UPNEDA Painting Competition On Energy Conservation 2021 Uttar Pradesh : upsavesenergy.com

Organisation : Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA)
Contest Name : Painting Competition On Energy Conservation 2021
Applicable For : Classes 3rd to 11th Students
Applicable State/UT : Uttar Pradesh
Last Date :15th November 2021
Website : http://upsavesenergy.com/UpsecaPaintingAward.aspx

What is UPNEDA Painting Competition?

Painting Competition on Energy Conservation 2021 is organised by Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA)

UPNEDA is the State Designated Agency of Uttar Pradesh, invites Students to paint a world of imagination and discover the magic of clean, green and energy efficient future; a future, which they will inherit.


Contest is open to all students of defined category through their schools registered/ established in Uttar Pradesh only.

Categories and Topics

Sr. No. Category Class Topic
(In Hindi) (In English)
1 Ist 3rd, 4th & 5th ऊर्जा संरक्षण से पर्यावरण संरक्षण Save Environment with Energy Conservation
2 2nd 6th, 7th & 8th ऊर्जा की बचत, देश की समृद्धि Prosperity of Nation with Energy Conservation
3 3rd 9th, 10th & 11th भारत को आत्मनिर्भर बनाने में इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन एवं इंडक्शन कुकिंग का योगदान Contribution of Electric Vehicles & Induction Cooking towards India Self reliant

How To Participate?

Step-1 : Go to the link http://upsavesenergy.com/PaintingCompetition/Index.aspx#
Step-2 : Read and Agree Terms & Conditions
Step-3 : Click on the link “New Registration”.
Step-4 : Then enter registration id. Please contact your school for registration id or request the school to register.
Step-5 : Fill form and Submit

UPNEDA Painting Competition Instructions

** School principal are requested to organize UPNEDA painting competition in the school for Category “01” , Category “02” & Category “03”. Students can use any size of paper but preferably A4 size and painting material such as pencil, colour pencils, crayons & water colours. Student’s painting should be based on above said topic.
** School principal will select 01 best painting from each category and send them along with the required student’s information to UPSDA latest by 15th Nov 2021.
** All participants will be issued certificate of participation.


Winners will be awarded by certificate and the cash amount. Department will promote the painting through its Social media handle (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram)

Terms and Condition

** There is no entry fee to participate in the contest.
** Theme of the Painting Competition is ‘Energy Conservation.
** One school can participate in maximum three categories with different students as participant/applicant.
** The Painting must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content.
** The painting has to be submitted online in JPEG, PDF format in prescribed format.
** UPSDA will inform only the winner students and schools about the selection of their Painting.
** In the event of unforeseen circumstances, we reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions or withdraw the competition at any time.
** The result of the competition will be uploaded on the website www.upsavesenergy.com and also on mobile app.
** The name of Student, Class, School, Guardian Name, Phone Number, Address must be written on Painting Sheet and should be visible.

Technical Parameters

** Any type of Art paper of the choice of the participants may be used for painting.
** The participants will be at liberty to use any type of safe colour material like acrylic, pastel, water etc. or a clever mix of all in the painting.
** The Painting should be usable on the website/mobile app/ social media such as Twitter/Facebook/Instagram and on Magazines, Commercial, Hoardings/Standees, Brochures, Leaflets, Pamphlets, Souvenirs and other Publicity and Marketing materials used by UPSDA.
** Slogans on the paintings, if any, may be only either in Hindi or English only.

UPNEDA Painting Competition Evaluation Criteria

** All the entries fulfilling the terms and conditions would be assessed for award by a Selection Committee constituted by UPSDA.
** UPNEDA Painting Competition entries would be judged on the basis of elements of creativity, originality, simplicity, artistic merit and visual impact and how well they communicate the topic.
** The decision of the Selection Committee would be final and binding on all the participating contestants and no clarifications would be issued to any participant/applicant for any or their decisions.


Up to 15th November 2021

This post was last modified on November 13, 2021 2:16 PM

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