Mobile 2015 Competition : Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

Organization : Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
Competition Name : Mobile 2015 Competition
Applicable Status : All India
Application Date : 24th July 2015 (09:00 AM to 06:00 PM)

Application Last Date : 20.07.2015

Website :

About Competition :
** With the recent advancement in information and communication technologies, mobile phones have become ubiquitous computing devices enabling people to use them not only for voice communication but also for navigation, checking emails and also access social networking sites.
** Mobile phones provide a unique opportunity to reach billion Indians enabling them to ride on broadband and access government services.
** Mobile applications (apps) can play an important role in delivering citizen services anywhere and anytime.
** Large chunks of Indian population are unable to use existing mobile apps because they are not in their own language.
** Localised mobile apps can empower citizens especially rural masses to access public services using their mobile phones in their native language.
** Mobile Apps in Indian Languages(MOBILE-2015) competition cum 1-Day national workshop offers a great opportunity for all to think out of the box in delivering socially relevant information through mobile apps.
** MOBILE-2015 is organized as part of C-DAC’s E-Governance initiative in the field of “Mobile Apps in Indian Languages”.
** This event is being organized in 2 phases namely Phase1-Conceptualization and Phase2 – Implementation followed by conducting 1-Day National workshop.

Venue: Seminar Hall, School of IT, JNTU Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana

Benefits :
** MOBILE-2015 provides an unique opportunity to prove computing skills in developing localized mobile apps in Indian languages useful for the society
** Participation certificates would be given for all registered participants
** Top 3 mobile apps selected during mobile apps competition will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes
** Registered teams who have submitted their prototype application during Phase-I can also participate in the National Level 1-Day Workshop on Mobile Apps in Indian Languages to be held on July 24, 2015 in Hyderabad.

Registration Fee :
** Mobile Apps Competition cum 1-Day Workshop
** Teams comprising of 1 to 3 students(minimum of 1 and maximum of 3 members) can participate in mobile apps competition cum 1-Day workshop by paying required registration fee of Rs 500/-(five hundred rupees). One person can register on behalf of their team.
** 1-Day Workshop
** Any individual who want to participate only in the workshop with out participating in mobile apps competition can also register by paying required registration fee of Rs 500/-(five hundred rupees).

Eligibility :
** Anyone who have completed OR pursuing either graduation or post-graduation in any discipline can participate

Workshop Topics :
** Mobile Platforms
** Android Programming
** Best Practices
** Standards & Guidelines
** Mobile App Localization
** Mobile Security
** Case Studies etc

Technical Requirements :
Applications built must be for ANDROID platform only
I. Phase 1 –
** Conceptualization of Ideas
** Short description (350 words max) about proposed mobile app and its usefulness to the common man should be submitted
II. Phase 2 – Implementation of Mobile Apps
** Following details are required for submitted prototype mobile application
** Application installation files (for example, “.apk” file)
** Application source code (to be zipped)
** A README file listing all the files including images, audio, video files etc. The tools used with the version number for mobile application development is to be clearly mentioned. A brief presentation describing salient features of the application is recommended.
** Sources of contents used (if any) should be clearly mentioned in the README file.
** Duly signed consent form is to be enclosed
Note:- Standard coding practices should be followed while developing the application.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 12:15 PM

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