CREST International Spell Bee Winter CSBW 2022-23 :

Organisation : Centre for Research and Exams in Science and Technology (CREST)
Contest Name : CREST International Spell Bee Winter CSBW 2022
Applicable For : Students of classes 1-8
Exam Date : 20th Decamber 2022
Website :

What is CREST International Spell Bee Winter CSBW?

CREST International Spell Bee Winter CSBW is organised by Centre for Research and Exams in Science and Technology (CREST). It is an international competitive exam held online for students in classes 1-8. There will be only one level for all the classes. Overall Top 3 students globally each from Grades 2-10 for every subject appearing Online will be awarded with Achiever’s Trophy and Merit Certificate. The Exam date is 20th Decamber 2022.


CREST International Spell Bee Winter CSBW is an international competitive exam held online for students in classes 1-8.

How to Participate in the CREST International Spell Bee Winter CSBW?

To Participate in the CREST International Spell Bee Winter CSBW, Follow the below steps
Registration of Students through schools:
** Students from classes 1-8 are eligible to give CREST Olympiads.
** Prospectus containing the registration forms are sent to all schools registered with CREST Olympiads.
** If your school is not registered with us, then please send an email to info [AT] and we will send you the prospectus soon.
** It is mandatory for schools to return the registration forms to CREST Olympiads, duly filled in and complete in all respects by the due date.

Registration for individual participants:
** If your school does not conduct Olympiads, then you can register as an individual participant as well.
** The link for the online registration for individual participants is here.

Step 1: Go the above link
Step 2: Click the Button on ‘here’
Step 3: Enter Referral Code (if available)
Step 4: Enter Student Name
Step 5: Enter Parent/Guardian Name
Step 6: Enter your details
Step 7: Click the Subject
Step 8: Click the Preview

Exam Pattern of CREST International Spell Bee Winter CSBW

The Exam Pattern of CREST International Spell Bee Winter CSBW are given below,
The exam consists of two sections:
Section-1: Spell Bee (55 minutes)
Section-2: Get, Set, Spell! (5 minutes) – Audio based questions. The student needs to hear the sentence and write the spelling asked

Exam Fee

1. Exam fee for each subject is Rs. 225 for students studying and enrolling from India.
2. For students studying and residing outside of India, the fee is $15 (US Dollars).

Awards of CREST International Spell Bee Winter CSBW

The Awards of CREST International Spell Bee Winter CSBW are given below,

Online Exam:
Awards for students appearing for CCO, CRO and CSBW, and for students of Grade 2 appearing in CEO, CSO and CMO exams:
**Overall Top 3 students globally each from Grades 2-10 for every subject appearing Online will be awarded with Achiever’s Trophy and Merit Certificate. The top 3 students will also receive Olympiad Success Gift Vouchers of INR 10,000 each.
**Top 3 students (registered through school) from every school with more than 25 students in a class appearing for an Online Olympiad exam will be awarded with a Merit Certificate. The top 3 students will also receive Olympiad Success Gift Vouchers of INR 1250, INR 1000 and INR 750, respectively.

Top 10% students will be awarded with a Medal and a Merit Certificate as follows:
**Gold Medal will be given to all students with 96 percentile and above, and to the students whose zonal rank is 10 or less
**Silver Medal will be given to all students with percentile 93 till 96
**Bronze Medal will be given to all students with percentile 90 till 93
**Top 25% students will be awarded with a Merit Certificate.
**Top 25%-50% students will be awarded with a ‘Honourable Mention’ digital certificate.
**Every participant will be awarded a digital participation certificate. This will be available in the dashboard of the participant.
**If a student meets 2 or more criteria, then he/she will qualify for a higher award.

Awards for students of Grades KG-1:
**As these exams are parent/teacher assisted, there would be no ranks given to the students. Although, the students who achieve 60% and more in the exam(s), will be awarded a Merit Certificate and Star Medal.
**For students appearing for CSB and who achieve 60% and more in the Level 1 exam, will qualify for Level 2. In Level 2 exam, the students who achieve 60% and more will be awarded a Merit Certificate and Star Medal.

Awards for students of Grades 3-10 appearing for CEO, CSO and CMO exams, and for students of Grades 2-8 appearing for CSB:
**Top 30% students of Grades 3-10 appearing for CEO, CSO and CMO Level 1 Online exams, and for students of Grades 2-8 appearing for CSB Level 1 Online exams will qualify for Online Level 2 Exams.
**Overall Top 3 students globally each from Grades 3-10 for CREST Olympiads and from Grades 2-8 for CSB appearing Online Level 2 Exam will be awarded with Achiever’s Trophy and Merit Certificate for each subject. The top 3 students will also receive Olympiad Success Gift Vouchers of INR 10,000 each.
**Top 3 students (registered through school) from every school with more than 25 students in a Grade appearing for an Online Olympiad exam will be awarded with a Merit Certificate. The top 3 students will also receive Olympiad Success Gift Vouchers of INR 1250, INR 1000 and INR 750, respectively.
**All Online students, who qualify for the Level 2 exam and in the Level 2 exam they secure marks which aren’t in the bottom 15%, will be awarded a Merit Certificate
**Gold Medal will be given to all students with percentile 96 and above and to the students whose zonal rank is 10 or less
**Silver Medal will be given to all students with percentile 93 till 96
**Bronze Medal will be given to all students with percentile 90 till 93
**Every participant will be awarded a digital participation certificate. This will be available in the dashboard of the participant.
**If a student meets 2 or more criteria, then he/she will qualify for a higher award.

Offline (Pen and Paper) Exam:
Awards for students of Grades 2-10:
**Overall Top 3 students globally each from Grades 2-10 appearing Offline will be awarded with Achiever’s Trophy and Merit Certificate for each subject. The top 3 students will also receive Olympiad Success Gift Vouchers of INR 10,000 each.
**Top 3 students (registered through school) from every school with more than 25 students in a Grade appearing for an Olympiad exam will be awarded with a Merit Certificate. The top 3 students will also receive Olympiad Success Gift Vouchers of INR 1250, INR 1000 and INR 750, respectively.

Top 10% students will be awarded with a Medal and a Merit Certificate as follows:
**Gold Medal will be given to all students with 96 percentile and above, and to the students whose zonal rank is 10 or less
**Silver Medal will be given to all students with percentile 93 till 96
**Bronze Medal will be given to all students with percentile 90 till 93
**Top 25% students will be awarded with a Merit Certificate.
**Top 25%-50% students will be awarded with a ‘Honourable Mention’ certificate.
**Every participant will be awarded a digital participation certificate. This will be available in the dashboard of the participant.
**If a student meets 2 or more criteria, then he/she will qualify for a higher award.

What are the Important Dates of CREST International Spell Bee Winter?

The Important Dates of CREST International Spell Bee Winter CSBW are,

Exam Level Exam Date Answer Key Dates
Practice 2 20th Dec 2022 22nd Dec 2022 till 23rd Dec 2022
Level 1 3rd Jan 2023, 7th Feb 2023 10th Feb 2023 till 11th Feb 2023

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