LIMA Mediation Essay Writing Competition 2023 : Lloyd Law College

Organization : Lloyd Law College
Competition Name : LIMA Mediation Essay Writing Competition 2023
Applicable States/UTs : All India
Last Date of submission : 27.09.2023
Website :

What is LIMA Mediation Essay Writing Competition?

LIMA Mediation Essay Writing Competition aims to promote the development of legal writing skills and encourage in-depth analysis of the connection between Mediation, Insolvency & Bankruptcy. Through exploring this dynamic relationship, participants have the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of dispute resolution methods and the restructuring of financially troubled entities.

Topic & Format of Essay Writing Competition

Topic: ” The Interplay between Mediation, Insolvency & Bankruptcy”
** Participants must adhere to the specified word limit of 1200-1500 words.
** The article and extract should be written in 12 pt Times New Roman font with a 1-inch margin on all sides, 1.5 paragraph spacing, and a footer numbering pages as “page x of y”.
** The article should be submitted along with the title page. The title page should have the following details: article title, author’s name, contact particulars, and email id for future correspondence.
** Essays should be submitted in a PDF and Word document format.

Submission of Essay Writing Competition

** Each participant is allowed one submission only.
** Participants must submit their essays via email ( to the designated address provided by the organizing committee.
** The subject should be as follows “LIMA Mediation Essay Writing Competition” or submit through any other mode as suggested by the OC.
** Late submissions will not be accepted.
** The last Date of submission of the Essay: 27th September 2023, 11:59 p.m. IST.

Originality and Plagiarism :
** All essays must be original and written solely by the participants.
** Plagiarism of more than 10%, will result in immediate disqualification.
** The ideas and arguments presented in the essay should be unique and not copied from any external sources without proper attribution.
** Participants should avoid submitting essays that have been previously published or submitted for other competitions.
** The organizing committee shall use plagiarism detection software (Turnitin) to check the originality of the essays.

Endnotes and References :
** Every submission should have endnotes.
** Endnotes should be used rather than footnotes. Authors should not use supra, infra, or ibid and should give full reference of the citation/ authority/ reference, etc. wherever applicable according to the Bluebook style.
** Avoid extensive endnotes or extensive quotations. Reference or paraphrasing of thoughts and ideas from standard works are acceptable without quotations, provided they are duly acknowledged in footnotes or otherwise as may be suitable.

Registration of Essay Writing Competition

1. The last date of Registration is 23rd September 2023.
2. Students at Lloyd Law College and Lloyd School of Law are exempted from paying the registration fee.
3. The Registration fee for outside Lloyd – Rs 250.
4. The Registration Fees for International students – 6 USD
5. The last Date of submission of the Essay: 27th September, 11:59 p.m.
6. Payment link will be provided soon.
Registration form:

Awards of LIMA Mediation Essay Writing Competition

** The winner of the competition will be awarded a cash prize of Rs 3000 and an internship at the Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation, Delhi.
** The runner-up will be awarded a cash prize of Rs 2000 and an internship at the Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation, Delhi.
** The Top 5 Essays will be published in the LIMA newsletter.
** Certificate of Participation will be provided to all participants.

Rules and Regulations Download here :

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