MyGov Suggest a Slogan for Centre for High Technology (CHT) Contest 2022

Organisation : Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, MyGov
Contest Name : Suggest a Slogan for Centre for High Technology (CHT) Contest 2022
Applicable For : Residents of India
Start Date : 13th July, 2022
Last Date : 26th July, 2022
Website :

What is MyGov Suggest a Slogan for CHT Contest?

Suggest a Slogan for Centre for High Technology (CHT) Contest is organised by Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, MyGov. Entries once submitted cannot be withdrawn. Participants can only enter the competition once. Multiple entries from the same participant will not be accepted and considered.The Prize money for the winner is – Rs.5000 /- (Five Thousand only). The winning entry (including the participant’s details, and photograph) will be showcased on the Centre for High Technology website as and when hosted. The last date of Submission is 26th July 2022.

Related / Similar Contest : MyGov Cyber Crime Awareness Tagline Contest 2022

How To Enter MyGov Suggest a Slogan for CHT Contest?

To Enter MyGov Suggest a Slogan for CHT Contest, Follow the steps given below
Step 1: Go to the above link.
Step 2: Click on Login to participate.
Step 3: Log In to your MyGov account
Step 4: Fill the form & Submit.

Prize of CHT Contest

The Prize of CHT Contest are given below,
** The Prize money for the winner is – Rs.5000 /- (Five Thousand only).
** The winning entry (including the participant’s details, and photograph) will be showcased on the Centre for High Technology website as and when hosted.

Terms & Conditions of CHT Contest

The Terms & Conditions of CHT Contest are given below,
1. The following terms and conditions henceforth shall be governed by Indian laws and the
judgements of the Indian judicial system.
2. Entries once submitted cannot be withdrawn.
3. Participants will be required to provide their name, email address, telephone number, and
additional details as required by the entry form. By submitting their details and
participating in the , participants give consent to the MyGov platform and CHT to use
this information as required to facilitate the conduct of the competition, which may
include confirmation of participant details, the announcement of winners, and
disbursement of awards.
4. Participants can only enter the competition once. Multiple entries from the same
participant will not be accepted and considered.
5. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, organisers reserve the right to amend the terms
and conditions of the competition at any time or cancel the competition as considered
6. The organisers reserve the right to disqualify participants, refuse entry, or discard entries
if such instances or participation is considered to be detrimental to the competition, or
organisers. Additionally, any entry will be considered void if the information submitted is
illegible, incomplete, false, or erroneous.
7. Organizers will not accept any responsibility for entries that are lost, are late, incomplete
or have not been transmitted due to computer error or any other error beyond the
organizer’s reasonable control.

What are the impotant date for CHT Contest?

The impotant date for Design a Logo for Centre for High Technology (CHT) Contest are given below,
Start Date : 13th July, 2022
Last Date : 26th July, 2022

This post was last modified on July 25, 2022 10:37 AM

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