DREAM City Surat Logo Contest 2022 : mysurat.in

Organisation : Diamond Research And Mercantile DREAM City Limited & Surat Municipal Corporation.
Contest Name : DREAM City Logo Contest 2022
Applicable For : Residents of India
Last Date : 12th August, 2022
Website : https://mysurat.in/

What is Surat DREAM City Logo Contest?

Surat DREAM City Logo Contest is organised by Surat Municipal Corporation. Only Indian Nationals are eligible for this Competition.The logo should be reflective of the futuristic characteristics of DREAM City Limited (Diamond Research And Mercantile City Limited) in terms of Innovation and Entrepreneurial eco system development. It should represent DREAM City, Surat globally keeping in mind following. The Last date for the submission of entries is August 12, 2022.

How To Participate DREAM City Logo Contest?

To Participate DREAM City Logo Contest, Follow the steps are given below
Step 1: Go to the link http://www.dreamcitysurat.in/
Step 2: Click on Click here to participate
Step 3: Click on Proceed to Competition
Step 4: Fill the Form
Step 5: Click on Next

Eligibility of DREAM City Logo Contest

**Only Indian Nationals are eligible for this Competition.
**Individual person, Individual group of peoples, groups, experts, design companies, professionals etc. are eligible.

Design Consideration of DREAM City Logo Contest

**The logo should be reflective of the futuristic characteristics of DREAM City Limited (Diamond Research And Mercantile City Limited) in terms of Innovation and Entrepreneurial eco system development. It should represent DREAM City, Surat globally keeping in mind following:
**Diamond Research and Mercantile (DREAM) City endeavours to provide a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs of diamond traders across the world to achieve new horizons in global economy, It aspires for a centralised diamond trading hub on the new level of business and carriers generated in the economy whilst maintaining Surat’s Dominance in Diamond, Commercial as well as Residential real estate industry.”
**Logo artwork should be at least 2 inches long along the smallest side.
**Logo should be submitted in jpeg format. Atleast three versions of each entry should be submitted in viz:
I. Color Copy
II. Black on White background
III. White on Black Background

Logo & Rationale

** Logo must be submitted with the rationale of the design.
**Artwork: Entries must be submitted in jpeg format with transparent background.
**Rationale: A maximum of 1000 words in English to describe the concept, theme and symbolic elements.
**All logo design must be adaptable onto any form/surface of DREAM City, Surat publicity materials, including but not limited to, DREAM City, Surat websites, banners, letterheads, flyers, poster, etc.

Submission Details of DREAM City Logo Contest

The submission must contain
JPEG file of the logo in 1) Color, 2)Black on White and 3) White on Black version
Page-1 **Personal Details
Page-2 **Logo & Rationale

Selection Process of DREAM City Logo Contest

**The best winner shall be chosen on the basis of design consideration mentioned in the point no. 4 of Terms & Conditions for this logo competition.
**The decision of management team of DREAM City, Surat for selecting the winner shall be treated as final & binding to all the participants.

Prizes of DREAM City Logo Contest

**The prize money for winner is INR 50,000/**(One prize only). [Note: Necessary tax deductions will be made as per the prevailing taxation rules from the prize money. Payment will be made by cheque/NEFT.]
**The winner will be announced on DREAM City, Surat website
**The winning entry (including participant’s details, photograph) will be showcased on DREAM City, Surat and Surat Municipal Corporation website.
** No plagiarism shall be allowed and logo shall not use any material (Photograph, icon, symbol, image etc.) that is copyright protected.
** The responsibility to comply with the guidelines and other conditions fully lies with the participant/participants and DREAM City, Surat shall not be liable for any dispute raised by a third party.
** Entry not complete in any respect or not meeting the terms and condition of the competition will be rejected without assigning any reason thereof.
** Participant/s should not imprint or watermark logo design.
** DREAM City, Surat shall have the right to use, print or reproduce the prize winning logo or any submitted logo in any form it deems fit.
** DREAM City, Surat reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the competition and/or the terms/condition without notice.
** The winner has to submit the required proofs prior to claim the prize money to DREAM City, Surat.
** Employees at DREAM City, Surat and their immediate family members will not be eligible to participate in this competition.
** Entries with incomplete profiles would not be considered.

What is the last date of DREAM City Logo Contest?

The last date of DREAM City Logo Contest is 12th August, 2022.

This post was last modified on December 31, 2022 11:26 AM

Categories: Design/Logo
Tags: mysurat.in
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