Wildlife Week 2023 Photography Competition : BNHS EIACP

Organisation : BNHS-EIACP
Contest Name : Photography Competition : Wildlife Week 2023
Applicable For : Citizen of India
Last Date : October 8, 2023
Website :

What is BNHS Photography Competition?

Online Photography Competition Wildlife Week 2023 (2nd-8th October 2023) is organizing by BNHS-EIACP. This contest is open to all through online submission only. To participate, please fill up the Google form and submit your photographs. The winning entries will receive e-certificates and prizes. Last date of submission is October 8, 2023.

Related / Similar Contest : IBCA International Big Cat Photography Contest 2023

How to Participate in the Photography Competition?

1. The contest is open for all through online submission only. The photographs are to be submitted via the Google form ONLY.
2. The photographer or the agent or representative entering on their behalf, must be the copy right holder or have been authorized by the copyright holder to submit the pictures.
3. Images should be no larger than 5 MB and no smaller than 1 MB. Photos must be in JPEG format.
4. A person can submit up to 3 entries in total for this contest. Kindly rename the photograph with the ‘species name_category_photographer’s name’.

5. You are required to provide category for each image submitted. Categories to be chosen from are as follows:
I) Bird Portraits
II) Birds in Forest Habitat
III) Bird – Plant Relationship
IV) Birds in Urban Habitat

6. Pictures must not show the name of the photographer, agency or publication or any other information (these details can be included in the metadata of the pictures but must not be visible on the picture itself).

7. Copyright holders retain copyright of their work. For awarded pictures, copyright holders grant the BNHS unlimited non-exclusive use of high- resolution pictures for activities in all media, including social media, online and print, in relation to the contest, the exhibition, the yearbook, the public archive, and all promotional and educational activities for and under the auspices of the BNHS, without any remuneration being due.

8. All submitted photos must contain the original EXIF metadata information. However, there must be no border(s), logo(s), copyright marks, identifying marks, or any other visible references and/or marks on the image.

9. Only single exposure and single frame pictures will be accepted.
10. Basic editing, including color enhancement and cropping of the photo(s) is acceptable, provided any such editing does not affect the authenticity and/or genuineness of the photo(s).
11. Advanced editing used to create illusions, deceptions and/or manipulations, and the adding and removing of significant elements within the frame is prohibited.

12. Participants must provide file(s) as recorded by the camera for all images that proceed to the final stages of the contest. These file(s) will be requested through email. Failure to provide these files when requested will lead to the exclusion of the entry.

13. For all pictures except awarded pictures, copyright holders grant the BNHS non-exclusive use of pictures in a non-public archive for its educational and research activities, without any remuneration being due.

14. The copyright holders represent and warrant that submission of the pictures does not breach any law, and further that no third party can hold any claims or any objections regarding the rights granted to the BNHS. The copyright holders will hold the BNHS harmless of any claims from third parties related hereto.

15. Submissions will not be accepted once the deadline lapses.

16. Photos that portray or otherwise include inappropriate and/or offensive content, including provocative nudity, violence, human rights are strictly prohibited and will be immediately discarded.

Prizes of Photography Competition

The winning entries will receive e-certificates and prizes.

The judging panel shall assess and determine the winning photos. The results and the winners will be announced on the website. BNHS reserves the right to call for original JPEG or RAW files with unchanged EXIF for the purpose of authentication. An image maybe disregarded if this information cannot be provided.

What is the last date of Submit Photography Competition?

Last Date for Submission: 8th October 2023

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