Britannia Khao Film Fare Jao Contest 2015

Organization : Britannia Industries Ltd
Competition Name : Britannia Khao Film Fare Jao Contest 2015
Applicable For : Residents of India

Website :

Khao Film Fare Jao Contest :

(i) These terms and conditions apply to the Britannia Industries Ltd.’s “BRITANNIA KHAO FILM FARE JAO CONTEST 2015” programme for consumers (here in after referred to as “Contest”) sponsored and launched by Britannia Industries Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “BIL”).

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The consumers can participate in the contest by giving a MISSED CALL to 8767116711 or by logging into & following instructions, simultaneously with buying any of the Britannia Product.

(ii) The contest is valid from 11th December 2015 to 10th January 2016 for 30 days (herein after referred as “Contest Period”). During the Contest Period winners will be selected / shortlisted on a weekly basis and WEEKLY PRIZES will be awarded to ten (10) winners, and each winner will be eligible to attend the Filmfare Award function (hereinafter referred to as “Filmfare Award”) along with one companion after he/she fulfills the necessary requirements mentioned herein further.

(iii) The Contest is subject to all applicable central, state and local laws and regulations in India.
(iv) Consumers participating or seeking to participate in the Contest shall individually be referred to as “Participant ” and collectively as “Participants”.

Agreement to Terms and Conditions:
(i) By participating in this Contest through the Missed Call route or online route, Participants fully and unconditionally agree to and accept these Terms and Conditions available on (“ContestWebsite”) as well as the decisions of BIL, which shall be final and binding in all matters related to the Contest. Successfully entering the Contest and winning a prize is subject to all requirements set forth herein.

(ii) BIL reserves the right to exclude any person from the contest on grounds of misconduct or criminal record.
(iii) BIL reserves the right to terminate, modify or extend the Contest and/or the terms and conditions, at any time at its absolute discretion, without any notice and / or assigning any reason. All decisions of BIL in respect of the Contest and the prizes therein shall be final and binding.

Eligibility :
(i) This Contest will be open to residents of India with the exception of agents, distributors, retailers and any other channel partner of BIL
(ii) People below 18 years duly represented and accompanied through their parent or legal guardian (who is above 18 years of age) shall also be allowed to participate by providing the necessary documentation on behalf of the minor. In such a case, the parent or legal guardian of the minor may redeem the prize at his / her own cost and shall execute the documents as required.
(iii) In order to be eligible for the weekly prizes, all shortlisted Participants will be required to have valid mobile number and postal address and any of the Photo Identity Proof mentioned in Clause (VII) of Contacting Winners along with the BIL’s product original wrapper.
(iv) BIL or its Agency will not be responsible for any NDNC (National Do Not Call) Registry regulation that will come into play. All Participants who participate will agree as per the terms and conditions that even if they are registered under NDNC, DND (Do Not Disturb), BIL or its Agency will have all the authority to call such shortlisted Participants by virtue of them having voluntarily participated in the Contest.

Contest Period and Timings :
(i) The Contest will commence on 11th December 2015 midnight and will end on 10th January 2016 midnight.
(ii) The Participants can make an entry any time during the Contest Period but the winner generation will be on a WEEKLY basis from the entries received from 12.00 Friday (11thDecember 2015) to Sunday (10th January 2016) 23.59.59here in after referred as “Contest Timings”.
(iii) Time of participation will be defined as the time at which the entry is received through Missed Call or online mode of participation, as per Agency’s Server.
(iv) Entries coming outside the Contest Timings i.e. any time after midnight of 8thJanuary 2016 shall not be considered for winner selection and no communication in this regard shall be entertained.

Number of Winners and Prizes :
(i) There shall be total 40 Winners for this Contest.
(ii) Each shortlisted winner will be eligible to win an Entry Pass for 2 people for the Filmfare Awards happening at Mumbai.
(iii) 10 Winners will be announced end of every week during the Contest period.
(iv) Winners will be chosen / shortlisted through a computerized random selection by BIL or the Agency appointed by BIL.
(v) Details on the Winner Selection are mentioned under the Clause of Winner Selection.
(vi) Travel (Pick up and drop arrangements in Mumbai) and stay (as per the requirement)will be organized by Britannia or its agency. The winner shall adhere to the same and not demand for change of the arrangements made.

How to Apply:

To participate in the Contest, consumers need to buy any of the Britannia Product and give a Missed Call to 8767116711 or log on to the Contest website and follow the instruction to complete the participation:

Missed Call route for ROI:
(i) As a first step, Participants are required to give a Missed Call to 8767116711 from any GSM or CDMA mobile phone.
(ii) Once a Participant gives a Missed Callto8767116711, in response to that Missed Call, the Participant will receive an SMS with respect to the contest.
(iii) All Missed Call entries will be validated; however the Participant will stand a chance to be declared as a winner of that week subject to further scrutiny/verification to be done by the Agency Appointed by BIL as mentioned below.
(iv) Due to technical or non-technical reasons, in case the Missed Call is not considered as an entry for participation; the Agency or BIL will not be liable for the same.
(v) If the Missed Call is sent from a Landline in India/or any landline or mobile number outside India the Missed Call shall not be treated as a valid entry and/or the Participant will not get SMS confirming entry.

SMS route for TN
(i) As a first step, Participants are required to give a Missed Call to 8767116711 from any GSM or CDMA mobile phone.
(ii) After Participants gives a Missed Call to 8767116711 to during the Contest Period they will get a question to answer via an SMS response.
(iii) Participants will be required to send SMS in the following format: FILMFARE followed by their answer to 8767116711 to complete participation.
(iv) After sending the answer by SMS, Participant will get SMS with respect to the Contest.
(vi) All SMS entries will be validated; however the Participant will stand a chance to be declared as a winner of that week subject to further scrutiny/verification to be done by the Agency Appointed by BIL as mentioned below.
(vii) Due to technical or non-technical reasons, in case the SMS is not considered as an entry for participation; the Agency or BIL will not be liable for the same.
(viii) If the SMS is sent from a Landline in India/or any landline or mobile number outside India the Missed Call shall not be treated as a valid entry and/or the Participant will not get SMS confirming entry.

The participant shall have to pay standard SMS charges as per the mobile plan he/she subscribed to their respective telecom service providers for sending the SMS to 8767116711.

BIL and the Partner Agency shall not be responsible for (including but not limited to):
** For any SPAM generated messages
** For the Operator Code not being displayed on the user’s mobile phones
** For any SMS message delivery failures
** Any lost, late or misdirected computer transmission or network, electronic failures or any kind of any failure to receive entries owing to transmission failures or due to any technical reason
** If the participant has registered himself to the DND of the telecom provider/ the participant has registered with National Do Not Call Registry/ Participant has specifically requested for not receiving messages for the specific campaign
** Other conditions beyond its reasonable control

Online route for ROI:
(i) As a first step, Participants are required to log on to the Contest website and follow the instructions on the website to complete participation.
(ii) Participants will be required to enter their mobile number and City in the format mentioned online.
(iii) There will be no charges for entries made online other than the charge to respective Internet Service Providers for the internet usage.
(iv) If the Participant logs on to the website after completion of the contest Period, the Participant will be informed that the Contest Period is over and therefore no entries can be accepted.

Online route for Tamil Nadu:
(i) Participants can log on to and follow instructions on the website to participate in the Contest.
(ii) Participants will be required to enter their mobile number and also answer a simple question in the format mentioned online to complete the participation.
(iii) There will be no charges for entries made online other than the charge to respective Internet Service Providers for the internet usage.
(iv) If the Participant logs on to the website after completion of the contest Period, the Participant will be informed that the Contest Period is over and therefore no entries can be accepted.

All Online entries will be validated; however the Participant will stand a chance to be declared as a winner of that week subject to further scrutiny/verification to be done by the Agency Appointed by BIL as mentioned below.

This post was last modified on June 23, 2021 12:06 PM

Categories: Product/Slogan

View Comments (5)

  • I had given missed call to participate and I received just one message that is "Thank you". I did not get any question to answer.

    • Dear Bhawana, here there will be no Q&A like contest. All you have to do is that you have to buy a pack of Britannia biscuit and keep the wrapper with you. If you are selected, they will contact you & may ask to produce the wrapper which you brought. I hope this has ended your confusion.

    • I think you might have to wait it out at least 24 hours. I am only guessing here.

      The consumers can participate in the contest by giving a MISSED CALL to 8767116711 or by logging into & following instructions, simultaneously with buying any of the Britannia Product. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map