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Ramakrishna Math Elocution/Recitation & Vivekotsav Competition 2016 Inter-School Mumbai

Organization : Ramakrishna Math
Competition Name : Inter-School Elocution/Recitation & Vivekotsav Competition 2016
Applicable For : School Children

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Website : http://www.rkmkhar.org/
Competition Details : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/5626-Comp2015.pdf

VIBGYOR Viva 7 Inter-School Festival 2015 Mumbai : www.contest.net.in/3219.html

Competitions :

154th Birthday Celebration of Swami Vivekananda, 45th Inter-School Elocution And Recitation Competition – 2016 & VIVEKOTSAV – 15th Inter-School Multi-Talent Competition & 23rd Inter-School Reading Competition for the Hearing-Impaired Children

Please note that the last date for receipt of entries for Elocution, Recitation & Vivekotsav Competition is one week before the scheduled event.

We are glad to announce the forth-coming Annual Competitions for School Children. The objective of such competitions is to inculcate the characterbuilding teachings of Swami Vivekananda among the youngsters so that they grow to become noble citizens of our Motherland. We request you to kindly extend your co-operation as in the past by sending selected students from your school and making the event a success.

45th Inter-School Elocution & Recitation Competition 2016 :

** There is No Entry Fee. Participation Certificates will be issued to all participants.
** Schools can participate in any of the 5 venues mentioned in this brochure and indicate the same in the entry form.
** Only 5 (five) students to be sent for each category.
** A participant can compete in more than one language.
** Please ensure that the names and surnames of participants are legibly written in CAPITAL LETTERS in your Entry Forms so as to avoid any mistakes while preparing prize-winners’ and participation certificates.
** A panel of three judges, whose decision shall be final and binding, will assess the participants. No further enquiry in this regard will be entertained.
** Prescribed Books in Gujarati, Marathi, Hindi & English and Sanskrit passages can be collected from the office of Ramakrishna Math, 12th Road, Khar (W), Mumbai – 400 052.
** Please send all the Entry Forms to the Ramakrishna Math, Khar.

Power Point Presentation :

Venue : Ramakrishna Math, Khar
Sunday, 20th dec 2015 at 9.00 a.m.
Only For Senior Group (STD. VII to STD. IX)

Format of the Competition :

1. This competition is open to school students of standard VII to IX (Boys & Girls).
2. The participants of the competition are required to make a power point presentation on the topic – How Swami Vivekananda Inspires Us.
3. Three students of the same school have to form a group.
4. The presentation has to be made by the group.
5. The PPT has to be made in 2007 version.
6. The PPT can consist of relevant photos, graphics, words and even music.
7. Any two students can speak at the competition. A stop sign will be displayed after 8 minutes, when the PPT has to end.
8. Students should not continue after the Stop sign. Marks will be deducted if the students continue with the presentation after Stop sign.
9. There is no restriction on the number of slides which the group can make. However, all slides should be shown within the allotted time of 8 minutes per group.
10. Please send the names of the participants before Saturday, December 12, 2015
11. The students have to bring their PPT in a pen-drive on the day of the competition. They do not have to mail the PPT to us.

All enquiries should be referred to and all information / materials for competition should be collected from Ramakrishna Math, Khar (W), Only. Similarly, Entry Forms duly completed for the venue of your choice should be sent to the Ramakrishna Math, Khar (W), Mumbai – 52, and not to the other venue

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  1. Pankti

    What are the topics for junior elocution this year 2016?

  2. Manisha

    Why final round is restricted to same matter written in the book? Students can explore from other sources also. Make them smart rather than puppet ,mugging up the text.

  3. Arpita Arora

    Can you please send me the content for English elocution for 8thstd as I am not able to get it from school as concerned teacher is absent?

  4. Raj

    How can I login online?

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