Wiztoonz Karnataka Tourism Poster Design Contest 2021

Organisation : Wiztoonz
Contest Name : Karnataka Tourism Poster Design Contest 2021
Applicable For : Students across India
Last Date : 24.07.2021
Website : https://wiztoonz.com/contests/karnataka-tourism-poster-design-contest/

Wiztoonz Karnataka Tourism Poster Design Contest

Create a Poster for Karnataka Tourism. The poster must be A4 Portrait. You can use images of landmarks, text, shapes and colours in the poster.

Participation Criteria

Students across India will be eligible to participate in the competition.

Rules of the Competition

** Designs must be original and created by the participant.
** Designs must be submitted before the due date and time.
** Designers must be asked to submit work files if they are shortlisted.
** Last Date Of Submission – 24th July, 2021
** Results On 31st July, 2021

How to Participate?

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website through provided above.
Step 2 : Read the instructions carefully before you are applying.
Step 3 : Fill the application form with the required details
Step 4 : Upload your design and tick the checkbox to accept the terms & conditions
Step 5 : Finally click on “Submit” button to complete your registration.

File Submission Guidelines :
Create a .zip archive containing the following files
** A4 Jpeg file of the poster design.
** A cover letter explaining your idea of the poster design.

Terms & Conditions

** By submitting a design to this competition, you are accepting these Terms and Conditions. You further agree that if your entry is shortlisted , you are assigning your entire right title and interest in your design to Wiztoonz and you will not be entitled to receive any royalties or other consideration, now or in the future, for such assignment other than the contest prize set forth. In such case, Wiztoonz will own your design and will have the exclusive right to use your design on a worldwide and exclusive basis.

** Entries must be entirely your own original work and must not breach or be in violation of any copyright or other rights of third parties. Wiztoonz will not be in any way liable for any non-original work submitted by you.

** Wiztoonz decision in selecting the winner is final and binding.


** First Prize: 5000
** Second Prize: 3000
** Third Prize: 2000
** + Certification

About Us :
Committed to provide Extensive, Practical & Industry Relevant Training. Wiztoonz helps students to turn their skill and talent into a promising creative career. Wiztoonz Academy of Media and Design is a well-equipped campus with latest tools of arts and technology.

The career programs at Wiztoonz are meticulously designed for creating tomorrow’s professionals. The unique curriculum is designed to meet the industry standards.

At Wiztoonz, students work with highly skilled and experienced mentors, who are themselves working professionals, dedicated to mentor you as an employable professional, in inspiring studio spaces.


For more details/ queries contact: workshops [AT] wiztoonz.com

Categories: Design/Logo
Tags: wiztoonz.com
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