Airtel Mega Win Season 28 Contest 2021 :

Organisation : Bharti Airtel Limited
Contest Name : Airtel Mega Win Contest Season 28
Applicable For : Airtel Prepaid and Postpaid Subscribers
Last Date : 03.06.2021
Website :

Airtel Mega Win Season 28

Just participate in Airtel Mega Win contest season 28 & win Tata Nexon as a bumper prize.

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Contest Period

The Contest shall run for a period of 90 days commencing from 6th March 2021 at 00:00:01 hours and concluding on 3rd June 2021 at 23:59:59 hours


‘Airtel Mega Win Season 28′ is open only to Indian citizens, residing in India, aged 18 years or above and are valid Airtel Prepaid and/or Postpaid subscribers.

How To Participate?


a) Registration/Subscription can be done by calling 53111 or by sending SMS WIN to 53111. Subscription will be done for 999 days. Modes of registration/ subscription can be added or suspended (due to unavoidable issues on which Organizer does not have any control) during the duration of the contest.

b) On subscribing through any of the above mentioned modes, the successful Subscriber will receive an acknowledgement SMS on his/her mobile number registered with Airtel informing him/her about his subscription status.

c) Un-subscription: If a subscribed user wants to unsubscribe from the contest then it can be done by typing ‘STOP’ and sending it as an SMS to 53111 (toll-free) or by calling the toll-free number 53111.


a) All the subscribers of contest will be charged INR 5/-, INR 3/- or INR 1/- per day (“Daily Charging Amount”), depending on the available balance on his/her MSISDN registered with Airtel.

b) All subscribed/registered users will be charged from the 1st day of the contest, or the day that he/she subscribes/registers to the contest, till the end of the contest, or till the day he/she unsubscribes from the contest, whichever happens first, irrespective of whether the contest subscribers play the contest or not. This Daily Charging Amount will not be refunded to subscribers under any circumstances.

c) On non-contest days, the subscribers will not be charged.

d) All contest subscribers will be allowed to play the contest each day irrespective of successful charging on each day. If the charging fails for any particular day during the contest, the subscribed user will be allowed to play the contest for that day, however the questions attempted by such subscriber shall not be considered for the Winner selection process for any of the prizes under the contest.

i. For subscribers that are charged Rs.5 for a day, all 5 questions played on that day shall be considered for the purposes of Winner selection.

ii. For subscribers that are charged Rs.3 for a day, only the first 3 questions played on that day shall be considered for the purposes of Winner selection.

iii. For subscribers that are charged Rs.1 for a day, only the first question played on that day shall be considered for the purposes of Winner selection.

iv. After playing 5 questions allotted per day, subscribers can further play more questions with a charging of Re 1 per question.

Total Questions

a) There will be a total of 1000 questions available to a subscribed user to play during the Contest Period i.e. 90 days. Question allotment will be done based on first activation date of user in this contest.

For example, if user subscribes on 1st day of contest start, then questions allotted will be [450 (5 per day) + 550 PPQ (can be played any day during Contest Period)]. If user subscribes on 31st day of contest start, then questions allotted will be [300 (5 per day) + 700 PPQ (can be played any day during Contest Period)] & so on.

b) User can only play his/her PPQ (pay per questions) only after playing the first 5 questions every day.

c) Questions will not be carried forward i.e. if a user plays 2 questions on Current day & does not play the remaining 3 questions on Current day itself, then those 3 questions will be lapsed.

Note: If due to any network failure / technical failure or any other reason, charging notification is received after 48 hours, then the same will not be considered. Final scores will be updated as per the charging notifications which are received within 48 hrs.

Contest On Voice

a) The Contest will be available on 53111 which will be Toll free for all the Airtel Subscribers of the above mentioned circles of Airtel.

b) The Subscribers can press 1 or 2 on the phone keypad to answer the questions of the Contest.

c) After answering one question, user will be given next question along with the result (correct/wrong response) of previous question.

d) Out of the allotted 5 questions per day, if on current day user plays 3 questions & does not play the 4th question on same day but answers the question on next day, then that question will be considered as 1st question of the next day.

Contest On SMS

a) The Contest will be available on the Toll free Short code 53111.

b) To participate in the Contest, Airtel Subscribers can send the keyword WIN to toll free Short Code 53111.

c) Subscribers can participate in the Contest by sending a response to the question that they have received last. There will be 2 response options (A and B) in each question out of which 1 option is correct. Subscriber needs to choose the correct option.

d) After answering one question, user will be given next question along with the result (correct/wrong response) of previous question.

e) Out of the allotted 5 questions per day, if on current day user plays 3 questions & does not play the 4th question on same day but answers the question on next day, then that question will be considered as 1st question of the next day.

Points & Happy Hours

a) For every right answer, the Subscriber will get 10 points. There will be no negative point for a wrong answer.

b) Points obtained in this Contest will be valid for this Contest only & will not be carried forwarded to any new Contest.

c) If a Subscriber participates in the Contest over two or more of the channels (Voice or SMS), his/her score will only be cumulative and not exclusive for each of the channels. i.e.: if the Subscriber has started participating in the Contest on Voice and has scored 20 points in 2 questions, if he/she drops the call and resumes participation through SMS, he/she will be given the 3rd question, and if he/she answers the question correctly, his/her score will be 30 and this will be the score that will be considered for the highest scorer’s selection of all the prizes.

d) There will be happy hours decided by the Organizers. Subscribers participating in Contest during happy hours will get 20 points for every right answer. Information regarding happy hours will be sent to all registered users/Subscribers via SMS in advance. Subscribers can also get happy hour information on IVR in Help menu.



Winner(s) will receive calls / email and will be informed about the prize & other details along with the process for claiming the prize. Winners will receive a mail from

This post was last modified on June 7, 2021 10:47 AM

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