Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Promo Contest 2023 :

Organisation : Perfetti Van Melle India Private Limited
Contest Name : Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Promo Contest 2023
Applicable For : Residents/Citizen of India
Last Date : 31st October 2023
Website : centerfresh [dot] in

What is Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Promo Contest?

Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Promo Contest is being organized by Perfetti Van Melle India Private Limited.’ Anyone who is a resident citizen of India can participate in this contest.There will be two Winners selected in the Contest.The winner of the Contest will be featured on the cover of the digital magazine cover for Filmfare with a celebrity influencer. This Contest is valid pan India. Last date of contest is 31st October 2023.

Related / Similar Contest : MRF Tyres Super Fan Contest 2023

Eligibility of Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Promo Contest

The Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Promo Contest is open to anyone who is:
** a resident citizen of India, and
** 18 years of age or above on the date of their Entry and submit their Entry for the Contest during the Contest Period and
** Participant shall have a valid public Instagram account in order to participate in this Contest.

How To Participate in the Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Contest?

A person desirous of participating in this Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Promo Contest can do so in the following manner:
1. Scanning QR code on the Product pack, which will lead the user to a micro site and share their requisite information;
2. Designing their own digital face tattoo using digital filter on Instagram; and
3. Sharing their picture on Instagram stories by tagging @Centerfresh_India. and keeping their profile open so it can be viewed by Organizer/Agency

** The Entry must be original and shall be of the account owner/handler/holder.
** All Entries on Instagram should include the mandatory hashtag and handle tags.
** All entries shall be in accordance with this Terms.

** The Participant undertakes that the Entry Photo does not feature any other person other than the account holder, brands or logo/trademark/any other identifying feature etc. of such brand or any other prominent brand per se of any third party including but not limited to any competitive brands of the Organizer.
** The Participant also undertakes that the Entry Photo does not contain any content that infringes or may infringe any third-party rights, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, privacy rights, publicity rights, proprietary rights of any individual or groups.

Prizes of Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Promo Contest

The winner(s) of the Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Promo Contest will be featured on the cover of the digital magazine cover for Filmfare with a celebrity influencer

Winner Selection of Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Contest

** There will be two Winners selected in the Contest.
** Winner Selection Entries will be judged by a panel of judges chosen by the Organizer in its sole discretion
** All the entries will be judged by the Judges under the supervision of the
** Organizer based on the photographic skills of the Participants.
** The winning entries will be judged and selected within 90 days from the end of the Contest Period.
** All Judges’ decisions are final and binding in all matters relating to this Contest.

Winner Notification of Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Contest

** The Organizer will notify the Winner(s) by reaching out to them through their Instagram account DM within 90 (Ninety) days following end of contest period and the Winners will be required to submit data that includes full name, home address, an active phone/mobile number, and personal identity number.
** In case the Participant is younger than 18 years old, the Organizer will request the Winner to provide the written parental authorization.
** If the Winners cannot be contacted or not provide any confirmation within 3 (three) days to the Organizer after having been informed, such Winner will be considered void without notification and the Prizes will be transferred to other Participants who fits the winner qualifications/or were selected as substitutes.

What is the Last Date of Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Contest?

Center Fresh Digital Tattoo Promo Contest begins on 1st September 2023 at 12:00 AM and ends on 31st October 2023 at 11:59 pm (Last Date)

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