Economic Times Guess the Sensex Competition 2015

Organization : Times Internet Limited
Competition Name : Guess the Sensex Competition 2015
Applicable For : Indian Citizens

Website :

Related :
Economic Times “Fab@40 Nominations” Campaign 2015 :

Guess the Sensex Competition 2015 Eligibility :

a) This Competition is valid for Indian citizens entitled to enter into any contract and are aged 18 years and above; However, Contestants below 18 years of age may participate in the Competition through parents or guardian.
b) The Judges, employees of TIL, the family members or the relatives of Judges or employees TIL are not eligible to participate in the Competition. Any such entry, even if successful, would be deemed inadmissible for the purpose of this Competition.

Contest closes on every market day at 1 :00 PM

How to Play :

Step 1 :Guess Sensex closing value
Step 2 :Answer market question
Step 3 :Sign in & Closest value guess will win gifts daily

Rules :

** Winners will be be decided on every market day at 5 :00 PM(IST).
** Participant with closest guess and correct answer to markets question will be the winner.
** Winners will be communicated by email and notifications(if participated from app).
** Win Gifts Daily!!

Competition Duration :

Competition shall start on xx date 2015 at 9 :15 AM and will conclude on xx date 2015 at 1PM (“Competition Period”). However TIL reserves the right to extend or shorten the Competition Duration at its sole discretion.

Participation Fee :
There is no fee for entry or participation in the Competition.

Procedure to participate :

a) To participate in the Competition, Contestant has to log on or or ET Markets Apps (iPhone and Android) answer the question of the day and predict the Sensex closing value for the day.
a) Contestant’s entry will be valid only if they have a valid and verified email id.
c) Contestant will answer a question before submitting their entry.
d) Contestant can predict the Sensex for the day only till 1pm on that day.
e) Contestant who sent the correct answer and closest value of Sensex closing will stand a chance to win.
f) Winning contestant stand a chance to win ET Markets Branded Bag.
g) Contestant can participate and submit his/her entry only 1 time for the contest day from or but may be allowed from time to time to submit more then one entry from ET Mobile APPS (but never exceeding a total of 3 entries per day irrespective of where submitted from).
h) Contestant from Markets Apps (Android or iPhone) can participate from unique device and unique email may be allowed from time to time to submit more then one entry (but never exceeding a total of 3 entries per day irrespective of where submitted from).
i) Judges appointed by TIL shall choose and declare the “best and winning answer”. Any decision of Judges shall be final and binding.
j) Winners will be declared on the site during the Contest.
k) Contestant understands that mere participation in the Competition does not entitle the Contestant to win the prize.
l) The decision of the Judge(s) shall be final and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
m) The Winners will be informed through an email(post which user will have to confirm his/her mobile number). The Winner will be contacted within seven days of the day of participating.

Prizes :

a) Judges will short list and announce winner/s daily for the prizes :
b) Any charge over and above the stated prize shall have to be borne by the winners themselves including without limitation travelling, prize collection/delivery charges etc.
c) Prize shall be non-transferable and must be accepted as awarded. No Cash payment in lieu of the prizes shall be made. Winner shall have to bear all incidental costs, if any, that may arise such as transportation costs for the fulfillment of the prize.
d) TIL also reserves the right to change the Prize and/or and number of winners per day, at any time during the competition at its sole discretion. Prizes shall be non transferable and must be accepted as awarded. No request for cash or other substitution shall be made to TIL.

e) If required, TIL may ask the winner to produce the following documents
i. Proof of Identity with photo
ii. Proof of age
iii. Proof of Address
iv. Copy of PAN card
v. Any other document as required by TIL.

f) All applicable taxes/duties/levies including service tax or applicable gift taxes on winning the prize. All deductions (such as TDS), withholding tax etc. wherever applicable, shall be made by TIL in accordance with the Income Tax Act, 1961 or as any other law as applicable before disbursement of Prize.
g) All Prizes shall be subject to T & C and compliance with all applicable statutory legislations/ processes /formalities as may be applicable to specific Prizes.

Other Terms :

a) This Competition cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion currently being offered.
b) TIL reserves the right to disqualify any Contestant if it has reasonable grounds to believe the Contestant has breached any of these terms and conditions. Any failure on the part of the winner to comply with directions issued by TIL, or in the event of any ambiguity / uncertainty / unavailability of the winner, TIL, in its own discretion shall be entitled to cancel the Prize(s) for the said winner(s). No correspondence in this regards shall be entertained.
c) Any fraudulent activity is strongly discouraged and the associated participant and teams will be immediately disqualified. TIL will be the sole judge to decide if the activity is a fraudulent activity. For example creating multiple email ids for participation in contest will be considered a fraudulent activity.
d) The Competition winners can be disqualified if TIL believes that the Competition was not played with the right intent & the spirit of the competition.
e) Subject to applicable laws, Contestant hereby grant TIL, by participating in the Competition and/or accepting a Prize, the right to use, in perpetuity the Contestant’s information, publish and display Contestant’s picture, voice, video, statements, quotes which may be adapted, edited or modified, as solely determined by TIL for advertising, trade, publicity and promotional purposes in any media without notification or approval, all without any additional consideration.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 12:54 PM

View Comments (2)

  • I have won prize on 18th and 19th Jan 2016 but till now I have not received any information for my prizes. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map