VVM Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan 2023-24 Talent Search Examination

Organization : National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
Competition Name : Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) 2023-24 Talent Search Examination
Applicable For : Students of classes VI to XI
Registration Last Date : 25 September 2023
Exam Date : 29th October or 30th.October,2023.
Website : http://vvm.org.in/

What is VVM Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan 2023 Talent Search Exam?

Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) is an initiative of Vijnana Bharati (VIBHA), in collaboration with National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), an institution under the Ministry of Education, Government of India and National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India.

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VVM is a national program for popularizing science among school students of standard VI to XI, conceptualised to identify bright minds with a scientific aptitude from the student community.

How to Register Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan Talent Search Exam?

The mode of registration will also be online.
(A) Individual Student Registration:
** We are open for individual registration.
** The student will enter details like Name, DOB, Create Password, Class, School Name, Address, District, State etc. and then the entered data will be verified by VVM admin by sending OTP’s on registered Mobile Number and Email Id respectively. Both the OTP’s will be different and required to be entered for completion of verification process.
** Now students will be provided with an option to make the online payment after logging into the website. They can select from options of payment according to their ease using the payment gateway.
** After completion of registration process the student will be provided with a unique username (on registered email id) and password (encrypted format).
** Date for the examination will be pre-selected (either 29th October, 202 or 30th October, 2023 ) and students will not be allowed to make any changes in the same. Student has to arrange for a device with good internet connectivity on the pre-selected date and time of examination.
** Students can give exam only once, either on 29th October, 2023 (non-working day) or on 30th October, 2023 (working day).
** The students registered through this category will be considered for evaluation based on their school address mentioned during the registration.
** The student must also specify the details of the device (as the App for each device varies) from which he is planning to take the exam in order to download the VVM Exam App compatible with his/her device.
** Student can confirm the details displayed or change the device by providing the details of the device from which he will be taking the exam.

(B) School/Institute and Student Registration:
We encourage bulk registration through the school/institute. To register under school/institute category, a minimum 10 students per class have to be registered.
STEP – I: Appointment of School/Institute Exam Coordinator
The School/Institute Principal/authority needs to appoint the School/Institute exam coordinator and he/she will register the school/institute and the students as per STEP-II and STEP-III.

STEP – II: Registration of School/Institute
** Enter the details of the school like School/Institute Name, School/Institute Address, Name of the Principal, Name of the Exam Coordinator, Mobile Number, Email Id etc. This information will be displayed as school/institute profile on the VVM website.
** The entered data will be verified by VVM admin by sending OTP’s on registered Mobile Number and Email Id respectively. Both the OTP’s will be different and required to be entered for completion of verification process.
** After completion of verification the school/institute will be provided with a unique identification number, username and password.
** The exam coordinator will now be able to register students who wish to take up the VVM online exam after logging to the website.
** After completion of verification the school/institute will be provided with a Unique Code, visible after logging in their dashboard which can be distributed to students.

STEP – III: Registration of Students from School/Institute
** Exam coordinator can ask the students of his/her school/institute (who wish to take up the VVM online exam) to register in individual student category and complete the registration by paying a fee of ₹200/-. Once they are provided with login credentials, they will be able to enter the Unique Referral Code in their dashboard after logging into their account. As soon as the students will enter the Unique Referral Code in their dashboard, they will be automatically added to school dashboard.

The exam coordinator has two other options to register the students:
Online – One by one online entry of the student details.
Offline – The coordinator enters minimal details like Name of the student, Class, Gender, Email ID, Phone No. etc. in the prescribed excel format provided for this purpose. It will be an offline process, because, editable excel file (no changes in the format of file will be acceptable) is provided for data entry.

** This information will be reflected on the website as student profile.
** After completion of the entries the data can be uploaded online partially or completely. If the uploading or data submission is successful he/she will be directed towards the payment page automatically.
** After the successful submission of exam fee the exam coordinator will be provided with each student’s username and password via email and these details will also be available on school profile page. He/she will be required to distribute the same to respective students. The login credentials of students will not function till the fee payment status is updated.
** After that the job of exam coordinator is complete unless/until modification of student’s details is needed!

STEP – IV: Creation of Student Profile
** After first time login, students will be required to update/change their password (mandatory).
** The student can complete their profile after logging into the website. In the student profile page, the details of the student like Student Name, DoB, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name, Residential address etc. need to be uploaded.
** Date for the examination will be pre-selected and students will not be allowed to make any further changes in the same. Student has to arrange for a device with good internet connectivity on the pre-selected date and time of examination.
** The student must also specify the details of the device (as the Apps for each device varies) from which he is planning to take the exam in order to download the VVM Exam App compatible with his/her device.
** Student can confirm the details displayed or change the device by providing the details of the device from which he will be taking the exam. The details of all the students registered from that school/institute will be accessible from the school/institute login. The authority to modify a student’s profile rests only with the Principal or School/Institute Exam Coordinator.

Important Dates of Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan

Upload of VVM Study Material 16th August, 2023
Mock Tests 01st October, 2023 onwards
Date of Examination (Login any day) Sunday, 29th October, 2023, 30 th October, 2023
Time of Examination 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM (90 minutes) Students will be able to log in only once.
Declaration of Result 10th November, 2023
One or Two-day State Camp 26thNovember 2023, 03rd, 10th & 17th December, 2023 (any one day)
Two-day National Camp 18th & 19th May, 2024

This post was last modified on August 23, 2024 3:27 PM

Categories: Talent Search Exam
Tags: vvm.org.in
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