword Contest

Your Sunday just got more exciting. That’s right, The Times of India Crossword is here! Let your knowledge, trivia and smartness help you win exciting prizes.

Related / Similar Contest : TOI Guess the Game Contest 2021

All you need to do is gear up every Sunday Morning and play The Times of India Crossword. Participate and you may stand a chance to win exciting prizes every week.


** This Competition is valid for Indian citizens and open to readers of The Times of India where the Contest is being carried/published.

** The employees of BCCL and their affiliates, distributors and dealers of BCCL, the sponsors of the Contest, family members or the relatives of employees of BCCL, distributors, dealers, sponsors are not eligible to participate in the Contest. Any such entry, even if successful, would be deemed inadmissible for the purpose of this Contest.

Contest Duration

The Contest shall have an 18 hour window from 6: 00 AM to 11:59 PM on every Sunday starting from 7th March, 2021 and shall end on 7th March, 2022.

How to Participate?

** To participate in this Contest, Contestant will have to solve the TOI crossword appearing in the Times of India newspaper on Sunday, click an image and upload it on

** The Contestant will be prompted to verify his/her mobile number through OTP verification. BCCL will capture name, mobile no, email, city of the Contestant as provided by the Contestant.

** BCCL shall not be responsible for any inaccuracy/correctness of the information provided by the Contestant.

How To Play?

Play the Times of India Crossword in 3 simple steps!

Steps :
Step 1 : Register & create your account

Step 2 : Upload an image of the solved TOI Crossword every Sunday
Step 3 : Check the winners’ list to see if you’ve won

Refer & Win

Step 1 : Log into your profile
Step 2 : Create a unique invite link
Step 3 : Share it with your friends and family
Step 4 : Win big on submissions from referrals!


Each of the first 15 winner will get Prizes worth Rs. 9,999/- and the each of the next 100 winners will get Prizes worth Rs. 500/- redeemable online/offline.


** The results of each weekly Contest scheduled on Sunday shall be declared prior to the next scheduled Contest.

** Total 115 winners will be declared every week who have solved the complete crossword (appearing in the TOI newspaper on Sunday) correctly and have uploaded the image on the website.

** The winners will be selected randomly through the computer-generated technique from the list of Contestant (with correct answers) who have submitted their entry on Sunday between 6 am till 11:59 PM.

Winners Announcement

Winners will be sent an SMS informing them about their win and the winners names will also be uploaded on the website-


1. Till when is the participation window open?
The participation window for the crossword appearing on Sunday in the TOI paper will be open from 6 AM till 11:59 PM on the same day (Sunday). All entries after 11:59 PM on Sunday will not be considered.

2. There are 2 different types of clues- Cryptic Clues and Quick Clues. Which ones do we need to follow while solving the Crossword?
You can follow any 1 to solve the crossword- either the Cryptic Clues or the Quick Clues. However, do not mix the 2.

3. What should be the size and format of the photo?
The size of the photograph should not exceed 5 MBs and should be in jpg/jpeg format.

4. I have already participated last Sunday, can I participate again?
Yes, you can participate in The Times of India Crossword every Sunday.

5. I have some other question. Who should I reach to?
You can send your query to the following email address- toicrossword [AT]

This post was last modified on July 26, 2021 4:08 PM

Categories: Game/Play

View Comments (2)

  • I am participating in the Sunday times crossword contest since March 2021 !
    not won even once !
    is it genuine?

  • Sir,
    I am residing at Tirunelveli and regularly getting yours Madurai edition. Shall I participate Sunday crossword puzzle solution?

    Please advise me as to whether the crossword puzzle column appear in Madurai edition. I couldn't find your daily crossword feature as like in Chennai/Bangalore editions.

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