XContest XC India 2015 Online Contest For Pilots

Competition Name : XC India 2015 Competition
Competition Ends On : 31st Dec 2015
Applicable For : Pilots
Entry Fee : No

Website : http://www.xcontest.org/india/

Aeronautical Society of India HAL & PHL Essay Competition 2015 : www.contest.net.in/2328.html

XC India 2015 Competition :

XC India 2015, an online XC contest. The XContest India [XC INDIA] is a competition in which all pilots regardless of flight experience and age are given the opportunity to evaluate their flights and to compare them with others.The idea is to connect all pilots (serious cross country pilots or recreational pilots) according to their time and financial possibilities.It is the pleasure of flying that connects all the participants. If you’d like to participate in this contest, you have to claim your flights on this site

Any pilot who considers India their home can compete in this contest

1. General Information:

1.1 Summary:
The XContest India [XC INDIA] is a competition in which all pilots regardless of flight experience and age are given the opportunity to evaluate their flights and to compare them with others.The idea is to connect all pilots (serious cross country pilots or recreational pilots) according to their time and financial possibilities.It is the pleasure of flying that connects all the participants.

1.2 Promoters and Organizers:
This is a For the Pilots By the Pilots initiative. Some enthusiastic pilots have come together to organize this contest in India with XContest.org

1.3 Competitors:
Pilot can be an Indian citizen pilot or any foreigner who has been residing in India for more than a year.

1.4 Entry Fees :
No entry fee is required.

1.5 Eligibility :
Currently we have very no eligibility criteria, However we do recommend that Pilot must have gone through necessary training to be able to do Cross Country Flying. Pilot must possess necessary insurance which covers fatalities due to paragliding (including third party liabilities)

2. General Rules:

The following listed deviations apply to the XContest India [XC India] in 2015 in addition to the currently valid regulations of the World XContest.

2.1 Flying Rules:
** If a pilot is found by the organizer or national administrator/s to have submitted a flight which infringes Indian Air laws, the flight will be removed from the scoring.
** Flights have to be done in VFR and is totally in VMC. It means no cloud flying and no night flying. In case of complaint Meteorological cloudbase will be used for that day to check flight log and data from other pilots flight for same day can be used. Some margin will be given from met cloudbase depending on situation.
** Its pilot’s responsibility to make himself aware of airspace restriction in his area and to avoid any restricted airspace.
** Only certified paragliders allowed.
** Any liability or personal loss arising out of flights for this online competition is pilots own responsibility.

2.2 Competition Duration :
** The XContest India [XC India] starts at 1st Jan . 2015
** Competition end on 31st Dec 2015.
** Last day of submitting flights for the competition duration is 9th January 2016

Note: The 2016 season begins on 1st Jan 2016

2.3 Area of Contest :
Worldwide : Flying site can be anywhere in the world.

2.4 Registration:
To participate in the XContest India [XC India] each participant must register on xcontest.org/india . With its subscriber registration, the participant accepts the rules of the World XContest and the additions / deviations of XContest India.

2.5 Launch Methods:
A paraglider flight shall start by foot launch from a hill or by means of mechanical equipment (aero-tow, winch launch, etc.) except that: Wheels or similar aids to take-off and landing are permitted for permanently disabled pilots,

3. Flight Documentation:

The XContest India [XC India] allows pilots to fly cross country without having to declare a task before take off.

Documenting a flight may only be done through the use of an appropriate instrument:
** Standalone GPS
** GPS with variometer and barograph
** GPS integrated flying instruments
** Data Logger
** Appropriate Smartphones with necessary applications
** All flights must be recorded in 3d.

Further information on compulsory features necessary for instruments and software can be found in section 8’s “Technical specifications” of these Rules.

3.1 IGC flight data:
Every pilot must keep a personal backup of all his / her tracklog files uploaded to the XContest server until 1 calendar month after the flight has been submitted. Once a pilot has uploaded an IGC tracklog file to the XContest server it becomes the public property

3.2 Last Date of flight submission:
** Currently there is no Last Date for 2015 season as long as a pilot is submitting flight during the competition duration that is 1st of Jan to 31st Dec.
** These Last Dates may change for next season.
** Please note if you wish your flight to be considered for the World XContest then you will have to follow their Last Dates. The Last Date for uploading a flight for World XContest is 14 days after day of the flight. Flights which are claimed after the Last Date will be rejected for World XContest

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 1:15 PM

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