CBSE GANIT Week Celebration Competitions 2015 : Central Board of Secondary Education

Organization : Central Board of Secondary Education
Competition Name : Celebration of GANIT Week in Schools
Applicable For : CBSE Students Classes I to XII
Applicable States/UT : All Over India

Website :
Notification :

Celebration of GANIT Week in Schools :

In order to commemorate the 128th birth anniversary of Dr. Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan on 22nd December, 2015, the CBSE invites schools affiliated to it to celebrate GANIT (Growing Aptitude in Numerical Innovations & Training) Week. For this purpose, the schools may conduct the following activities during the GANIT week.

CBSE Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Expression Series 2015 :

Activities :

1.Mathematics Relay Race :
In each grade, students may be divided in groups of 5-8 depending upon the class strength. A series of questions may be prepared and students may move ahead in the race only after solving those questions

Date : 16.12.2015
Grade : I to V & VI-VIII

2. Solving Mathematical Puzzles:
Solving Mathematical Puzzles such as solving Rubik’s cube and creating magic squares:
Date : 17.12.2015
Grade : VI to VIII

3. Interactive Session on Mathematics:
Interactive activity-based sessions may be organized for students on various topics like Mathematics in nature, Mathematics in architecture, Pascal’s triangle, Vedic Mathematics

Date : 18.12.2015
Grade :IX to XII

4. Quiz Competition :
Quiz competitions may be organized for each grade based on the various topics that they study in Mathematics

Date : 19.12.2015
Grade :I to V/ VI to VIII/ IX to XII

5. Mathematical Games :
Mathematical games such as Sudoku and Kakuro

Date : 21.12.2015
Grade : VI to VIII & IX to XII

6. Innovative Projects :
Innovative Projects on Mathematics such as the Golden Ratio

Date : 22.12.2015
Grade : I to V/ VI to VIII/ IX to XII

Submission Procedure:

Conclude the week with an exhibition of all projects and activities taken up during the week. These activities are suggestive in nature and the schools are encouraged to innovate and organize other similar activities. It is expected that such endeavours will reduce the fear of Mathematics and make its study more interesting amongst students.

The report of activities conducted by the schools during the GANIT week must be uploaded on the school’s website and a short report (not exceeding 200 words) with photographs, highlighting the activities may be sent to Ms. Gauri Nagpal, Assistant Professor and Assistant Director, by e-mail at or by post to CBSE, Shiksha Sadan, 17, Institutional Area, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi-110002.


In case of any query, you may contact: gauri. cbse@ / 011-23231821.

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