Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon : Procam International Pvt Ltd

Organization : Procam International Pvt Ltd
Competition Name : Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon
Applicable Status : All India
Registration Open Date : Tuesday, 21st July 2015, 10 am IST

Website :

Related :
Procam International Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon 2016 :

Application Guidelines :

** Please go through all information mentioned in the application form prior to submitting your application. Confirmation of applications received will be subject to the Confirmation criteria, Entry Rules, and Application Guidelines given herein.

Registration close date : Saturday, 28th November 2015

** You may use a photocopy of the physical or a print of the downloadable version of form from the event website to send in your application.
** Only one applicant can apply for the Event using a single form.
** Applicants must submit their entries only via the Application Modes mentioned here . No individual/group has been authorised to collect entries on behalf of the Event.
** DHL Corporate Champions (a 42.195 km relay): DHL Corporate Champions is open only for registered companies/firms in existence for a minimum period of 1 year from the date of application.
** Each corporate can send up to 5 teams of 4 members in each team (only mixed teams allowed).
** Team members need to be permanent full time employees who have been in the company for a minimum of one year. Contractual/outsourced/trainees/interns/deputed employees and/or employees in probation period will NOT be allowed to participate.
** Procam reserves the right to ask for any documentation that may be required for verification and confirmation of the team at any point in time.
** Procam reserves the right to disqualify a corporate team and/or suspend results/prize money of a corporate team, in case any discrepancy is found in the application or in the documents submitted at any point in time.
** A corporate team cannot register for the DHL Corporate Champions online.
** Please go through DHL Corporate Champions rules and regulations and the prize money structure of this race category here before submitting your entry.

Documents required in DHL Corporate Champions:

** To field a team, a company needs to submit
** Individual application forms of the 4 runners with all mandatory details filled in.
** Attach the following documents to individual runner’s application form –
** Runner’s passport sized photograph (to be affixed on the form),
** Photocopy of runner’s Aadhar card or PAN card or passport along with a passport size photograph.
** Photocopy of runner’s employee ID card or appointment letter with respective form.
** Submit the forms and documents with a covering letter on company’s letter head, issued by its H.R. department, in the given format, along with a copy of company’s/firm’s PAN card.
** Where multiple teams are being fielded, each team needs to be submitted along with separate company covering letters giving details of respective teams.

Before sending in your application, please check the following :
** You have filled in details against all mandatory fields prefixed with ‘*’ in the application form;
** You have attached the documents required to confirm your entry based on the confirmation criteria (applicable for marathon/half marathon race category);
** Attached a copy of your latest passport sized photograph with your application;
** Attached a copy of your Govt. issued Photo ID proof, i.e. either Passport, Driving license, PAN Card or Aadhaar card;
** Enclosed the requisite application fees;
** Signed the ‘waiver’ in the form;
** If applying for the Dream Run or Champions with Disability, and where the applicant is below 18 years of age, the guardian too has signed the ‘waiver’ and written his/her relation with the applicant.
** Applicant meets the minimum age eligibility criteria for the chosen race category.

This post was last modified on February 20, 2021 12:40 PM

View Comments (2)

  • I am 13 years old. I want to participate in mumbai marathon. In which category can I participate?
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