Samagra Shiksha Kala Utsav 2023 National Level Competition : School Education Puducherry

Organisation : Directorate Of School Education Puducherry Samagra Shiksha
Contest Name : Kala Utsav 2023 – Block level, State level, National level Competitions
Applicable For : Students of classes 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th
Last Date : 14th November 2023
Website :

What is Kala Utsav National Level Competition?

Kala Utsav (2023-24) will be organised in the offline mode. The timeline for the entries, competitions and other specifications will be communicated to the concerned State authorities KVS/ NVS, required. Students of classes 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th of any Government, Government aided and recognized Private schools can participate in Kala Utsav 2023. Last Date of competition is 14.11.2023.

Related / Similar Contest : Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science Carol The King Competition 2023

Eligibility of Kala Utsav

The focus of Kala Utsav 2023 will be in any of the styles of traditional folk and classical art forms. Students of classes 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th of any Government, Government aided and recognized Private schools can participate in Kala Utsav 2023.

Private schools and schools of other central government organisations/local bodies (like Central Tibetan School administration, Demonstration Multipurpose Schools (DMS) of NCERT, Railways, BSF, CRPF, Army, Air Force, Cantonment Boards, NDMC, KGBV, Eklavya Schools etc.) located in the State/Union Territory will participate at the district and state level competitions, along with the other schools of the State/UT.

States/ UT have to ensure that all of there schools participate all district and state level. The KVS and NVS will hold competitions amongst the KVS and NVS and their winning teams will participate as two separate teams at the National Level. Thus, total teams participating in each of the 10 categories at the National Level will be 38 [36 States/UTs+ KVS+ NVS].

How to Participate in the Kala Utsav?

Each school can send two entries in each competition i.e one male and one female student. One student can participate in one art form only. Hence, a school can send a total of twenty entries only in the following arts.

The schools are divided into 6 Kala Utsav Blocks to enhance the opportunities for participation. The Kala Utsav Block are as follows:-

Mr. R. MANIVEL, Headmaster, Jawahar Bal Bhavan, Puducherry is nominated as the Nodal Officer for the conduct of Kalautsav-2023. The Heads of the Institutions are requested to send their entries in the format enclosed in the Annexure –III. The ADPCs of Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam are nominated as the coordinators for the Kala Utsav Block level competitions for their respective Blocks Level.

The ADPCs of Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam are requested to conduct the Kala Utsav Block level competitions in the stipulated time and the selected entries are to be sent for state level competitions in the format enclosed in the Annexure-III to the Nodal officer/ through official mail:ssapondy[AT] on or before 14.11.2023.

General Instructions of Kala Utsav

Instructions for Schools:
** In the Visual Art category (2D, 3D and Indigenous Toys and Games), pictures of the artwork should be also be provided along with the video film.
** The Kala Utsav backdrop with the name of programme, date and venue should be displayed at all competition venues ensuring its visibility in the video. School Name do not included in the backdrop.
** In Instrumental Music solo -Electronic or programmed musical instrument will not be allowed. Only indigenous musical instrument are allowed.
** In Vocal Music Solo- Professional and Commercial tracks are not allowed.
** In Visual Arts -The participants are free to use any medium and material of their choice but it should not be more than 24×30 inch (imparial Size).
** Video Formats – .mov/.mp4

** Textual Summary (Write up) – The textual summary of not more than 100 words, in Hindi or in English is to be submitted/uploaded with the entry. The summary is to be prepared by the participant himself/herself giving details about the selected art form, the place of its’ origin, communities involved, special occasions when the art form is practices, costumes, accompanying instruments, props, relation of the art form with the environment, style, techniques, materials, etc., The textual summary can be supported with photographs (maximum 5) of the participant in making of his/her art piece or of his/her performance, etc.
** Vocal/Instrumental Music/Dance– The duration of the performance will be 4-6 minutes.
** Drama (Solo Acting)- The duration of the performance will be 6-8 minutes.
** Video film-Duration of the video film can be between 3-5 minutes.

Awards of Kala Utsav

All the winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) will be awarded cash prize*, a trophy and medal. All participants will be given a certificate of National level participation. The cash awards in each art forms are as under:
* It would be pertinent to mention that the awarded cash prize would be digitally transferred to the account of State Education Department.
First prize : ` 25,000/-
Second prize : ` 20,000/-
Third prize : ` 15,000/-

Guideline and Submission form download here :

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