CBSE Academic Aavishkar Quiz For December 2015 : Central Board of Secondary Education

Organization : Central Board of Secondary Education
Competition Name : Aavishkar Quiz For December 2015
Applicable For : CBSE Students Classes I to XII
Applicable States/UT : All Over India
School Level Competition Dates : 17th to 22nd December 2015
Online Quiz Competition Date : 30th December 2015

Website :
Aavishkar Quiz Portal :
Notification :
Online Registration For Aavishkar Quiz :

Aavishkar Quiz For December 2015:

The Rashtriya Aavishkar Abhiyan (RAA) envisages motivating and engaging children of the age group from 6-18 years in Science, Mathematics and Technology through observation, experimentation, inference drawing, model building, etc. both through inside and outside classroom activities and processes.

CBSE Aavishkar Quiz Result December 2015 :

Target Group:

The children in the schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary education in the following categories.
** Primary : I- V
** Middle : VI- VIII
** Secondary : IX –XII


Any bonafide student of a school affiliated to CBSE studying in standard I to standard XII can participate in the competition in the respective categories.

Type of Quiz :
Face to Face Competition in Schools followed by selection of best talents by CBSE through an online quiz.

Medium : English/Hindi


Top ten students from each category (Primary-10, Middle-10 and Secondary-10) shall be shortlisted based on their performance and time for completion of the Online Quiz conducted by the Board. Each winner shall be given Rs.2500/- ( Rs. Two thousand five hundred only).

Conduct of Quiz:

To ensure wider participation of students, involvement of schools and selection of the winners on merit, the competition is proposed in two stages. The school level competition shall be held first as detailed below. Thereafter in the last week, the Board shall conduct an online quiz for finding out the best talents from the school level competition who have registered successfully.

Stage: 1- School Level Competition:
The school shall organize an in-house Quiz Competition on any day during 17th to 22nd December 2015 on the given theme i.e. “Space ”. The focus should be on creativity and innovation in the area of Mathematics, Science and Technology. The school shall select best two students from each category ( Primary, Middle and Secondary ).

The selection of the candidates should be made in an impartial manner involving all students interested in the Quiz competition. The school may evolve its own mechanism for initial shortlisting. However conduct of Quiz competition on any day during 17h to 22nd December 2015 in the school is a mandatory condition to be eligible for the next stage

The names of two winners in each category, two photographs of the event, a report in 200 words and contact details must be uploaded by the school on a link which will be available on CBSE website under the link “ Aavishkar Quiz” on 23rd December 2015 . Schools shall be able to register only upto 5-00 p.m on 23rd December 2015 .

The specifications of the photograph for uploading are as given below :
** Image Format – JPEG
** Size of Image –Maximum 200 KB

Utmost care should be taken while filling up the registration form and submission of report of first stage. In case, the email id registered is found to be invalid, no user id and password will be issued. Report submitted by any other mode like email, post etc. shall not be considered for registration.

This is only the first level of the Quiz and no prizes are given by the Board to winners of the first stage.

Stage: 2 – Online Quiz conducted by the Board :
The Board shall allot user id and password to the schools which have successfully registered within stipulated time. The date of the Online Quiz shall be 30th December 2015 . Best entries shall be selected on the basis of maximum scores obtained and minimum time for completion of the Quiz.

All the schools which have registered for Aavishkar quiz series in the first stage by uploading their reports on the link given on latest by 5-00 p.m. on 23rd December 2015 may conduct Online Quiz competition and shall follow the guidelines given below


1. The Online Quiz Competition will be held on 30th December 2015.
2. User id and password can be downloaded from the link ,which will be available on the link “ Aavishkar quiz”on by 24th December 2015 . You may provide the user id and password to the students only on the day of the Online quiz. Please note that, those who have not received the registration number shall not be given any user id and password.


For claiming the prize money, the Principal of the school shall sent a bonafide certificate of the winner in the Proforma given in Annexure- 1 within three days of declaration of the result on the email id:

You may ensure maximum participation of the students in the Quiz Competition which will in turn promote inquisitiveness and creativity among them in the area of Mathematics , Science and Technology.

For further queries you may send an email to or call on 011-23211574

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:05 PM

Categories: CBSE

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