Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon Run In Costume 2023 :

Organisation : Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon
Contest Name : Run In Costume 2023
Applicable For : must be registered for the Great Delhi Run at the Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon
Race Day : 15th October 2023
Website :

What is Run In Costume Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon?

Run In Costume is organized by Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon. This competition is open to all skill levels and accounts for presentation, showmanship, stage presence and the visible effort to hand make your own costume. This contest has pre-qualification rules and includes segments for both walk-ons. Race Day is 15th October 2023.

Related / Similar Contest : Bengaluru Midnight Marathon BMM 2023

Eligibility of Run In Costume

** You must be registered for the Great Delhi Run at the Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon
** Each contestant (individual or group) must have a marathon bib pinned to the front of their costume. Your bib number must be always clearly visible.
** When you sign up for this contest you agree to read and abide by all rules as posted. If you don’t, bad stuff happens, and we may have to disqualify you or worse. Let’s just avoid this hassle.
** We, and by ‘we’ I mean our Judges, Volunteers staff or really any Procam staff, reserve the right to refuse entry or participation to anyone for any reason. We also reserve the right not to explain it to you if you are being difficult.
** Participants can take part only in ONE of the two contest categories.

Contest Rules & Guidelines of Run In Costume

** Run In Costume is a clean environment. Severely offensive language and overt sexual humour is not cool. Be clever, not crass. Judgment on the appropriateness of material is left to the discretion of our judges and Procam staff.
** Body-paint costumes are not eligible for craftsmanship. Nudity is not acceptable under any circumstance.
** No part of your cosplay or costume should be able to cause injury to someone who accidentally runs into you. Make sure all sharp edges and pointy bits have been capped, taped, or are appropriately dulled!
** Any signs or symbols that can be characterized as hate symbols or signs of discrimination cannot be displayed. This includes any symbol that is widely accepted as a symbol of oppression, hatred, or violence towards a specific group of people.
** Be respectful to other cosplay entrants, judges, and the volunteers. Unruly or disruptive behaviour at the event venue, during pre-judging, or during the contest is not permitted and entrants associated with this behaviour will be disqualified.
** Entrants must be able to enter and exit the stage quickly on their own. If your costume/prop is too big for you to get on and off the stage by yourself easily, you may bring a friend to assist you. Your friend must also be a Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon participant.
** Your costume and props must be able to pass metal detectors, baggage scanners and the scrutiny of our venue security personnel.
** No real weapons will be permitted as props. All props must pass the scrutiny of our security personnel.
** Each Individual and Group will have a maximum of 45 seconds to present their costume. No skits allowed.
** Only 2 microphones will be provided for your presentation.
** All government, state, city, and local laws/regulations must be adhered to in addition to the rules listed above. If you can’t wear it on the street or do it in public legally, you can’t do it at Run In Costume either.
** Decision of judge/s on the number of winners declared shall be final and binding on all.
** Post your presentation, make sure to take back everything that came with you, including yourself. This is not a dumping ground.

Judging Criteria of Run In Costume

You’ve worked hard on your costume, and now it’s time for the judges to critique it. Here’s what they’ll be looking for.

A. Craftsmanship – 40%
The judges will scrutinize the nitty-gritty of your costume’s creation, such as the fabric’s quality, stitching, and finish, as well as the structural materials used and how they were treated. They’ll also consider the level of detail and originality applied in crafting the decorations and trimmings.

Wigs, wig-styling, props, customized shoes, and makeup will also be taken into account. If you didn’t make your costume entirely by hand, your custom-made elements will be scored according to the above criteria, while the rest will be graded based on the effort you put into gathering appropriate parts and pieces.

B. Accuracy – 40%
The judges will be inspecting how faithful your costume, hair, makeup, and props are to the character you’re cosplaying as. The key things to look out for are dimensions, materials, textures, colours, and detailing.

C. Showmanship – 20%
The essence of cosplay is embodying your character as closely as possible, which includes your body movements, poses, and phrases. Those who stay in character will receive higher scores than those who don’t. If you present a skit, your performance will also be considered as part of your presentation.

How To Participate in the Run In Costume?

** Register for the Great Delhi Run at Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon and start planning your fantastic costume!
** Contestants need to register themselves at the Run In Costume registration table located near the Run In Costume stage, between 7.30 a.m. to 8.00 a.m. Refer to the venue map for the location.
** To register, you will need the name, mobile number, and PAN CARD number in who’s name the winners cheque will be filled out, so carry these details.
** Judging will be held from 8.45 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.
** Prize distribution will be held at 9.00 a.m. to 9.15 a.m.
** Finish the race in your costume. All runners participating in Run In Costume will have to line up at the Start Line at 9.25 a.m. for the Great Delhi Run and legally finish the course.

Contest Categories

Individuals: Three individual winners as 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be selected by the judges present.
Group: Three winning groups as 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be selected by the judges present. A contesting group needs to have a minimum of 5 members or more.

Awards of Run In Costume

Individual Contestants:
Position Cash Prize
1st ₹ 30,000
2nd ₹ 20,000
3rd ₹ 10,000

Group Contestants:
Position Cash Prize
1st ₹ 50,000
2nd ₹ 30,000
3rd ₹ 20,000

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 5:10 PM

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