SOF IEO 2021-22 International English Olympiad :

Organisation : Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)
Contest Name : IEO 2021-22 International English Olympiad
Applicable For : Students of classes 1 to 12
Last Date : 30 days before the chosen date of exam date
Exam Dates: 28th October 2021, 9th November 2021 & 18th November 2021
Website :

What is SOF IEO Olympiad?

International English Olympiad (IEO) is conducted by Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF). The SOF IEO is open to the students of classes 1 to 12. Registration fee is Rs 125. SOF IEO will be conducted on three dates 28th October 2021, 9th November 2021 & 18th November 2021. CBSE, ICSE/ISC and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test paper.

Related / Similar Olympiad :

SOF International English Olympiad IEO 2022

SOF ICO 2021-22


Students of classes 1 to 12th are eligible to appear for the 1st level Olympiads. There is no other eligibility criterion like minimum marks. Students who qualify for the 2nd level exam include.

How to Participate in the SOF IEO Olympiad?

To Participate in the SOF IEO Olympiad, follow the below procedure

Registration of Students

The SOF IEO is open to the students of classes 1 to 12. Students should register through their respective schools only. Individual registrations by students are not accepted. A minimum of 10 students need to be registered from each school for SOF IEO.

Principals/teachers may please note that any school can be registered as a center for SOF IEO Level 1. No fee is required from the institution to become a registered examination centre.

Prospectus containing the Registration forms are sent to all schools registered with SOF. Schools not registered may also request for prospectus by sending an e-mail at info [AT] or by calling 0124-4951200. Schools must return the registration forms to SOF, duly filled in and complete in all respects by the due date.

Roll Numbers

The school’s coordinating teacher should fill the School Registration Form (SRF) and Students’ Registration Sheet (SRS) as per the guidelines given & should send to the SOF’s office before the due date of submission of forms. SOF will register the applicant school and the students. As per the Students’ Registration Sheet (SRS) received from the School, SOF will generate roll numbers for all students.

SOF IEO is conducted on three dates for Level 1. Each school may select a date for conducting the SOF IEO as per its convenience. Each date of exam has a separate set of question papers. Change of date for conducting the SOF IEO is not permitted.

SOF will dispatch examination material and guidelines as per the exam date & forms received from the school for conducting the examination.

Registration Fee

Schools in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan & Nepal pay to SOF a registration fee of Rs 125* (including GST) per student / Olympiad towards cost of examination. Schools may charge an additional Rs. 25 per student towards honorarium of incharge, remuneration to teachers to teach and guide, and for other expenses.

No fee is payable for students suffering from any major physical disability, or an Indian student whose parent was martyred during defence operations.

*US$9 for other countries.
**US$1 for other countries.

What are the Exam Dates of SOF IEO Olympiad?

SOF IEO Olympiad exam will be conducted on three dates, as under. A school may select one date to conduct the SOF IEO as per it’s convenience.

** Date One – 28th October 2021
** Date Two – 9th November 2021
** Date Three – 18th November 2021

Dates of exams may change depending on impact of Corona on functioning of schools.

Exam Pattern

The SOF International English Olympiad IEO is conducted at two levels

Level 1:
The first level of the test is organized in the respective schools of the participants during school hours.

(i) The level 1 competition is a test of 60 minutes duration comprising 35 objective-type (Multiple Choice) questions for class 1 to class 4 and 50 objective-type (Multiple Choice) questions for class 5 to class 12.

(ii) The question paper consists of four sections:
Section-1 : Word & Structure Knowledge
Section-2 : Reading
Section-3 : Spoken & Written Expression
Section-4 : Achievers Section

(iii) There are separate question papers for each class.
(iv) The medium of the test is English.
(v) CBSE, ICSE/ISC and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers.
(vi) The exam is conducted during school hours.

Level 2 :
The level 2 is conducted for students of class 3 to class 12. The qualifiers to second round would include the following:

At International Level : Top 5% of candidates, class wise, who appear in the 1st level exam internationally.
At Zone/State Level : Top 25 rank holders from each Zone and each class.
At School Level : Class topper where at least 10 students from a class appear in the exam & scores at least 50% qualifying marks.


The syllabus of the Olympiads is the syllabus as prescribed by the CBSE, ICSE and various state boards. If you sit for the second level and have moved onto the next class, the syllabus will remain the same (i.e. of the previous class). The details of syllabus are also posted on the Foundation’s website.

Awards/ Scholarships

International, Zonal & topper awards will be provided to 2nd level winners from class 3 to class 12. For classes 1 & 2, awards will be provided to 1st level winners.

Each winner will be entitled to one award for an exam. The winners will be entitled to the higher level award only. For e.g., the international top 3 rank holders will be entitled to awards based on their International ranks.

Awards accruing to them for Zonal ranks will be given to the next rank holder. Similarly, class award accruing to a Zonal award winner will be given to the next rank holder.

At International Level
Rank Scholarships Number of Awards
1st Rs.50,000/- Each + Gold Medal*#+ Certificate of Outstanding Performance 12
2nd Rs.25,000/- Each + Silver Medal*#+ Certificate of Outstanding Performance 12
3rd Rs.10,000/- Each + Bronze Medal*#+ Certificate of Outstanding Performance 12


Any clarification regarding rules, format/pattern of the paper, etc., may be sought from SOF through phone-call – 0124-4951200 or email at info [AT]

This post was last modified on June 8, 2022 12:24 PM

Categories: Olympiad

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