Nissan Victory Roar Contest 2023 #VictoryRoar : victoryroar.nissan.in

Organisation : Nissan India
Contest Name : #VictoryRoar Victory Roar Contest 2023
Applicable For : Resident of India
Last Date : 12th November 2023
Website : https://victoryroar.nissan.in/home/tnc/

What is Nissan #VictoryRoar Victory Roar Contest?

Nissan India is organizing a Contest called “VICTORY ROAR” on its Nissan India website which will be held between October 04, 2023 – November 12, 2023 (During the SUPER 10 stage of ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023). The participant should be a resident of India. Predict A Winner To Win Match Tickets Daily. THREE MEGA PRIZE winners will also be announced for the overall TOURNAMENT.

Eligibility of Victory Roar Contest

** The participant should be a resident of India and above 18 years of age.
** The participant shall not be associated with Nissan India or any of its affiliates. Entries received from any of the ineligible participants shall be liable to be rejected at any stage.

How to Participate in the Victory Roar Contest?

** The contest will start on October 4, 2023 at 2 PM and end on November 12, 2023 at 2 PM

** For each match participants will have to follow the instructions on the Nissan India website and submit their entries to predict Winning team, Man of the Match, Total number of sixes and Total no. of wickets for each match. Entry will not be submitted, until all questions are answered.

** For each match, the contest will open 24 hours prior to the initially announced match timing by ICC. (Example – For match starting on October 5 at 2 PM, the contest will start on October 4 at 2 PM.)
** No entries would be registered after the start timing initially announced for the match by ICC. (Example – For match starting on October 5 at 2 PM, the contest entries will stop at 2 PM on October 5.)
** Each correct prediction will fetch the user 100 points for the correct answer.

** Participants will also have an option to submit the entry for predicting Winning Team by cheering/roaring the name of the Team they think will WIN in form of Audio OR Video as well. Participants would be awarded bonus points based on the volume intensity of their cheer/roar. This bonus point earned would be added to their overall tally of daily match points.

** The option to select the match winner as text (without Audio/Video) entry would also be there, but in case if participant chooses to submit his entry by selecting the team he thinks will win, manually, he won’t be entitled to get any bonus points available for Cheering or Roaring.

** Every participant will get 1 attempt during a match to submit audio/video entry for bonus points. In this case if the participant is unable to record anything he can still proceed and submit his entry by selecting the team he thinks will win, manually.

** The prediction for Man of the Match, Sixes and Wickets would be possible only via textual entry.
** For each match, One Winner will be chosen based on the total points earned against the right predictions.
** The participants can also refer their friends, family and relatives to gain upto 200 bonus points for the overall Tournament Score. For each successful referral, 20 points will be awarded (max 10 referrals allowed).
** For referring, participant will have to copy the reference URL and share with his contacts. Once the referred contacts participate in the contest, a successful referral would be considered, and 20 points will be given to the participant who referred.
** In case if there is a tie in score for any match, then the WINNER would be chosen based on time stamp at the time of submitting the entry. Whoever would have submitted the entry earlier between the tied score participants, would be declared the winner.

Prizes of Victory Roar Contest

** The winner for each match between October 5, 2023 – October 31, 2023 will be entitled to win One Match Ticket during the SUPER 10 stage of the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023.
** The winner for each match between November 1, 2023 – November 14, 2023 will be entitled to win One Exclusive ICC World Cup Merchandise during the SUPER 10 stage of the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023. The details of merchandise will be declared by Nissan India at a later stage.
** THREE MEGA PRIZE winners will also be announced for the overall TOURNAMENT (based on points accumulated throughout the contest).
** The Rank 1 winner with MAX accumulated points during the tournament will win One ticket to the FINALE of ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023.
** The Rank 2 and Rank 3 (based on accumulated points during the tournament) will win One ticket to the SEMI FINAL of ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023.
** Participants will be able to see Daily and Tournament leader board for all the matches, which will be updated on Nissan India website after every match.
** Decision of the judges of Nissan India shall be final & cannot be disputed.
** Winners for each match will be announced on Nissan India website on next day of every match and Final winner will be announced after end of SUPER 10 stage on November 13, 2023 on the Nissan India website itself.
** After announcement, the winners will be contacted by Nissan Call Center to confirm their Name and Location. They will have to share their ID proof and address proof with the Nissan India team, before they receive the prize.
** If the Winner cannot be contacted (maximum 10 attempts will be made) or do not claim the prize within 2 days of notification, the prize will be withdrawn from the winner and pick a replacement winner.
** Match tickets will be provided on the match day at the ground/pre-decided place in the match city. The ticket can be for any scheduled match and Winners will have no choice in selecting the match ticket or match city.

Categories: Cricket/Fans
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