Sony Yay TMKCC Taarak Mehta Kka Chhota Chashmah Watch Party Dance Edition Contest 2021 :

Organisation : Sony Pictures Networks India Private Limited
Contest Name : TMKCC Watch Party | Dance Edition Taarak Mehta Kka Chhota Chashmah Watch Party Contest 2021
Applicable For : Indian Citizens
Applicable State/UTs : All over India
Contest Last Date : 2nd May, 2021
Website :

Sony Yay TMKCC Watch Party Contest

Sony YAY! Taarak Mehta Kka Chhota Chashmah-Watch Party Contest conducted by SPN .

Related / Similar Contest : Sony Yay Honey Bunny Watch Party With My Miss Anand Contest 2021

Who Can Participate?

** The Contest is open only to Indian citizens. Citizens and/or residents of other cities, states and countries are not eligible to participate.

** Employees, agents and promoters (including their immediate family members) of SPN and any of their divisions, affiliates and subsidiaries, and others associated with the Contest in any manner, are not eligible to participate in the Contest.

Contest Period

Start and End Timing of the Activity is 29th April , 2021 to 2nd May, 2021 11: 30 am

How to Participate?

a. Sony YAY! is coming up with a virtual party for which the Participants’ have to go to Sony YAY! Website and its Facebook Page and fill up a simple form about how and why they can be the best persons to host an online party.

b. One Participant can fill only one form and apply once during the Contest Term.

Note :
While participating in Activity, Parents of the Participants shall ensure that the Entry
a) shall be original and shall not violate the rights of any third party, including, but not limited to, privacy rights, copyrights, trademark rights and/or any other intellectual property rights;

b) is not abusive, harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatever;

c) does not harm minors in any way;
d) does not violate any law for the time being in force;

e) does not deceive or mislead about the origin of such messages or communicates any information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature;

f) does not contain software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource;

g) Shall not create any liability for SPN or any of its respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, assigns, employees, agents, directors, officers and shareholders.

Selection Process

The decision of SPN in choosing the Winner and the appropriate answer shall be by a randomizer method and/or any such other method as may be deemed appropriate by SPN and shall be final and binding on the Participants.

The Parents of the Participants while participating into this Contest agree to accept SPN’s decision as final and binding without any further claim in this regard.

Winners Announcement

a. The ones who register for the Watch party through the Website and FB links will be invited for the Watch party on Zoom. The party will also be streaming on FB and YT as a LIVE.

b. First 1000 people who register will be eligible to join the party. It’s a complete first come first basis while selecting the participants and the ones who have registered will be contacted separately to coordinate for their details to arrange to join the online party.


Sony YAY! and Taarak Mehta Kka Chhota Chashmah Goodies and entry to party

Terms & Conditions

** SPN shall not entertain any mail or query questioning or otherwise asking for the definitive process for choosing the Winners and the Participants by participating in the Contest shall be bound by these Specific T&Cs and Basic T&Cs.

** SPN reserves the right to withdraw or discontinue and/or terminate the Contest at any stage without prior notice and without any liability whatsoever to the Participants.

** The decisions of SPN and its representatives shall be final and binding on all aspects of the Contest.
** Incomplete and/or the Entries submitted after the Timelines shall not be considered and shall be null and void.

** SPN reserves the right to disqualify any Participant from participating in the Contest without assigning any reason. The decision of SPN in this regard shall be final and binding upon the Participants.

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 3:07 PM

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