Graphic Design Contest for Organ Donation 2023 : MOHAN Foundation

Organisation : MOHAN Foundation
Contest Name : Graphic Design Contest for Organ Donation 2023
Applicable For : Graphic Design Students and Professionals
Last Date : 30th September 2023
Website :

What is Graphic Design Contest MOHAN Foundation?

MOHAN Foundation welcomes you to a unique graphic design contest for organ donation – DESIGN FOR LIFE! This contest aims to raise awareness and promote the importance of organ donation through creative and visually appealing designs. Your task is to create a compelling graphic design that effectively communicates the significance of organ donation, encourages people to become organ donors, and dispels any misconceptions surrounding the topic.

Related / Similar Contest : FDDI Logo Design Competition 2023

MOHAN (Multi Organ Harvesting Aid Network) Foundation is an NGO that has been promoting Organ Donation since 25 years and it took up this cause at a time when no one had heard of it and it was considered a taboo topic. 25 years later, India continues to have one of the lowest organ donation rates in the world, mainly attributable to lack of awareness and myths surrounding Organ donation.

We invite all Students and Professionals of Graphic Design to participate in this Contest, put their creativity to use and help create powerful Artwork on Organ donation that can be used by the Foundation to motivate the public. Join us in our effort to normalize the conversation around organ donation, because Organ donation has the power of saving 8-9 lives and healing many others through donation of tissues such as eyes, skin, etc.

ELIGIBILITY : Graphic Design Students and Professionals

Guidelines For Graphic Design Contest

** The theme of your design should revolve around organ donation, emphasizing its life-saving impact and the need for individuals to register as organ donors.
** Incorporate symbols related to organ donation, such as hearts, hands, organ illustrations, or medical icons. Ensure that your design is clear, legible, and suitable for various mediums, including online platforms, print media, and merchandise.
** Your design should include a strong and impactful message about the importance of organ donation. This can be achieved through text, taglines, or a combination of visuals and words.
** Use colors that are visually appealing and convey the emotions of hope, compassion, and life. Feel free to experiment with color combinations but ensure that the text remains easily readable.
** Submit your design in a high-resolution digital format (JPEG, PNG, or PDF) that can be easily viewed and evaluated by the judges.
** Create original designs and avoid using copyrighted material without proper permission.
** Participants can submit multiple designs for consideration, but each entry must be unique and standalone.
** If you choose to include text in your design, ensure it is in a language that has broad accessibility and understanding.
** Send your design(s) via email to along with your name, registration number, contact information, and a brief description of your concept for the design.

Contest Announcement – June 17, 2023
Last date for Entry submission – Sep 30, 2023 (before midnight IST).
Entries submitted after the last date will not qualify.

Registration Fee:
Registration fee – Rs 500/-

Rules of Submission for the Graphic Design Contest

1. Contest participants must write a brief description (not more than 150 words) regarding the thought behind the artwork.
2. Artwork must be submitted in PNG/JPEG/JPG format.
3. Maximum file size: 10MB.
4. Digital artwork must have 300 DPI resolution. (The Aspect ratio 3:4).
5. Any artworks promoting violence, profanity, inappropriate content, racism, bullying or injustice will not be accepted and considered.
6. All entries to be submitted at campaigns[AT] along with the google drive link.

Prize of Graphic Design Contest

Qualifier Rounds
Round 1 Qualifiers will be announced on the MOHAN Foundation’s official Instagram page and their artwork will be posted. Top 10 Artworks that get maximum likes will qualify for the final Round 2.

In Round 2, Experts will be invited to judge the entries on following criteria –
Interpretation and clarity of theme.
Uniqueness and originality of depicted theme.
Quality of the artwork and overall design based on the theme.
What is the effect of the artwork? The impression it displays.

Winner Notification:
Round 1 Qualifiers and Round 2 Winners will be announced on the official Insta page of MOHAN Foundation.
Follow MOHAN Foundation’s Insta Page at
Efforts will be made to display the Winning Artwork at Public venues. The winners will be informed about the same.

Cash Awards :
First Prize – Rs 10,000/- with Award Certificate
Second and third Prizes – Rs 5,000/- each with Award Certificate
Participation Certificates for others
12 best entries will be used to create the 2024 calendar with a message on organ donation

This post was last modified on October 17, 2023 1:30 PM

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