Center Fresh Myntra Consumer Benefit Contest 2022 :

Organisation : Perfetti Van Melle India Private Limited
Contest Name : Center Fresh Myntra Consumer Benefit Contest 2022
Applicable For : Consumers
Applicable State/UT : Throughout India
Last Date : 30/03/2022
Website : centerfresh [dot] in

What is Center Fresh Myntra Consumer Benefit Contest?

Center Fresh Myntra Consumer Benefit Contest is sponsored and launched by Perfetti Van Melle India Private Limited and conducted by Qwikcilver wherein consumers can participate by sending a SMS of Keyword<space>4 digit alphanumeric Batch Code printed on the pack of Center Fresh Mints & Center Fresh 3 Layer Gum. Contest is valid throughout India. The Contest is valid only in India from 01/02/2022 to 30/03/2022.

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This Contest will be open to all the residents of India with the exception to employees, their immediate family members, agents, distributors, retailers, and any other channel partner of PVMI and the Agency.

How to Participate in the Center Fresh Myntra Consumer Benefit Contest?

To participate in the Center Fresh Myntra Consumer Benefit Contest, Participants are required to send an SMS:

(i) As a first step, Participants are required to send an SMS with valid batch code printed on Center Fresh promo pack laminate from any GSM or CDMA mobile phone. e.g., CF<SPACE>Batch Code to 8367283672.

(ii) After sending the SMS, Participant will get a Myntra Discount reward worth Rs 50. One mobile number can participate 2 times, during Contest & Pre-Contest period and Timings, to get 2 reward codes of Myntra Discount voucher worth Rs 50 each. This is applicable for all Indian telecom circles including Tamil Nadu.

(iii) All valid participation from Rest of India, during Contest Period & within Contest Timings, shall be eligible & stand a chance to win Myntra E-Gift Card as per the condition of selecting 1 winner in every 10 minutes participation.

(iv) All valid participation from Tamil Nadu, during Contest Period & within Contest Timings, will receive a SMS with a quiz link within 24 hours. Participant needs to click on the link, enter mobile number, do an OTP validation & answer to a MCQ based quiz. 1st 5 correct entries for the day will get rewarded. With Myntra E-GV worth Rs 1000. In total 290 winners shall be selected during contest period.

(v) 1 mobile number can participate maximum 2 times to win 2 assured Myntra Discount voucher worth Rs 50 each. However, 1 Myntra account can accept only 1 Myntra discount voucher. There is a capping of 50 times participation on 1 mobile number participating to stand a chance to win Myntra E-Gift Card worth Rs 1000, however a mobile number can win maximum up to 1 Myntra E-Gift Card worth Rs 1000.

(vi) Selection of Winner shall be subject to fulfilment of all terms and conditions of the Contest


Consumer participating during within Contest Period & between Contest Timings will be eligible to stand a chance to win Myntra Rs 1000 E-gift card.

a. For Rest of India Circle Participant: – Basis the valid entries received, Agency to select 1 winner from every 10 minutes participation & 72 winners a day during Contest Period & Contest Timings i.e., from 01/02/2022 to 30/03/2022 & between 9 AM to 9 PM only. In total 4176 winners shall be selected during the Contest Period.

b. For Tamil Nadu & Chennai Circle participant: – Basis the valid entries received, Agency to select 290 winners during the Contest Period & Contest Timings i.e., from 01/02/2022 to 30/03/2022 & between 9 AM to 9 PM only. In total 290 winners shall be selected during the Contest Period.

Contest Period starts on 01/02/2022 & ends on 30/03/2022. If the customer has bought a pack before 01/02/2022, then customer is suggested to participate in any one of below methods: –
a. Participate during Pre-Contest Period to get assured Myntra discount voucher. And participate again with same batch code during Contest Period to stand a chance to win Myntra E-gift card worth Rs 1000. Participation Timings are 9 AM to 9 PM during Pre-Contest & Contest Period.
b. Participate during Contest Period to get assured Myntra reward and to stand a chance to win Myntra E-gift card worth Rs 1000. Participation Timings are 9 AM to 9 PM during Pre-Contest & Contest Period.

Winner Selection

For Assured Myntra Discount voucher worth Rs 50
(i) Participants sending valid SMS during Contest & Pre-Contest Period & Timings shall receive assured Myntra Discount voucher worth Rs 50. This is applicable for all Indian circles including Tamil Nadu. Once mobile number can participate maximum 2 times to get 2 Myntra discount code of Rs 50 each. For sweepstakes of Myntra Discount voucher worth Rs 1000

(ii) For Rest of India- A total of 72 winners will be selected wherein winners will be announced for every 10 minutes between 9AM to 9 PM during Contest Period (i.e., 72 Winners for 720 Minutes) through a scientific random method. In case there is no entry received for any 10-minute slot, winner for that slot will be selected from the overall pool of entries received in the end of the Contest. In total 4176 winners shall be selected in 58 days Contest Period.

(iii) For Tamil Nadu- All valid participation from Tamil Nadu, during Contest Period & within Contest Timings, will receive a SMS with a quiz link within 24 hours. Participant needs to click on the link, enter mobile number, do an OTP validation & answer to a MCQ based quiz. 1st 5 correct entries for the day will get rewarded. With Myntra E-GV worth Rs 1000. In total 290 winners shall be selected during contest period.

(iv) Prizes will be given subject to the winner satisfying the verification process of PVMI LTD. or the Partner Agency.
(vi) Only 1 Myntra discount voucher can be applied on 1 Myntra account.
(vii) The winner generation will be done based on Valid Code and mobile number
(ix) PVMI Ltd. and Partner Agency shall have a right to ask for the original packs in case of any query raised by the Participants during the Contest Period, non – submission of which shall render the Participant as not eligible to participate in the Contest.

Contacting Winners

(i) Once the Winners are selected, the Partner Agency appointed by PVMI shall process the Myntra E-Gift Card to the registered mobile number within 84 working hours excluding public holidays and Saturday & Sundays. Winners will also get a confirmatory message of having won the per 10-minute prize. The winner list will also be published on the Contest website

(ii) PVMI at its discretion may ask the Winners to furnish the any or all the following documents:
a. Aadhar, Election ID Card, Passport, Driving License or similar government ID
b. Winners will be required to retain and furnish on demand the wrapper of the pack with the batch code.
c. Winners will be required to furnish a proof of ownership of participating mobile number (Mobile bill or a letter from their Network service provider clearly stating the mobile number, their name, address etc.)
d. Identification details (Name) on the identification document furnished should match the same on Mobile Bill / Letter furnished by network service provider.
e. In case any one of the above documents are not available for any reason, the PVMI/Agency reserves the right to take a decision basis the availability of other documents. This decision will be final and binding.

What are the Last Dates of Center Fresh Myntra Consumer Benefit Contest?

Last Dates to participate in the Center Fresh Myntra Consumer Benefit Contest are,

** The Contest is valid only in India from 01/02/2022 to 30/03/2022
** The Pre-Contest is valid from 17/01/2022 to 31/01/2022

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